Prescription Drugs Addiction

Why do People Get Addicted to Prescription Drugs

Just like you, hundreds of people keep asking why people get addicted to prescription drugs. This is because the number of prescription drug addiction cases have risen considerably in the past few years. Reports around 2017 showed that around 22 percent of Canadians over the age of 15 have a prescription drug problem.

So, are you wondering just why this is happening? We’ve got you covered. In this post, we’ll discuss why people get addicted to prescription drugs. Then, we’ll also examine some symptoms of those addiction and their prevention.

What Are Prescription Drugs 

Prescription Drugs

Just before we get to the reason for the addiction, you’ll need to understand prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are those drugs that you get on the authority of a medical practitioner. 

So, when you go to the hospital and the doctor writes down some drugs that you should get — that’s a prescription drug.

You may be wondering what’s unique about them. The Food Drugs Act regulates them. In turn, you can only purchase these drugs with a doctor’s prescription. So, if you decide to walk into a pharmacy without one, you can’t buy it. 

Examples of these addictive prescription drugs include:

  • Opioids prescribed to treat pains such as drugs with oxycodone and hydrocodone.
  • Sedatives prescribed to assist patients to relieve sleep problems or anxiety such as drugs with alprazolam, diazepam, and zolpidem.
  • Stimulants prescribed to help patients who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) such as drugs with methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine.

What is Prescription Drug Addiction?

Usually, when you get a prescription, it also includes how to use the drug. Well, prescription drug abuse occurs where you use the drugs outside the instructions of the doctor. It also extends to cases where you use your friend’s prescription.

Although this is still mere abuse, it becomes an addiction when the use becomes compulsive. In such cases, you can’t help yourself. You keep using the drugs regardless of the adverse effects it has on your body. 

Why people get addicted to prescription drugs

Now, you must be wondering why people get addicted to prescription drugs. After all, it’s dangerous to the body. The standard process is where there is a prescription of an addictive drug. Then, after use, you get dependent on the drug. 

Typically, it can occur because the actual prescribed dosage turns out not to be so “impactful”. Then, you start to increase your dosage. In turn, a high level of tolerance and dependency emerges.

However, in some cases, it may be due to intense withdrawal symptoms. This occurs when you try to stop the drug after prolonged usage. Unfortunately, your body reacts, causing you to keep using it. 

Alternatively, it can occur outside a medical prescription. In such cases, you access these drugs from various sources. For instance, if you’re a teenager, you may access addictive prescription drugs from your parent’s cabinet. 

This choice is common for a variety of reasons. For example, you can use it to:

  • Get high or feel good.
  • Relieve tension or relax.
  • Increase alertness or reduce appetite.
  • Improve your concentration and performance during academic activities.

Note that in these cases, the drugs react with your brain and nerves. It then produces a pleasurable feeling that your body wants to keep experiencing. Unfortunately, your brain gets more accustomed to it with each use, and it becomes less satisfying.

However, your brain continues to demand the heightened pleasure you experienced earlier. Hence, to keep it up, you begin an uncontrollable usage, which becomes an addiction. Fortunately, you can get addiction treatment services to help you.

Symptoms of Prescription Drug Addiction

Symptoms of Prescription Drug Addiction

You may be in denial as to whether there’s a case of prescription drug addiction. Well, that’s why we’re here. 

Here are a few symptoms that you should watch out for. 

  • Stealing, selling or forging prescriptions.
  • Hostility or excessive mood swings.
  • Using a dosage higher than that actually prescribed.
  • Poor decision making.
  • Decrease or increase in sleep.
  • Continuous loss of medications and asking the doctor to write more or new prescriptions.
  • Obtaining prescriptions from multiple doctors.

However, you should know that the symptoms may depend on the addictive prescription drugs in use. Generally, you can associate the following symptoms with opioids.

  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Euphoria or feeling high
  • Drowsiness
  • Slow breathing rate
  • Poor coordination
  • Increased or worsened sensitivity to pain
  • More doses are required to relieve pain.

On the other hand, you can associate the following symptoms with sedatives.

  • Confusion
  • Drowsiness 
  • Unsteady walking
  • Poor concentration 
  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness 
  • Slowed breathing
  • Memory issues.

Finally, you can associate the following symptoms of prescription drug addiction with stimulants.

  • Increased alertness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Euphoria
  • High blood pressure 
  • Reduced appetite 
  • High body temperature
  • Anxiety 
  • Agitation 
  • Insomnia
  • Paranoia.

Risk Factors Associated with Prescription Drug Addiction

Risk Factors Associated with Prescription Drug Addiction

Also, to understand why people get addicted to prescription drugs, you’ll need to know the risk factors. These are the factors that push most people close to prescription drug addiction issues.

Although these factors are most common among teens, they are no respecter of age. As such, they can happen to anybody. Major risk factors that should put you on alert include:

  • Personal history of addiction to various substances whether present or past 
  • Family history of addiction to substances 
  • Existing mental conditions
  • Social environment or peer pressure that promotes substance abuse 
  • Ease of access to prescription drugs, for example, a family member with a steady supply of such drugs.
  • Misinformation or lack of information about the potential harm of prescription drugs.

Related article: Tips to Help You Prevent a Prescription Drug Addiction

Effects of Prescription Drug Addiction

You’ll hear a lot about the harmful consequences of getting addicted to a prescription drug. It’s no joke. Various consequences come from this addiction. One prominent result of addiction is physical dependence.

Physical dependence occurs in situations where you have had prolonged use of the drug. In such a case, your body has gotten accustomed to the drug. Even more, your brain and body regard the drug as a necessary element for various performance.

As such, your body continually demands the presence of such drugs. Also, in such cases, your body finds it almost impossible to perform basic functions without the prescription. Worse, where you try to stop, you experience severe negative symptoms.

However, beyond physical dependence, other consequences include:

  • Getting caught up in risky actions due to poor judgment 
  • Criminal actions
  • Vehicle accidents 
  • Use of other recreational and illegal drugs 
  • Troubled relationships 
  • Decreased work or academic performance

How to Prevent Addiction to Prescription Drugs

Now that you know why people get addicted to prescription drugs, there’s one more thing left. You’ll need to know how to prevent cases of addiction. So, here are some tips that’ll prove useful.

Ensure you get the right and proper medication

It’s vital to ensure you’re using the right medication. As such, ensure you inform your doctor of all essential medical conditions. This will extend to your previous and present medication. Also, disclose any history of substance abuse. 

Regularly report to your doctor 

Periodically inform your doctor about your progress with the medication. This becomes even more important in a case where you experience any of the symptoms of prescription drug addiction.  So, inform your doctor as promptly as possible. 

Stay informed about your medication

Stay informed about your medication

Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is no concern of yours. Again, you don’t need to be a health practitioner to access necessary information. So, ensure you’re well aware of the purpose of your drugs.

You can always ask your pharmacist or doctor to explain this to you. Also, confirm what other drugs you need to avoid during the period of the medication. 

Avoid using other prescription drugs

“I also have back pain, can I get some of your drugs” should never be an option. You need to ensure you visit the doctor if you have any medical condition that requires a drug. 

This is because you can never be sure of the other person’s underlying medical condition. More importantly, how it differs from yours. Always visit the doctor for a prescription.

Final Thoughts 

Getting addicted to prescription drugs is a common occurrence today. Unfortunately, it comes with loads of negative consequences. As such, it is necessary to understand it.

In this article, we’ve explained why people get addicted to prescription drugs. We’ve also told you how to stay safe. However, if you’re already depending on prescription drugs, it’s not too late.

Here at 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, we offer first-class addiction treatment for prescription drug abuse. Our experts can develop a personalized treatment course to help you attain long-term sobriety. Contact us today!

Related article: What Are The Signs Of Prescription Drug Addiction?


The Advantages Of Music Therapy In Addiction Recovery

Long before we acquired language, humans were communicating through music. We have an instinctive connection with song, dance and rhythm that makes these an integral part of celebrations, rituals, and everyday life. Countless generations of people have benefited from the advantages of music therapy. It soothes the sick, lifts up the vulnerable, and gets us through tough times.

Addiction treatment has evolved dramatically over the last few decades. Inpatient treatment facilities were once no more than holding cells for people who were deemed to be “no good”, and who had to be kept away from society. Rehab evolved into individual and group therapy, and more recently, we went back to our musical roots and started incorporating music therapy in addiction treatment programs.

Music Therapy In Addiction Recovery

There are many healing benefits of music addiction therapy. It provides a way for people to communicate without words, and it can get them in touch with their own emotions. It can be an uplifting, cathartic experience for those who take part.

Addiction Treatment: What Is Music Therapy?

The American Music Therapy Association defines music therapy as “the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship.” 

The process begins with an assessment of the individual to determine what their strengths, challenges and goals are. Over the course of the music therapy program, the client is guided through the process of using singing, dance, instrumental music and music creation to address their physical, emotional cognitive and social needs.

Music Therapy As An Addiction Treatment Tool

Music Therapy As An Addiction Treatment Tool

Addiction is a complex condition that requires a highly individualized approach to treatment. Music therapy alone is usually not enough to get you through rehab, but it can be a very effective component of an overall addiction treatment plan.

Music therapy for addiction treatment evolves as you progress through the stages of recovery. In the early days, when you are new to addiction recovery and still trying to find your way around the rehab facility, you may experience a whirlpool of emotions. During this time, music can be used as a safe way to express fear, anger, frustration, resentment toward loved ones, and other emotions that are potentially destructive.

For most people, the biggest element of addiction treatment is individual therapy. This is where you have one-on-one time with a counsellor to discuss sensitive areas of your life that you are not comfortable discussing in front of other people. 

It is these elements of your life that may have played a significant role in your path to and through addiction. If like many people, you are not comfortable talking to a complete stranger about difficult things, music therapy can help draw out those emotions.

One of the advantages of music therapy for addiction treatment is that it can serve as a launchpad for discussion with your counsellor. By talking about what you are doing in your music therapy sessions, you can build a relationship of trust with your counsellor, and relate your emotions with music to your emotions when you are trying to address those troubling areas in your life.

Another key element of music therapy – and one that should not be underestimated – is that it can be enjoyable. Addiction treatment is hard. Group and individual therapy can be draining and overwhelming. However, music therapy gives you an opportunity to just let yourself have some fun.

Applying Music Therapy Principles When Rehab Is Over

Applying Music Therapy Principles When Rehab Is Over

One of the beautiful things about music is that everyone has access to it. When your time in rehab is done and you return home, music can be a powerful tool in helping you make the transition back to the real world. 

Some benefits of using music during the post-rehab phase of recovery include the following:

  • Unlike the world of rehab in which almost every moment of your day is scheduled, when you are back home you may find yourself with great swathes of time to manage. This can be overwhelming, especially for those who do not have a job to go to. By using some of what you learned in your music therapy sessions – for example, by dancing or creating some music of your own – you can fill up that time in a productive manner.
  • One of the biggest triggers for relapse is stress. Being in rehab, you are protected from being knocked around by life. When you are back home, like it or not, stressful things are going to happen. By listening to music, dancing, or playing an instrument – even a makeshift instrument constructed from everyday household items – you can boost your dopamine levels in a natural, healthy way, feel good about yourself and reduce your stress levels.
  • Recovery can be a lonely place if your pre-recovery social network consisted entirely of people who used drugs or alcohol with you. Even if you become part of a support group and form friendships there, you may still find yourself in a position of feeling lonely. Music can make you feel connected and less alone.

Related article: The Advantages of a Growth Mindset for Addiction Recovery

The Benefits Of Music Therapy for Addictions Treatment 

The healing benefits of music therapy vary from person to person. Everyone is different, and everyone will derive their own unique gains from using music as a therapy tool. Not everybody likes to dance, but the person who doesn’t like to dance might instead enjoy participating in a drum circle. Some people play instruments; those who don’t may enjoy singing, or unleashing their poetic skills and writing some lyrics.

The key thing to remember is that you do not have to have any musical experience or level of proficiency in order to benefit from music therapy. This method of treatment is as universal as music itself.

The Benefits Of Music Therapy for Addictions Treatment 

The many benefits of music therapy include the following:

  • It provides a means of communication for those with impaired communication abilities, such as people with autism
  • It is a great stress reliever
  • It can alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Music can be used as a tool to facilitate meditation, especially when it has a strong, regular beat
  • There may be physical health benefits to the use of music: there is evidence that it could reduce blood pressure, alleviate chronic pain, and boost the immune system
  • Cognitive benefits: music can improve your ability to maintain concentration on a task, and it can lessen the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease
  • It’s a great way to combat the twin challenges of boredom and loneliness
  • By participating in music therapy, you can attain a more optimistic state of mind that endures after the therapy session has come to an end

Getting The Most Out Of Music Therapy

Music therapy is a highly interactive activity: the more you participate, the more benefit you will derive. Here are some things that you can bear in mind to derive maximum gain:

  • Don’t worry about your level of ability, or even about whether you like music to begin with. Be open to the process, and you will discover methods of participating that you can relate to.
  • Remember, your music therapist is an accredited professional who is experienced in both music and therapy. Like the rest of your treatment team, the music therapist is committed to providing a safe environment in which you can express yourself.
  • Don’t worry if you do not respond to the music therapy techniques that others find beneficial. Your relationship with music is a deeply personal one, and what works for one person won’t necessarily work for everyone.
  • By keeping a journal of your music therapy experiences, you can track the activities you have participated in and how you responded to them. You can also choose to take your journal to your individual counselling sessions if there is anything if there that you would like to explore.
  • The healing benefits of music therapy extend to the body: moving to music is an effective and enjoyable form of physical activity.
  • As you participate in your music therapy activities, you can think of ways to continue with this work at home. Once you have left rehab, you may consider seeking the services of a local music therapist, but there are some things that you will be able to start doing at home right away.

A Word Of Caution

As you explore music as a means of therapy, it is important to acknowledge that there is some specific music that you may associate with your drug or alcohol use. They may be connections that you are immediately aware of, but they could also be subconscious associations that will surface as your therapy progresses. 

Your music therapist is there to help you through these difficulties. It is important that you communicate these past connections to music as they rise to the surface. In time, when you are secure in your sobriety, you may be able to associate your old favourite songs with new memories, but the rehab phase of recovery is a great time to branch out and discover music in brand new ways.

At 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, music therapy is an integral part of our addiction treatment programs. Like all other aspects of our programming, your music therapy will be customized just for you, and it will be adapted as you progress through recovery. To learn more, call us at 855-601-0555.

Related article: Benefits of Group Therapy During Addiction Treatment

Methamphetamine Addiction

What Is Methamphetamine Addiction?

Methamphetamine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that generates a euphoric sensation that can last for as long as several hours. It can be ingested orally as a tablet, intravenously, snorted or smoked. The exact answer to what is methamphetamine addiction depends on the method of ingestion.

When smoked or used intravenously, methamphetamine is absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly, and its effects can be felt within minutes.  Although methamphetamine addiction in Canada is less prevalent than several other addictions, some communities are seeing increases in use. Meth-related deaths have increased over the last few years in British Columbia, Manitoba, and Alberta.

Why Is Methamphetamine So Addictive?

Dopamine is a naturally occurring chemical released by the reward centres of the brain. It is dopamine that makes us feel good when we have a good workout, spend time with loved ones, or accomplish something. When the brain releases dopamine in response to natural stimuli, the levels increase, and then slowly subside to their previous level. The gradualness of the drop helps with the regulation of our mood.

Like other stimulants, methamphetamine causes an unnatural surge in dopamine, which results in a euphoric feeling that goes beyond “normal” happiness. The problem is that instead of subsiding gradually, after a period of time the dopamine levels drop abruptly. 

This can create effects that are so undesirable that the user feels the need to use more drugs. One of the first signs of methamphetamine addiction is the user putting relationships, career and recreational activities on the back burner and devoting all available time, energy and money into getting and using drugs.

What Is The Danger Of Methamphetamine?

Danger Of Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine can cause significant harm even if used only once.

Unknown Composition

Unlike many other drugs that have natural origins, methamphetamine is created in illegal laboratories that do not follow any health and safety guidelines. The ingredients vary from one meth lab to the next, but many of the substances commonly used are considered toxic to humans. 

Examples include acetone, ammonia, and hydrochloric acid. These ingredients can cause unpredictable, dangerous symptoms, and the fact that the composition is unknown can present challenges for first responders who are trying to help in the event of an overdose.

Short-Term Effects Of Methamphetamine Use

In addition to the surge of euphoria, methamphetamine users are attracted to the fact that it generates energy and alertness for a period of time. A flurry of activity often follows methamphetamine use, in which the user gets a lot of things done in a short period of time. 

When the effects wear off, though, the user experiences a crash – that sudden drop in dopamine – that leaves them feeling exhausted and depressed.

Short-term methamphetamine use has other harmful effects, including the following:

  • Increased respiration
  • High core body temperature
  • Rapid or irregular heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Flushed or itchy skin
  • Muscle twitches
  • Risk of overdose that can result in organ failure and death

Long-Term Effects Of Methamphetamine Use

Long-Term Effects Of Methamphetamine Use

Prolonged frequent use of methamphetamine can have serious long-term implications, including nerve damage in the brain, leading to cognitive impairment and poor memory that can persist for a long time after drug use stops. Methamphetamine use also carries a risk of stroke, which can result in varying levels of brain damage.

Other long-term effects include:

  • Paranoia, hallucinations and other symptoms of psychosis
  • Impaired motor skills
  • Aggressive or violent behaviour
  • Anxiety, depression, agitation, and other mood disturbances
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Liver and kidney failure
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Seizures
  • Dental problems, which can lead to other health issues
  • Damage to the nasal cavity resulting from snorting
  • Damage to the lungs and mouth resulting from smoking, combined with an increased risk of respiratory diseases
  • Intravenous use can cause blockages in and around the brain, heart and liver, as well as infection of the heart tissue
  • Shared needles increase the risk of HIV and hepatitis

Meth Babies

Meth Babies

Since methamphetamine use results in significant weight loss, women who use meth are at risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery. These include poor growth of the fetus, and fetal hypoxia, or insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. 

As a result, the baby is at risk of being born with a low birth rate and a high risk of neurodevelopmental issues. Long-term consequences for the child may include impaired cognitive abilities, poor fine motor skills, and behavioural challenges. Some so-called “meth babies” are born with signs of methamphetamine addiction and require medical care during withdrawal.

Related article: Addiction Treatment Services: What are Your Options?

What Are The Signs Of Methamphetamine Addiction?

There are several signs of methamphetamine addiction that you can look for in yourself or a loved one. This is one of the most difficult addictions to treat, and one of the most dangerous substances to be addicted to, so the sooner you seek help, the better.

The symptoms of meth abuse include the following:

  • Twitches and tics
  • Reduced appetite and rapid weight loss
  • Skin sores, blisters around the nose and mouth, or burns on the lips or fingers
  • Mood swings, agitation, and outbursts of violence
  • Hyperactivity, jittery energy, and infrequent sleep
  • Deteriorating dental health
  • Dilated pupils and/or rapid eye movement
  • “Tweaking”: a period at the end of a drug binge that is characterized by hallucinations, confusion, a tendency to display violent behaviour, and intense cravings for more drugs
  • “Crashing”: a 1-3 day period in which the user sleeps for long periods of time and experiences severe depression

If you or your loved one shows two or more of the following criteria, you can be formally diagnosed with a methamphetamine use disorder, and should seek meth addiction treatment as soon as possible:

  • You continue to use methamphetamine in spite of the immediate danger to yourself or others
  • You neglect responsibilities at home, work or school
  • You experience relationship breakdowns resulting from your drug use
  • You take more drugs in order to achieve the same effects
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms after a period of abstinence
  • You have tried unsuccessfully to stop using methamphetamine
  • Large blocks of time are spent acquiring or using meth, or recovering from use
  • Your physical and mental health is suffering as a result of meth use
  • You experience cravings when you do not have access to the drug
  • You lose interest in previously enjoyed activities and pursuits

Meth Addiction Treatment

It is never too late to seek meth addiction treatment. At 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, we offer top quality inpatient treatment and rehab that is fully customized to each individual. Because methamphetamine withdrawal can be overwhelming and uncomfortable, your treatment will start with medically supervised detox.

In the early stages of detox, you may feel exhausted, paranoid and depressed. Our medical staff will keep you safe throughout this process, and when you regain the appetite lost during your period of use, we will ensure that you are given nutritious meals so that you can attain a healthy weight and regain your strength. 

When the drugs have worked their way out of your system, you will be ready for the rehab phase of treatment. Using a combination of treatment methods including group and individual therapy, music and art therapy, mindfulness coaching and more, we will gently guide you through the process of exploring and resolving the root causes of your addiction, repairing your relationships with loved ones, and learning how to cope with the stresses of life without needing to use drugs or alcohol. 

When your time in our inpatient facility is over, we will continue to support you through our comprehensive aftercare program, so that you can enjoy a long and happy life that is free from drugs. To get started, call us at 855-601-0555.

Related article: How to Stop Methamphetamine Addiction


Alcohol Addiction

How Alcohol Abuse Affects Family Relationships And Friendships

The effects of alcohol addiction are far-reaching, not only for the addicted person. It also extends to their spouse, children, parents, siblings, close friends, and other people in their inner circle. This is why knowledge of how alcohol abuse affects family relationships is important.

As the individual falls deeper and deeper into the pit of addiction, their behaviour can change in ways that loved ones find inexplicable and overwhelming. Chaos starts to take over and well-established bonds of trust are broken, causing relationships to fall by the wayside. 

This leaves friends and family members feeling betrayed and grief-stricken. Sometimes, they are in a position of having to rebuild practical elements of their lives, such as repairing damaged credit or finding a new place to live.

The Effect Of Alcoholism On Families

To understand how alcohol abuse affects relationships within families, we need to view families as the complex social structures they are. Each member functions both as an individual and as an essential part of the group. Everyone has their role, and the roles present vary from one family to the next. 

Examples of family roles include the caregiver, the problem-solver, the entertainer, and the breadwinner. Some family members are introverts, others are extroverts. Similarly, some are creative thinkers, others are logical thinkers.

All of these roles, when thrown together, make the family what it is. And so, if anything big changes, the family changes. For example, if any family member dies or becomes seriously ill, or if the family gains a new member, the roles of each person have to shift to make way for a new reality.

Alcohol addiction is a serious condition that changes the way the addicted person speaks, thinks, and behaves. And everyone else in the family has to make room for the reality of addiction. 

So how does alcohol abuse affect relationships in this context? Not only will it affect each person’s relationship with the addict, but it can also affect the family members’ relationships with each other.

Intimate Partner Relationships

Intimate Partner Relationships

There is a reason we colloquially refer to your spouse or partner as “your other half”. This is the person you are supposed to be able to trust more than anyone else. You share a life, finances, and a home with your partner; sometimes you have children with them. In a functional relationship, you are partners in every sense of the word: you support each other through individual goals, and you work together to achieve goals as a couple.

You also help each other in times of trouble. In most intimate partner relationships, this happens without either person really thinking about it. You and your partner are there for each other, no matter what, and you help each other instinctively. 

And so, when your partner is confronted with the reality of your alcohol abuse, they are not primarily thinking of the effects of alcohol addiction. Instead, they are thinking about how they can support you through this.

The problem, of course, is that you yourself may not understand that you have an addiction problem. You may become increasingly defensive about your alcohol use; eventually, the defensiveness may give way to outright secrecy.

Alcohol addicts are very good at hiding their addictions. In many cases, they patronize a number of liquor retail outlets in rotation, in order to avoid arousing the suspicion of any one retailer. They find creative ways of hiding both their alcohol and their alcohol use. What this means is that if you tell your partner that you have stopped drinking, they can be forgiven for believing you, even if it is not true.

But eventually, the addiction comes to light. This can happen in any number of ways. For one, you may get caught driving under the influence of alcohol and have to enter alcohol addiction treatment. Or you may become physically or mentally abusive. 

Sometimes the tipping point isn’t even something as extreme: your partner could find one of your hidden bottles of alcohol, or they could accidentally catch you drinking.

This can lead to an erosion of the relationship of trust that you and your partner have built up. At best, your partner will start to be wary around you. At worst, they will be afraid of you, and they will make the choice to put a physical or emotional distance between you.

Related article: Be in the Know: Canada’s Latest Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Facts

How Alcohol Abuse Affects Relationships With Children

How Alcohol Abuse Affects Relationships With Children

When it comes to the effects of alcoholism on families, children tend to be the most severely affected. Young children do not even understand what addiction is. All they will see is that your behaviour is changing in ways that they cannot process. 

A lot of children internalize the struggles they see going on around them. In the absence of an explanation for a parent’s altered behaviour, they may regard these changes as a punishment. 

How alcohol abuse affects relationships with children is that it can have long-term implications for your relationship with your child. Also, it can add to the strain in your relationship with the child’s other parent as you clash over parenting issues.

In addition, children of addicted parents can suffer in the following ways:

  • They are at high risk of becoming victims of child abuse, or of witnessing incidents of domestic abuse
  • They may suffer from malnourishment and other forms of neglect as addicted parents put alcohol before their family responsibilities
  • Emotional trauma can result in children and youths running away from home, dropping out of school, or engaging in delinquent behaviour
  • Children of addicted parents are up to four times more likely than children of non-addicted parents to become addicts themselves

The Effects Of Alcoholism On Friendships

The Effects Of Alcoholism On Friendships

We’ve all heard the old saying: that “opposites attract”. Hence, is true that people who are reserved and introverted can have close friendships with those who are outgoing and adventurous. These differences in personality can create a balance, and bring out the best in both people. 

But regardless of how different two friends might seem, they do tend to share basic values. They are attracted to each other by the things they value in themselves. In light of this, the tension between friends is how alcohol abuse affects this kind of relationship. When one of then starts to behave in a way that contradicts those values, tensions between friends can arise.

Some long-standing friendships are able to weather the storm. When you have been friends with someone for a long time, you are more invested in the outcome of their addiction. You have a long shared history that you want to preserve. In a sense, you are more like family than friends.

But not all friendships have the benefit of history. So, if someone with an addiction starts to treat their friend in an abusive manner, that person may cut ties with the addict for the sake of their own self-preservation. 

If the addict commits to alcohol addiction treatment, some friendships can be rebuilt. But a lot of times, the crumbling of a friendship is a permanent loss that hurts both people.

How To Know If Alcohol Abuse is Affecting Your Relationships

One of the most challenging aspects of alcohol addiction is that you, the addict, may not realize that you have a problem. Being addicted to alcohol does not make you a bad person, but it can affect your judgment and make you behave in ways that are hurtful to the ones you love.

If you are wondering whether alcohol abuse may be driving a wedge between you and your friends and family members, ask yourself these questions:

  • Have my loved ones stopped confiding in me about their problems?
  • Do my loved ones frequently have to rescue me from tricky situations?
  • Have I been hiding my drinking from my family and friends?
  • Has my significant other cut off my access to a joint bank account because of my drinking?
  • Have friends and family members asked me to stop drinking?
  • Do I prefer to drink rather than spend time with loved ones?
  • Do I get angry with my family members after I have been drinking?
  • Do my loved ones feel sad when I’m around them?
  • Have I ever asked a friend or family member to lie on my behalf, for example, when I miss a day of work due to drinking?

If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may need to evaluate whether you have an alcohol abuse problem.

What Support Is Available For Loved Ones Of Alcohol Addicts?

At 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, we provide comprehensive support not only to the person who is addicted to alcohol, but to family members and close friends as well. The supports available to loved ones include the following:

  • Family counselling, where you and your loved ones are guided through the process of rebuilding any relationships that can be salvaged, and moving on in a positive way from the ones that are irreparable
  • Opportunities for loved ones to visit inpatient alcohol addiction treatment clients, so they can see the progress that is being made
  • Information about Al Anon groups, and other support organizations for friends and family members of people with alcohol addictions
  • Education sessions and workshops that provide opportunities for loved ones to learn more about addiction and some positive ways in which they can support the addict

To start the process of healing from addiction, whether for yourself or for an addicted loved one, call us at 855-601-0555.

Related article: What Are The Signs Of Alcohol Abuse, Dependence And Addiction?

Prescription Drugs Addiction

What Are The Signs Of Prescription Drug Addiction?

The signs of prescription drug addiction often go unnoticed by the addicted person and loved ones. This ignorance is worse especially if the drug use started as the legitimate use of medication. When we are taking prescription drugs under the supervision of a doctor, our use of that drug is accepted without question by the people around us. It is well known that most medications come with side effects, so it is easy to write off these effects by saying, “It’s just the medication.”

Prescription Drug Addiction

The problem is that there a fine line between legitimate prescription drug use and substance abuse. It is all too easy to cross that line without noticing. Abuse of a medication can start innocently enough, with the person thinking it would be harmless to take their dose a little earlier than usual on a bad pain day. Before that person knows it, they have an addiction that they cannot shake.

What Prescription Drugs Do People Become Addicted To?

Mainstream media tends to link prescription drug addiction with painkillers. But there are several classes of medications that patients can become addicted to. The symptoms of prescription drug abuse vary depending on which medication is being used.



Opioids are pain relief medications such as morphine, codeine and fentanyl. They are prescribed for patients with cancer and other painful conditions, and they are provided to patients who have undergone major surgery or suffered serious injuries.

While opioids are effective pain relievers, they also produce a feeling of euphoria that is particularly attractive to patients who are suffering from chronic pain. The signs of addiction to this prescription drug include constipation, nausea, confusion, impaired coordination and drowsiness. When taken in higher doses than prescribed, opioid medications can slow the heart rate and breathing, and this can put the patient’s life in danger.


As the name suggests, stimulants are designed to amplify certain cognitive and physiological processes. These medications, which include amphetamine (Adderall) and methylphenidate (Ritalin), are prescribed for patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. In some cases, they are also used in patients who are struggling with obesity.

Side effects of stimulants include euphoria and an increased sense of alertness and energy. Also, patients using these medications may experience loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, agitation, and high body temperature. When taken in high doses, the drugs can cause organ failure and long-term changes to brain chemistry.



Benzodiazepines have the opposite effect to stimulants: they block excess neurological activity and essentially slow things down in the brain and body. These drugs include alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan), and they are used to treat anxiety, seizures and insomnia. They are sometimes used to manage alcohol withdrawal, and as a pre-surgical medication to calm the patient.

The calming effects of benzodiazepines are exactly what makes this drug so addictive. Side effects include poor coordination, slurred speech, confusion and inability to concentrate, and dizziness. Higher doses can lead to a slowed heart rate, severe weakness, and difficulty breathing. Benzodiazepines are extremely dangerous when taken with alcohol.

Signs And Symptoms Of Prescription Drug Abuse

Anyone who is given a prescription for medication should take the time to learn how to recognize addiction to prescription drugs. They should do this before they start using the medication. With this knowledge, patients and their loved ones are in a better position to take action early if addiction develops.

Although common lore often says that addicts have to hit rock bottom before they can start to get better, this can be a dangerous position to take. For some people, “rock bottom” means permanent damage or loss of life. The sooner a person with addiction gets into a prescription drug addiction treatment program, the better the outcomes will be for them.

Some common signs of prescription drug addiction include the following:

  • You seek early prescription refills from your doctor or pharmacist, claiming that you have lost your prescription or medication
  • You forge prescriptions
  • You engage in “doctor shopping”: the practice of visiting more than one doctor in order to get additional prescriptions
  • You use medication that was prescribed for someone else, usually without their knowledge or consent
  • You take higher doses than prescribed, or you take additional doses
  • You use your medication for purposes other than those for which it was prescribed
  • If you run out of medication, you seek alternative “street” drugs
  • You lose the ability to make rational decisions
  • You experience excessive mood swings, which may come with displays of agitation or hostility
  • You sleep significantly more or less than you used to
  • You appear to be “high”, unusually energetic, or drowsy

Related article: Tips to Help You Prevent a Prescription Drug Addiction

How to Prevent Prescription Drug Addiction

How to Prevent Prescription Drug Addiction

Reading about the risk of prescription drug addiction can seem overwhelming if you are seeking treatment for a medical condition. 

While it is advisable to pause before starting use of these drugs, remember that there are some measures you can take to reduce your risk of becoming addicted.

These include the following:

  • Have a conversation with your doctor about the risks and effects of the medication
  • Ask your doctor about potential alternative treatments with a lower potential for addiction
  • Agree to a schedule of doctor visits for the monitoring purposes
  • Talk to your family about the medication you are taking, and provide them with information that would allow them to recognize when a problem might be arising
  • If you feel that you are at risk of becoming addicted, have a family member dispense your medication to you as prescribed
  • If you have been using the medication for some time, talk to your doctor about how to safely taper off and then discontinue use

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

If you feel that you have become addicted to prescription drugs, it is imperative that you seek help as soon as possible. Prescription drug addiction treatment starts with medically supervised detox, which ensures your safety as you go through withdrawal.

Why Can’t I Detox On My Own?

Depending on which medication you are withdrawing from, you may experience some of the following withdrawal symptoms:

  • Difficulty sleeping in spite of fatigue
  • Vivid dreams and nightmares
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Paranoia, agitation and displays of aggressive behaviour
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramping
  • Sweating that may be accompanied by a fever
  • Muscle spasms, shakes and tremors
  • Cognitive difficulties, such as memory loss and an inability to concentrate
  • Suicidal thoughts and actions
  • High blood pressure and elevated heart rate
  • Restlessness
  • Headache and flu-like symptoms

These symptoms are uncomfortable and frightening at best, and at worst they can endanger your life. By choosing a prescription drug addiction treatment program that includes medical detox, symptoms can be managed as they arise, and you will not be in a position of seeking more drugs just to get away from the unpleasant effects of withdrawal.

What Happens After Detox?

At 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, we provide top quality addiction treatment that is customized to the individual. You are unique, and your path to addiction does not look the same as anybody else’s. It stands to reason that your path back to recovery will be yours and yours alone. 

We will guide you through the process of delving into the root causes of your addiction. Furthermore, we will help you discover new ways of coping with the stresses of life without needing drugs. We will also help you have the conversations you need to with doctors, so you can find ways to manage the conditions you were originally using prescription drugs for. To get started, call us at 855-601-0555.

Related article: Why do People Get Addicted to Prescription Drugs

Inhalants Addiction

Quitting Inhalant Addiction Safely: What You Need to Do

Usually, when you hear someone talking about addictions, you’re probably not going to start thinking of inhalants, much less, quitting inhalant addiction. Your mind is much more likely to go in other directions. After all, there’s cocaine, marijuana, and even non-drug-related addictions.

But, somehow, inhalant addiction is real. It converts what should be a perfectly normal/regular item into an alternative source of high and sends its user to “mars”. 

Despite its inherent disadvantages, addicts cannot stop using it just by saying so. This form of addiction may have been a rare phenomenon in the past. However, today, it’s more common than you’d think.

With more and more people getting addicted to inhalants, it’s important to go through addiction treatment. That’s why we’ll be focusing on this relatively new form of addiction. More importantly, we’ll be walking you through how you can go about quitting inhalant addiction safely.

What is Inhalant Addiction? 

Inhalant Addiction

Before you even start thinking about quitting inhalant addiction, it is essential for you to at least understand what the condition is.

Inhalants aren’t exactly drugs in themselves. In fact, an inhalant is a common industrial and/or household chemical with volatile or pressurized gases. More often than not, its producers have no other intention except the primary, non-drug-related reason it was created.

However, some people pressurize the vapours in these chemicals. Afterwards, they inhale them through the mouth or the nose to get high. Inhalants come in different forms, and they fall into different categories. A few include:

  • Solvents
  • Gases
  • Nitrites
  • Aerosols

Regardless of the type of inhalant a person experiments with, the truth is that this type of “makeshift drug” is still pretty addictive. So much so that users may need to go to an inhalant addiction recovery centre if they’re to get better.

How to Stop Inhalant Addiction Safely

Stop Inhalant Addiction Safely

Without beating around the bush too much, we can confidently say that you need inhalant addiction treatment to quit this substance safely. This is because quitting inhalant addiction, like any other form of addiction, isn’t particularly easy. The difficulty in the inhalant addiction recovery process lies in the withdrawal symptoms that come with the condition. 

These symptoms vary in severity based on several things, including the level of addiction. However, they are still very much existent. For that reason, it’s not particularly smart to go into the “battle” half baked. In the best-case scenario, you’ll just quit and go back to sniffing inhalants. In the worst-case scenario, you’ll cause some major damage to your health.

So, if you hope to get over this problem, you need to sign up for a recovery program. They come at different costs and last for varying amounts of time. However, the end goal is the same, and it’s to help you get out of that addiction. 

Now, it doesn’t mean that those who go solo cannot achieve anything. With enough support from a loved one and a reasonable amount of determination, everything is possible. However, those who get professional help are much more likely to remain clean even after they’ve gone past the first few weeks/days of recovery.

Types of Inhalant Addiction Recovery Programs

There are different kinds of recovery programs. Each of them is designed specifically to cater to the specific needs of individuals. They are:

Teen Programs

As implied in the name, these kinds of programs are mostly for teenagers and adolescents. This type of program often uses detoxification, recreational activities and counselling to get things done. 

The best part is that it works around the teen’s academic life. As such that they don’t have to stop attending school in the process of quitting inhalant addiction. 

Teen Programs

Inpatient Recovery Programs

This kind of program for quitting inhalant addiction is slightly different. It offers round-the-clock treatment for people who are suffering through inhalant addiction. 

Addiction treatment professionals usually reserve it for those who have the most severe addiction conditions. So, unlike teen programs, it doesn’t provide the flexibility of school attendance. 

But, the end goal remains to help the patient get through the addiction. Experts achieve this through medical supervision, therapy, and management of withdrawal symptoms. 

Outpatient Recovery Programs

This is the direct opposite of number two above. In this approach to quitting inhalant addiction, this program allows its patients to come in as they please. Of course, the sessions are the function of the schedule. But, it isn’t quite as “intense” as the inpatient recovery program. 

This type of program is perfect if you’ve only just begun your experiment with inhalants. It’s especially great for those looking to quit before it gets really bad.

Counselling Programs

Experts can organize counselling programs for groups or create them specifically for individuals. With the former, you’ll have to receive counselling alongside other people who have a similar condition. 

With the latter, you’ll be meeting your therapist one-on-one. While group counselling offers the support advantage, individual counselling helps your therapist to spot your problems better.

12-Step Programs

This particular option approaches quitting inhalant addiction through social support with the self-help philosophy. It often involves a group of people sharing behavioural, spiritual, and cognitive methods of recovery. By providing potential solutions to other people suffering from inhalant addiction, they can help themselves out of it.

Dual-Diagnosis Programs

Addiction often comes along with some form of mental health issue or the other. However, it doesn’t neglect the substance abuse issue either. It balances both to create a perfectly healthy individual.

Related article: What To Expect During Inhalant Withdrawal And Detox

How to Choose a Program for Safe Inhalant Addiction Treatment

Here are a few questions you should ask before you decide on a program to sign up for.

  • Will you be able to use a cellphone or computer during the process? This is particularly important if you need to keep up with a remote job or something of that sort.
  • Will the recovery program be able to cater to any special dietary patterns you might have?
  • How strict is the program about having visitors?
  • Do they have national accreditation?
  • Does the facility have essential amenities that will make living comfortable? This is specifically for inpatient recovery programs.
  • What is their treatment philosophy?
  • How qualified are their staff?
  • What is the distance from your place of residence?

These questions will help you determine whether the program is the right fit for you or your loved one. Your selection should be the result of a proper evaluation of the answers to these questions. 

What You Can do To Aid the Inhalant Addiction Recovery Process

Inhalant Addiction Recovery Process
Quitting inhalant addiction requires a bit more than just the effort of your professional treatment personnel. You also need to apply effort, especially if you want to quit healthily and stay clean. So, here’s what you need to do:

Remain committed to your treatment programs

The inpatient addiction recovery program basically keeps you under “lock and key.” So, there’s not much of a chance that you’ll be able to get out of it and fade into a lack of commitment. However, if you aren’t going for an inpatient program, the chances are that you’ll want to skip a few sessions. Don’t do it! 

No matter what your excuse is, don’t skip your sessions. At the very least, try to reschedule. It may be difficult, but it’s necessary. In this regard, we’ll suggest that you get an accountability partner.

Identify and stay away from your triggers

This is something that your treatment personnel should help you do. However, even if you’ve not quite gotten to that stage yet, try to do it yourself. Essentially, figure out those things that make you go back to sniffing the chemicals. 

Is it your friends that tempt you to go in that direction? Does it happen when you’re stressed? Do you get the temptation to do it when you’re out partying? Find out what it is and then ensure you stay away from it.

Confront the reasons behind your inhalation habits

Why do you choose to bury your nose in aerosol? Why do you think it’s good to spray these things in your face just to get high? There has to be a reason behind it. 

Are you trying to avoid some sort of emotional problem? Do you do it because you need a means to relax? 

As much as your therapist helps you figure it out, take a step further and confront them yourself. That’s the only sure path to growth and freedom.

The Benefits of Quitting Inhalant Addiction

  1. You’ll reduce the chances of health risks such as impaired depth perception, memory loss, headaches, brain damage, etc.
  2. You’ll be able to focus better. 
  3. You can improve on damaged relationships as a result of the addiction. 

In Conclusion

This article provides a guide to inhalant abuse treatment. Basically, it aims to help support you through the process of quitting inhalant addiction. However, it’s not just enough for you to read it. Doing that will be the equivalent of checking out workout routines to lose weight without actually following them. 

That’s why you have to check out our addiction recovery services for inhalant addiction. Here at 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, our primary aim is to help you transcend this rocky stage and become an addiction-free individual. With our experience and expertise, we can design a custom inhalant addiction treatment for you. Contact us today.

Related article: Inhalant Addiction: The Signs You Need Help

Opioid Addiction

8 Myths about Opioid Addiction

There are various myths about opioid addictions going around. You’ll hear loads of things about what opioid addiction is all about. Guess what, most of them turn out to be more myths than fact. However, you can’t blame those you hear them from. They don’t know any better.

That’s why we’re here. In this post, we’ll examine eight popular myths about opioid addictions. We’ll also let you know what the facts are. This way, you can make better choices and stay informed.

What is Opioid Addiction?

Just before we get to the myths, you may be wondering what opioid addiction is. Well, it’s simple. It’s a situation where you get extremely dependent on opioids. In such circumstances, you may be unable to perform necessary brain functions without opioids in your body.

Now, you’re most likely wondering why opioid addiction is prevalent. Well, it’s simple. It’s thanks to the effect it has on your body.

Naturally, opioids are medications designed to help you with pain. However, they do this by creating an experience of euphoria. Usually, it’s this euphoria that gets people addicted to opioids.

The drill is simple. You enjoy the euphoria, and you want to keep experiencing it. As such, you keep using it. In turn, you’ll develop a habit of improper use that we call addiction.

So, in clear terms, opioid addiction occurs when you exhibit a compulsive tendency to use opioids. In such cases, you ignore the adverse effects it has on your body. Your focus becomes to experience this euphoria as many times as possible.

You should know that an opioid is a group of drugs rather than just one pill. As such, it ranges from a synthetic compound such as hydrocodone to natural prescription such as heroin. Other examples that you may come across include codeine, fentanyl, morphine, and oxycodone.

Also, you should know that opioid addiction isn’t final. Opioid addiction treatment can help those struggling with this kind of substance abuse problem. Typically, these treatments will include:

  • Medication such as naltrexone, buprenorphine, and methadone
  • Behavioural and counselling therapies 
  • Residential or hospital-based treatments
  • Medication-assisted therapy (MAT) which involves a holistic approach to treatment

Myths About Opioid Addictions 

Opioid Addiction

Now that you know what opioid addiction is all about, let’s get straight up to the tale. Today there are multiple myths about opioid addiction. They are myths because you believe they are correct. 

Unfortunately, they are quite far from reality. Even more, some of them expressly contradict opioid addiction facts. 

Wondering what news you have heard but are false? Here are eight popular myths about opioid addictions that you should let go of.

Myth 1: Opioids are generally bad

If you’re someone that pays so much attention to the media, you’ll probably think opioids are all bad. Most headlines about opioids present it as a bad drug. You’ll see talks about addiction, death from an overdose, and investigations into opioid prescriptions.

Well, this is one of the most popular myths about opioid addictions. However, in reality, opioid isn’t always bad. Opioid has various benefits. It can prove useful in the management of acute pains such as cancer pain. 

Myth 2: Opioid addiction is inevitable 

Another myth you’ll find making waves is the idea that opioid addiction is unavoidable. You’ll most likely find yourself believing that once you use opioids, you’re getting addicted. So, you might even refuse a legitimate treatment all because it involves opioids. 

Well, the fact is that taking opioids doesn’t mean you’ll get addicted. As long as it’s prescribed, your doctor will most likely take steps to avoid addiction. 

They usually screen you to find out if you’re likely to get addicted. Also, they will monitor your use of opioids. For instance, doctors apply various addiction restrictive strategies such as:

  • Urine tests
  • Pill counts
  • Regular office visits and thorough examination

So, using opioids for treatment doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get addicted. 

Opioid addiction is inevitable 

Myth 3: No need to worry about opioids addiction

Well, this is one of the most common myths about opioid addictions. You’ll hear people say that it’s coming from a doctor. So, you can’t possibly get addicted. This is because people believe that you only get addicted if you start using opioids with improper intention. 

Well, in reality, that’s not the case. You can get addicted even if you begin with proper intentions. This is especially true of cases where there’s no proper monitoring and screening of opioid use.

Myth 4: More opioids brings better ease to chronic pain 

Especially during your first use, high doses of opioids may bring more ease to pain. It can also improve functionality compared to when you take a lower dose. However, this doesn’t mean that long-term and high doses of opioids provide better ease of pain.

Unfortunately, this is just one of the many myths about opioid addictions. When you take high doses of opioids over a long period, it becomes less effective. Research even shows that it has the same level of effect as when you take lower doses.

So, yes, don’t keep taking high doses of opioids to reduce pain. Opioid addiction facts state that it doesn’t work better than a low dosage. You’re only getting more addicted.

Related article: 6 Warning Signs of Opioid Addiction

Myth 5: Opioids work best for pain control

There’s so much chatter about opioids that it becomes easy to assume people use it because it works best. Well, this is just one of the myths about opioid addictions. In reality, various other options work just as well and even better for pain control. 

For instance, various non-medication options work effectively. Examples include:

  • Exercise 
  • Psychological support 
  • Massage
  • Structured physical therapies 
  • TENS units
  • Other treatments like chiropractic care and acupuncture 

Even more, other medications for pain include:

  • Tylenol (Acetaminophen)
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Ibuprofen
  • Over-the-counter drugs and topical prescription
  • Antidepressants 

Myth 6: Opioid addiction and dependence are similar

Opioid addiction and dependence are similar

You’ll also hear reports in conversations about how opioid addiction and opioid dependence are similar. Well, it’s just one of the many myths about opioid addictions. 

The fact is that both situations are different. Opioid dependence is more physical, and it involves situations where you depend on opioids to perform physical activities. 

Usually, opioid addiction will lead to opioid dependence. In such cases, if you try to stop using opioid suddenly, then you’ll experience withdrawal symptoms. Precisely, you’ll be unable to perform regular physical activities. 

On the other hand, opioid addiction is wider. It includes a wide range of other actions beyond opioid dependence. For instance, there’s the case of compulsive use. In such cases, you will continue to use opioids regardless of the negative consequences. 

Myth 7: Only addicts experience opioid addiction 

You’ll also find reports that you’re immune to opioid addiction as long as you don’t have a history of addiction. This is another of the many myths of opioid addiction.

No doubt, a history of addiction increases the likelihood of opioid addiction. However, that doesn’t mean you not having a history of addiction makes you immune. 

Myths 8: Opioid drugs have a similar risk for addiction and abuse 

Opioid drugs have a similar risk for addiction and abuse 

One of the most popular myths about opioid addictions is that you face the same chance of addiction with all opioids. Well, that’s not the truth. 

Like we stated earlier, there are various opioids from heroin to morphine to fentanyl. And according to opioid addiction facts, the risk of addiction differs.

This is because these opioids have different formulations. For example, some will work immediately and then fade off. On the other hand, some will take time and work long term. So, depending on the strength of the formulation, these opioids may pose different risks.

For example, fentanyl and hydromorphone are far stronger compared to morphine. As such, it’s easier to get addicted to fentanyl and hydromorphone compared to morphine.

Final Thoughts 

Unfortunately, misinformation has far-reaching consequences, and that’s the case with opioid addiction. Some believe they are immune from opioid addictions (since they have no history of addiction). Well, as you now know, that’s not the case. 

In this post, we discuss 8 myths about opioid addiction. With this information, you can make better choices. However, if you believe you have a problem with opioid addictions and need help, 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre is at your service. Check out our opioid addiction rehab in the USA and Canada. 

Contact us today to speak to an expert about your opioid addiction issue.

Related article: The Timeline for Opioid Addiction Treatment

Drug Addiction

The Importance Of Nutrition During Drug Addiction Recovery

We cannot overemphasize the importance of nutrition during addiction recovery. When your body is healthy, it is easier for your mind to flourish. Addiction recovery is a long road that is not always easy to travel. 

Throughout the process and beyond, you have to spend large parts of each day looking deep into yourself for difficult answers. At the same time, you have to fight cravings and try to mend your relationships. It is a process that can take a toll not only on your mind but on your body. 

By the time you enter an addiction treatment program, your body may be feeling broken. Addiction can affect you physically in many ways:

  • The substance you are using can damage various organs in your body, including your stomach, liver and kidneys
  • Loss of appetite is a side effect of many substances of abuse
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are common withdrawal symptoms that can lead to nutritional deficiencies
  • Many people with addictions prioritize drugs over food when it comes to their spending, resulting in them simply not being able to afford to eat
  • Some people with addictions also suffer from eating disorders

The role of nutrition during addiction recovery is critical. Not only do you need to strengthen your body. Also, you need to learn healthy habits that will endure when your treatment program comes to an end.

Water Is Part Of Nutrition

Water Is Part Of Nutrition

Nutrition is not only about what to eat during addiction treatment. Eating all of the right foods means very little if this is not paired with good hydration. 

Water plays a critical role in delivering nutrients to your cells so your organs can function effectively.

Hydration During Detox

Hydration is especially important during the detox phase. This is when the drugs you have been using are working their way out of your system. Your body needs water to flush out toxins, and since vomiting and diarrhea are common withdrawal side effects, water may already be in short supply. 

One of the reasons most experts recommend medical detox is that it allows for supervision by medical professionals who can ensure that you are receiving adequate hydration.

Hydration During Rehab

Drinking enough water is a key part of acquiring or maintaining a state of physical health. Here are some reasons why it is so important:

  • It supports a healthy nutrition plan
  • It strengthens your immune system – something that may have taken a hammering during your phase of active addiction
  • It improves your sleep quality and cognitive abilities, which in turn can result in a better therapeutic experience

What To Eat During Addiction Treatment

What To Eat During Addiction Treatment

Now that we know the importance of nutrition during addiction recovery, what does a good nutrition plan actually look like?

We’ll get into some healthy eating tips in a moment. But first, we need to look at which nutrients the body needs not only to stay alive but to thrive. A well-balanced diet includes the right balance of macronutrients and micronutrients.

Related article: The Advantages of a Growth Mindset for Addiction Recovery

The importance of macronutrients during addiction recovery

Macronutrients are our sources of protein, fat and carbohydrates. We use these for energy; they are where our calories come from.


Protein is critical at any time when the body is in a vulnerable state. It heals the body by repairing damaged cells. It also helps keep your blood sugar stable, which helps reduce cravings.

Where you will find it: seafood, chicken, red meat, eggs, nuts, dairy


The body cannot produce fat on its own, so healthy fat is an essential part of nutrition. One of its roles is to protect your organs. 

Many people with addictions lose their will or ability to eat. In order to survive, the body draws on the stores of fact that are protecting the organs, leaving them vulnerable to damage and infection. A primary role of nutrition during addiction recovery is to replenish those stores.

Where you will find it: eggs, fish, seeds, nuts, avocado, dairy


Complex carbohydrates help your body digest everything else you are eating. Also, they help regulate serotonin levels, which improves your ability to be calm. The fibres in complex carbohydrates help with digestion and make it easier for the body to retain nutrients.

Where you will find it: whole grains, vegetables, fruit


While macronutrients play a key role in keeping us alive, micronutrients help the cells in our bodies function more effectively. They include the all-important vitamins and minerals. 

When determining what to eat during addiction treatment, it is important to remember that some substances affect the body’s ability to absorb micronutrients. Your nutrition plan will, therefore, need to consider how you can replenish depleted micronutrient levels and maintain healthy levels.


The use of some substances, such as heroin, can result in the loss of bone density, especially in women. Calcium helps keep the bones and teeth strong. Also, it helps the nervous system function well.

Where you will find it: dairy, leafy greens, nuts, tofu

Vitamin B

There are several forms of vitamin B. Collectively they help with the healthy functioning of the brain and central nervous system. Also, they boost the production of red blood cells, energy, proper digestion and overall cell health.

Where you will find it: leafy greens, whole grains, meat

Vitamin D

Methamphetamine can destroy the brain’s ability to produce dopamine – the natural chemical that makes us feel good. This is where the importance of nutrition during addiction recovery comes in. Vitamin D can reverse some of this damage. 

This is especially pertinent in Canada and part of the United States, where vitamin D deficiency is very common.

Where you will find it: natural sunlight, egg yolks, fatty fish

Tips To Eat Healthy During Addiction Treatment

Tips To Eat Healthy During Addiction Treatment

If you are in an inpatient addiction treatment program, you may be assessed by a nutritionist. Then, an expert will advise you on the specific nutrition plan to follow in order to heal and derive maximum benefit from your treatment. 

The recommendations you receive will be highly individualized. You see, the role of nutrition during addiction recovery varies from one person to the next based on 

  • Individual circumstances
  • Substances they have used
  • What their withdrawal experience was like
  • What medical conditions they may have.

However, there are some general guidelines that everyone can follow:

  • Avoid processed and refined foods such as fast foods and TV dinners
  • Eat a varied diet that includes a wide selection of vegetables
  • Ensure that vegetables are raw or lightly steamed so that nutrients are not cooked out of them
  • Eat whole, unprocessed food whenever possible
  • If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, ensure that you get proteins from a variety of plant-based sources
  • Ensure proper hydration at all times, especially in hot weather and during periods of intense physical activity
  • Eat until you feel full: Don’t feel compelled to finish everything on your plate

The Nutritional Benefits Of Inpatient Rehab

The Nutritional Benefits Of Inpatient Rehab

One of the biggest benefits of an inpatient addiction treatment and rehab program is you don’t have to worry about any of your survival needs. Everything is taken care of, from your therapy and exercise programs to your food and shelter. 

At 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, we understand the importance of nutrition during addiction recovery. We do not just feed you in order to keep you alive. Our dieticians provide nutritious meals toward helping you heal physically and mentally.

Not only do we provide healthy meals that are an integral part of our holistic addiction treatment programs. We will teach you about nutrition, show you which foods are best for you, and help you develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. To find out more or to get started, call us at 855-601-0555.

Related article: The Advantages Of Music Therapy In Addiction Recovery

Addiction Treatment Tips

How To Organize An Intervention for Addiction Treatment

Here’s why you need to know how to organize an intervention for addiction treatment. The path through addiction is a treacherous one. It’s one that has many complications. Chief among them is the fact that addicted individuals don’t always know that they are addicted. 

“I can quit anytime I want” is a phrase loved ones hear all too frequently. It’s like standing outside a burning house while your family member sits in the living room without even knowing that the house is on fire. 

Sometimes, we have to go in and drag that person out of the burning building. We can do that by learning how to organize an intervention.

What Is An Intervention?

There are several methods of intervention, and all of them involve conversations with the addict. These conversations come about with a view to having them enter an addiction treatment program. 

The specific technique addiction treatment experts use is a function of the circumstances. In addition, it’s a function of what the interventionist and the family members think will offer the greatest chances of success.

Johnson Model

This method is the one most people picture when they think of interventions. Close friends and family members meet with the addicted person and read prepared statements that describe how addiction affects them. The statements end with a plea for the addict to enter rehab. 

Sometimes there is an ultimatum – for example, “If you don’t go to rehab I will no longer financially support you.” This model has been popularized by reality TV shows like Intervention Canada. 

These shows deal with a serious topic and can have some educational value. However, they air primarily for entertainment purposes and should not be a guide to planning an intervention.

Family Systemic Intervention

An addict’s problems closely intertwine with those of their family members. In some cases, the addiction can result in abusive behaviour patterns. In other cases, the reverse is true.

Unlike other methods of intervention that are focused on the addict, this one aims at encouraging all family members to seek the specific help that they need.

Brief Intervention

Brief interventions are not usually planned. They involve a short discussion between the addict and a professional such as a doctor or counsellor. This may happen after the addict has been admitted to the hospital for an overdose. 

For instance, if a school principal discovers that a student has been using drugs on school premises. Similar circumstances can also call for a brief intervention.

Crisis Intervention

Usually reserved for immediate emergencies, a crisis intervention generally consists of police officers pointing the addict toward treatment for addiction and/or mental illness. This may occur in the event of a suicide attempt or a medical emergency.

Step By Step Guide To Planning An Intervention

Planning An Intervention

Part of learning how to organize and intervention is understanding that every intervention is different. These addictions vary greatly due to individual and family circumstances, what led to the addiction, pre-existing physical and mental health conditions, and a variety of other factors. 

Step 1: Assemble The Intervention Team

This is the person or the group of people who will talk with the addict. If you are following the Johnson Model, the team will typically include close friends and family members, and in some cases, a professional interventionist. 

One of the most important tips for holding an intervention is to select the team carefully. The goal is to support the addict and not to belittle them. Also, you should only include people you know can stay true to this goal.

Step 2: Do Some Research

We are most afraid of the things we don’t understand. Hence, addiction can seem overwhelming if we do not equip ourselves with knowledge. Before holding an intervention, it is a good idea for all participants to learn about addiction and recovery, and about what addiction to the specific substance entails. 

A critical part of this step is finding out about addiction treatment in Canada: what facilities are available, what programs they offer, and crucially, whether they have space available for your loved one.

Step 3: Write Impact Statements

These statements are at the heart of most interventions. Each participant – other than the interventionist – prepares a speech about how the addiction impacts them. The goal is not to judge or attack the addict, it is simply to let them know that their actions are causing harm. 

Furthermore, these statements should include any consequences the addict will face if they do not accept treatment. Finally, it should include an offer to support the addict in some specific way if they do accept treatment.

Step 4: Plan And Rehearse The Intervention

Logistically, this means setting a day and time for the intervention. Also, it involves laying out some rules of engagement. 

Participants should read their statements together at least once and decide which order to present them in. This way, you can thrash our potential objections. 

Step 5: Execute The Plan

On the day of the intervention, follow the plan as closely as possible. Now is not the time to deviate from your prepared statement. If you have an interventionist, they will guide the discussion and diffuse any difficult moments that arise. 

As painful as it is, you have to accept the possibility that your addicted loved one will not accept help. If this is the case, you need to prepare to follow through on any consequences you spoke about in your impact statement. 

However, if they accept to get help, the next steps should be set in motion immediately. Send the addicted person to rehab immediately, or make the phone call to book them in for treatment.

Related article: What Are The Stages of Addiction Treatment Progression?

What To Consider Before Holding An Intervention

What To Consider Before Holding An Intervention

An intervention is not the time or place for spontaneity. You have a much higher chance of succeeding if you follow a well thought out plan. Figuring out how to organize an intervention can be delicate, given the emotions and relationships that are involved.

Some things to bear in mind include the following:

  • Participants should avoid words like “alcoholic” and “junkie”. Instead, use terms that respect your loved one as an individual. Do not define them by their addiction.
  • Schedule the intervention for a time when the person is likely to be sober and in a good frame of mind. If they show up intoxicated, prepare to wait.
  • Don’t invite everyone the person knows – this will lead to an unruly session. Also, the addict will feel as if they are being ganged upon.
  • It is natural that participants will show some emotion while they are reading their prepared statements, but strong displays of emotion should be avoided.
  • The goal of the intervention is not to shame, humiliate, or attack the person who is addicted. The primary goal is to support the addict by offering help.
  • If your impact statement includes consequences for the addict not seeking help, you need to be prepared to follow up on this. For example, if you are planning to tell the addict that you will move out if they do not seek help, start looking for alternative living arrangements. Stating consequences and not following up on them sends the message that there are no consequences.
  • Conversely, if your statement includes an offer of support, make sure you can commit to what you are offering.

How To Get Help For An Intervention

How To Get Help For An Intervention

There are many benefits to enlisting the services of a professional interventionist. These include the following:

  • The interventionist can provide help with planning the intervention. This includes guidance on prepared statements.
  • The interventionist provides neutral ground: The addict may be more inclined to participate in the intervention if it is being run by someone who does not know anyone there.
  • The interventionist has the training to know when a situation is about to become emotionally charged. Furthermore, they can diffuse tension better than people who have an emotional stake in the outcome.
  • The interventionist can, in many cases, arrange for immediate transportation to the rehab facility if the addict accepts help.
  • It provides emotional protection for you: At a time when you are struggling with your relationship with the addicted person, it can be too overwhelming to figure out how to organize an intervention yourself.

1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre provides top quality addiction treatment in Canada, and it all starts with professional intervention services. To get started, give us a call at 855-601-0555.

Related article: Should I Go To an Addiction Treatment Centre during the Pandemic

Addiction Treatment

What is Gender-Specific Addiction Treatment?

Most people need no introduction to addiction treatment programs such as inpatient and outpatient rehabs. However, gender-specific addiction treatment may come as news to a lot of people. Studies have shown that specialized addiction recovery for specific genders may sometimes be more productive.

You see, although both men and women can get addicted to substances, they don’t experience addiction equally. The drugs do not even affect them the same way in the first place. This is because of several genetic differences between both sexes. For instance, compared to a man, a woman is likely to be more affected by the same amount of alcohol.

Men and women each respond to substance use in unique ways. Therefore, it is safe to say that they will experience varying obstacles during addiction treatment and recovery. This is where gender-specific addiction treatment comes into play. This way, addiction treatment experts can focus on the peculiar perspectives and needs of either the man or woman.

More often than not, gender-specific addiction treatment results in more effective recovery. It not only eliminates possible distractions, but it also encourages more generalized treatment sessions. These are only a few of the benefits of gender-specific addiction treatment.

In this article, we will tell all you need to know about gender-specific addiction treatment and its advantages. Keep reading to gain some insight into why gender-specific addiction treatment works.

What is Gender-Specific Addiction Treatment?

Gender-specific addiction treatment refers to substance abuse programs with specific plans to treat men and women separately. This is possible due to the biological, genetic, and cultural differences between both genders in terms of substance use. 

Gender-specific treatment aims to use these differences to design the most-beneficial programs for both men and women.

In most cases, gender differences impact drug choice, dependence rates, and the effects of the substance. These vital differences play a significant role in the direction that your addiction recovery will go. 

It can even affect the chances of possible relapse after treatment as men and women have unique triggers. Gender-specific addiction treatment caters to these differences and meets the needs of both genders in a safe environment.

Like regular rehab facilities, gender-specific addiction treatment is also evidence-based. The only difference is that gender-specific centres offer drug and alcohol treatment separately for each gender. 

Also, there are several ways that both genders may benefit from this approach to addiction recovery. Over the next few paragraphs, we will examine these benefits. Let us show you why gender-specific addiction treatment works.

Why Gender-Specific Addiction Treatment Works

Gender-Specific Addiction Treatment

There is ample evidence to show that drug and alcohol abuse affects each gender differently. This implies that addiction treatment and recovery may be somewhat different for men and women. 

So, while co-ed rehab may work for some, others may require gender-specific addiction treatment to get better. The reason this form of addiction treatment is so effective is that:

  • It accounts for the differences in the reasons for substance use and eventual addiction.
  • It addresses the gaps in dependency and how much the substance has affected the brain.
  • Women usually have higher rates of dependency than men. Substances also have a more significant effect on women than on men.
  • It factors in the cultural challenges and stereotypes that are unique to either the man or the woman.
  • It addresses the psychological, physiological, and emotional differences between both genders and how they relate to their addiction.

Related article: What Is The Cost Of Addiction Treatment In Canada?

Benefits of Gender-Specific Addiction Treatment

Now that you know the various reasons that make gender-specific addiction treatment so effective, let’s go a step further. 

Let us show you the advantages the approach has over regular co-ed addiction recovery centres. Keep reading to discover the numerous benefits of choosing gender-specific addiction treatment.

Less time is spent to hash out gender issues

Under gender-specific treatment conditions, addiction specialists will not have to spend time on issues that may not apply to the whole group. For instance, if a pregnant woman is in rehab, the facilitator will have to take time to address pregnancy and substance use. But, the men in the group will have no direct need for this information.

Although males can pick up some insight into how substance abuse affects pregnancy, it may not be the best use of their time. Instead, they should spend their time focusing on the issues that they face as men in recovery.

It eliminates some distractions

The human mind can indeed be a fickle thing. Even during addiction treatment, men and women may still find themselves attracted to one another. This may not only serve as a distraction but can also hinder both parties’ progress in recovery. However, gender-specific addiction treatment facilities effectively eliminate such distractions.

By minimizing sexual tension, men and women can focus on their health, growth and self-improvement. So, instead of adding emotional entanglements to your list of distractions, it may be best to opt for gender-specific recovery.

eliminates some distractions

It makes treatment more comfortable

Another benefit of gender-specific addiction treatment is that it improves ease amongst clients. You see, a significant part of addiction recovery is group therapy. However, gender may get in the way of the effectiveness of this process. Female patients may feel uncomfortable sharing some of their life experiences in the presence of men.

The same thing holds for male clients. For instance, a man may feel overwhelming shame that he may have acted aggressively against a woman. Discussing these events may be challenging in the presence of women. Furthermore, female clients may react in fear or anger, which is counterproductive.

It improves peer support

Without a doubt, peer support is crucial in addiction treatment. Clients can discuss their experiences and learn from one another. However, co-ed addiction treatment may get in the way of this. Addiction affects men and women differently, which may cause experiences to differ. On the other hand, in a gender-specific facility, clients may be able to relate better.

Chances are there is one person who has gone through an experience similar to yours. So, you can share, learn, help and bond over these experiences. The environment in a gender-specific addiction treatment centre is generally more understanding as everyone is ‘one.’  Each person can interact with the next on a more personal level.

improves peer support

In Conclusion

Substance abuse affects each person in different ways. However, gender-specific addiction treatment goes a long way in bridging this gap. By tailoring treatment programs to fit the specific needs of both men and women, the results can be significantly improved. 

Hopefully, we have been able to answer your questions about gender-specific treatment and its benefits. Remember, most people that engage fully in their treatment plans achieve their desired results.

Do you think you can benefit from addiction treatment? Reach out to one of our treatment providers today. Call 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs!

Related article: What Are The Stages of Addiction Treatment Progression?