Marijuana Addiction

Detoxing From Marijuana At Home

Whether you have become addicted to marijuana or another substance, the first step toward recovery is withdrawal. Once the drug is out of your system and all of the withdrawal symptoms are behind you, you can turn your focus to regaining your physical strength and delving into the root causes of your addiction.

The key thing is to get through withdrawal safely. For many substances, coming off a drug involves a lot more than simply ceasing your usage of it. It can entail withdrawal symptoms that are at best uncomfortable, and at worst fatal. This is why it is always a good idea to consult your doctor if you are considering quitting marijuana or any other substance. In some cases, you will be referred to a medical detox facility, where doctors can monitor your withdrawal and treat withdrawal symptoms as they arise.

The good news is that withdrawal from marijuana is generally not harmful or complicated as long as it is the only substance you have been using. The bad news is that use of other substances can create more intense withdrawal symptoms.

In this article, we will describe some common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal, and when it is safe to go through detox at home without professional help.

Is Marijuana Withdrawal Real?

An unintended effect of the normalization of marijuana for medical purposes is the misconception that “marijuana is good for you”. This notion is problematic for several reasons, one of which is that out of hundreds of strains of cannabis, only a few have applications as medical treatments. It also gives rise to the idea that since marijuana is not a harmful drug in the same way that heroin or cocaine are harmful drugs, withdrawal doesn’t happen.

Cannabis withdrawal is very real, though. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) cites that up to 47% of people who use marijuana regularly experience some form of withdrawal. Moreover, since the withdrawal symptoms include mood imbalances, some people may be thinking the cannabis is medicating their anxiety or depression when in actuality, it is alleviating withdrawal symptoms.

What Are The Symptoms Of Marijuana Withdrawal?

As with most substances, the withdrawal symptoms vary from one person to the next. Factors affecting the nature and intensity of withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Your age, weight, sex assigned at birth, and general state of health
  • How much marijuana you were using and with what frequency
  • Whether you are using other substances, including prescription medications

The more common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include the following:

  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Increased feelings of anxiety and/or depression
  • Cravings for marijuana
  • Decreased appetite that may be accompanied by nausea
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Restlessness

What Causes Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms?

what causes marijuana withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms of some kind happen when you stop regular use of almost any substance, including everyday substances like caffeine or sugar. Using a substance like marijuana on a daily basis causes an artificial boost in certain chemicals released by the brain. These chemicals control things like how good we feel and how creative we are in any given moment.

If you stop using marijuana after prolonged regular use, your body is in a position of having to rely on natural production of these chemicals. The problem is that it takes time for the natural receptors to return to normal. You experience withdrawal symptoms as your body and mind struggle to adjust to the deprivation.

Is It Safe To Go Through Marijuana Detox At Home?

Withdrawal from some substances, such as alcohol and methamphetamine, can be extremely dangerous when there is no medical supervision. Fortunately, marijuana does not fall into this category. If you are not using any other substances, you will probably be able to go through detox at home.

The most successful at-home detox efforts are well planned. Here are some things you should take into consideration:

  • Stock up on a good source of hydration, such as sports drinks. You may not feel like eating during your withdrawal, but you have to stay hydrated. Sipping on a sports drink that contains electrolytes can help with your fluid intake if you are experiencing nausea or abdominal pain.
  • Don’t go through this alone. Even though cannabis withdrawal symptoms are relatively benign, you may experience mood swings or anxiety that seem overwhelming. Having a trusted friend or family member with you can help get you through those moments.
  • Plan some activities. Withdrawal often comes with feelings of restlessness, and this can be hard to bear, especially when combined with cravings. You may be able to alleviate this by going for walks or keeping your hands busy.
  • Make a plan to manage your cravings. If you are making a concerted effort to quit marijuana, the last thing you need is for your friendly neighbourhood dealer to pop around for a cup of coffee. This is another reason it’s beneficial to have a trusted loved one with you: they can screen any visitors or calls for you, and they can help ensure that you do not get your hands on any marijuana.
  • Be prepared to seek medical attention if needed. Marijuana does not produce medically harmful withdrawal symptoms, but if you are taking other substances, your withdrawal may be complicated. Even a legitimate prescription medication can make your body or mind behave differently if you are in a state of withdrawal.

Marijuana Detox And Rehab In A Beautiful Location

At Thousand Islands Rehab Centre, we provide everything you will need for a safe detox and a comprehensive addiction recovery. People start using marijuana for all kinds of reasons. In younger people in particular, marijuana use can be a sign of a troubled home or school life, and getting away from that environment can be hugely beneficial to healing. We will put together a marijuana addiction treatment plan that is customized to your needs and circumstances. With perseverance and determination on your part and compassion on ours, you can recover from a marijuana addiction and go on to lead a happy, fulfilling life.

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana Addiction Recovery: What Is The Process?

Many people believe that marijuana is not addictive. The increasing use of cannabis to manage medical conditions perpetuates this misconception. After all, if something is being used as medicine, how bad can it be?

A key point to remember is that there are hundreds of strains of marijuana, with new ones being created all the time. Each strain has its own unique properties and effects, and only a few of them can be used for medical purposes.

In addition, any substance, legal or otherwise, has potential to be overused. Marijuana is the second most commonly used substance in Canada, second only to alcohol. Regular use over a prolonged period of time can result in addiction, especially if such usage begins in early adolescence. Not only does youth increase the risk of addiction, it can result in more severe and long-lasting effects.

It is generally agreed among professionals that many people who use marijuana for non-medical purposes also use other substances, such as alcohol. Any time two substances are combined, there is a risk of chemical interactions that can range from uncomfortable to harmful.

Marijuana use disorders can develop over time without you or your loved ones noticing. This is especially true in a post-legalization world in which marijuana has a higher degree of social acceptance. It is important to monitor yourself for signs of addiction, so you can get help as early as possible.

It is critical to note that in Canada, it is still illegal to use marijuana if you are below the age specified by the province or territory you live in. This restriction exists for a reason: cannabis use by adolescents can be extremely harmful.

Signs Of Marijuana Use Disorder

There are some simple questions you can ask yourself to determine whether you have become addicted to marijuana. If you can answer “yes” to five or six of these, it may be time to seek help.

  • Do you habitually use marijuana for no reason?
  • Do you use marijuana immediately upon waking up in the mornings?
  • Does your life revolve around using marijuana?
  • Do you worry about finding a supply of marijuana?
  • Do you frequently use marijuana by yourself?
  • Do you use weed as an escape from problems?
  • Have you tried unsuccessfully to quit cannabis use?
  • Has using marijuana ever resulted in problems with memory, concentration, or motivation?
  • Have your loved ones expressed concern about your marijuana use?
  • If you don’t have marijuana, do you substitute another substance, such as alcohol?

Taking a marijuana addiction quiz may help you identify whether you have a problem. It is important to know that these quizzes are not diagnostic tools, they are guidelines.

Phases Of Marijuana Addiction Recovery

Your addiction recovery process depends on several factors, the biggest one being the kind of treatment program you choose. Some people simply stop using marijuana and rely on the support of family, friends and support groups. Others choose inpatient or outpatient rehab, and each facility has its own way of doing things.

In general, for those who do decide to seek marijuana addiction treatment, recovery happens in phases.


The good news is that marijuana is one of the easiest substances to withdraw from. Most withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable at worst, and none of them are known to be dangerous. The bad news is that withdrawing from marijuana may mean simultaneously withdrawing from another substance, such as alcohol or heroin. These substances can come with harmful withdrawal effects, which can be amplified or complicated by the withdrawal from marijuana.

If you are considering stopping use of any substance, even one with an image of being “harmless”, it is a good idea to do so under the supervision of a doctor. This ensures that you are safe and comfortable, and that withdrawal complications are managed as they arise.


Once you have safely withdrawn from marijuana and any other substances, you can turn your focus to rehab. Most marijuana addiction treatment facilities will put together a customized treatment program that takes your unique needs and circumstances into account. The rehab phase may include the following elements:

  • Rebuilding your physical strength through nutrition and exercise programs
  • Exploring the underlying causes of the addiction, such as trauma or stress
  • Repairing relationships that were damaged during the period of addiction, and learning better communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Training in life skills like time management and goal setting, that will help you function effectively in your “real life”.
  • Calming practices such as yoga, mindfulness, and meditation



When you are approaching the end of your rehab program, you will need to start planning how to manage your transition back to your regular life. This is something you will do with your addiction treatment team, and it will cover things like:

  • Referrals to therapists in your area so you can continue the work you started in rehab
  • Sourcing in-person and online support groups
  • Putting together a relapse prevention plan
  • Establishing boundaries between you and anyone you will be living with or having regular close contact with
  • Putting together a daily schedule, so you don’t find yourself grappling with overwhelming swathes of empty time


Your addiction treatment does not stop the day you pack your bags and leave the facility. Recovery is an ongoing process that can be punctuated with setbacks, challenges and triumphs. It is increasingly obvious that people who receive some form of aftercare have better chances of achieving long-term recovery, free from relapse. Your aftercare program may include a 24/7 support line, follow-up appointments to monitor progress, and education and training sessions to help you and your loved ones better understand addiction and why it happens.

Where To Go For Marijuana Addiction Treatment

At Thousand Islands Rehab Centre, we believe that addiction recovery is always possible. No matter where you are in your addiction journey, we are ready to welcome you to our safe, non-judgmental environment that is conducive to true healing. We will work with you to put together a treatment program customized to your needs and circumstances, and we will be there through the whole process, from your initial detox right through to aftercare. To find out more, or to book your spot, contact us today.

Marijuana Addiction

Did Cannabis Legalization Worsen Marijuana Addiction In Canada?

Any discussion about the legalization of marijuana is bound to draw a wide variety of opinions. On one end of the spectrum are people who believe that easy availability of cannabis will increase rates of marijuana addiction, and even addiction to other substances. On the other end are those who believe that far from being harmful, cannabis is actually “good” for you.

But what does the data tell us? Since marijuana was legalized in Canada in 2018, have more people become addicted to it? And what does it all mean for the addiction landscape in this country?

Cannabis Use In Canada: A Brief Timeline

Canada’s relationship with cannabis plants has a long and varied history.

A Thriving Hemp Industry

Early in Canada’s history, the growing of cannabis plants was not only allowed, but actively encouraged. Various rulers and administrators used incentive systems to encourage farmers to produce hemp, which was used for fabrics and ropes. By the middle of the 19th century, several hemp mills were running across the country.

From Commerce To Crime

Several short decades later, hemp was edged out by cotton production, and cannabis was used more as a substance to be consumed than as a fabric. In 1922, women’s rights activist Emily Murphy wrote a book called The Black Candle, in which she combined anti-marijuana rhetoric with racism in a bizarre way.

Perhaps fueled in part by this, Canadian lawmakers banned marijuana the following year. The next few decades saw a tumultuous conflict when it came to cannabis, with people protesting the ban being confronted by law enforcement authorities who were determined to disperse them. There were escalations of marijuana-related penalties, and there were calls for decriminalization of marijuana which were largely ignored.

The Best Medicine?

the best medicine

After the start of the 21st century, calls to decriminalize marijuana intensified. Several bills were passed, but they were defeated at various stages in the process, partly because of strong negative reactions from United States officials who were concerned about border enforcement.

Parallel to this, the path was being paved for legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. A man with epilepsy successfully sued the Ontario government for the right to grow and use marijuana to treat his condition. Twelve years later, in 2013, Canadians finally gained the right to get medical marijuana with a doctor’s prescription.

No More Limits

In October 2018, Canada became the second country in the world after Uruguay to legalize cannabis for recreational use. Residents of Canada who meet minimum age requirements (which vary by province or territory) can purchase cannabis in various forms from marijuana retailers, without having to provide any documentation other than proof of age. In addition, people who live in Ontario are allowed to grow up to four marijuana plants on their private properties.

Impaired driving laws were updated to include consequences of driving while under the influence of marijuana, and it remains illegal to transport cannabis across the border.

Has Marijuana Use In Canada Changed Since 2018?

There were concerns from some quarters that the legalization of marijuana, and the resulting ease of access, would lead to increased use, which in turn would inevitably lead to increased marijuana addiction.

But did this actually happen?

For the purposes of this article, we distinguish between two kinds of marijuana use:

  • Overall use, which includes regular, occasional and one-time use
  • Regular use, which includes daily or almost daily use

Overall Marijuana Use Increased By A Small Amount

According to Statistics Canada, almost 15% of Canadians aged 15 and over reported using marijuana over a three-month period prior to legalization in 2018. A corresponding study done post-legalization showed that this number increased slightly, to 16.8%.

Cannabis use after legalization was at roughly the same level as it was prior to legalization – around 33%  – among people aged 18-24. Usage increased from 13.1% to 15.5% for those aged 25 and older, but it declined quite sharply in those aged 15.17 (from 19.8% to 10.4%).

No Significant Increase In Regular Use

When we look at the data for Canadians who use cannabis on a regular basis (daily or almost daily), there does not appear to have been a significant change. Both pre and post-legalization, around 6% of Canadians reported using cannabis regularly. This suggests that legalization had the effect of making it easier for people to try marijuana in one form or another, probably out of curiosity, but it did not create new habitual users.

What Does This Mean When It Comes To Marijuana Addiction?

No reliable figures have been released that compare marijuana addiction rates before and after cannabis legalization. However, logic would indicate that since marijuana use did not increase significantly as a result of legalization, addiction probably didn’t either.

Addiction Is Still A Concern

None of this means that Canadian communities should become complacent about addiction to cannabis, especially when it comes to teenagers and young adults.

According to the US National Institute of Health, there is increasing evidence supporting a link between habitual marijuana use starting in the teenage years and psychosis. It should be noted that a causal link between adolescent cannabis use and psychosis has not been established, but the data continues to be collected and analysed.

Is Cannabis A “Gateway Drug”?

There is also a possible link between marijuana use in the teen and early adult years and subsequent use of other substances. In other words, marijuana could well be a “gateway drug”. This could have little to do with cannabis itself, and more to do with the characteristics of the user and their circumstances. Is the individual a risk-seeker by nature? Do they get a thrill out of experimenting with new things? Do they have a history of trauma, abuse, or mental illness?

Is Marijuana Good For You?

is marijuana good for you

The notion that marijuana is “good for you” became popular at around the time it was legalized for medical use. After all, if something can be used as a medicine, it must be good, right?

There are a couple of concerns with this line of thinking. First, there are hundreds of strains of marijuana out there, and each one is unique in the effects it creates. Certain strains of marijuana can help with the management of specific medical conditions. But marijuana in general should not be regarded as an elixir of good health.

Second, just because something is medicine, that doesn’t mean it should be used at will. The current opioid crisis is evidence of that: medications that have legitimate medical use can quickly become abused substances.

A Word About The Data

It has been said many times that “there are lies, damned lies, and statistics”. Every set of numbers has to be analysed in the context of when and under what circumstances the data was gathered. In this case, what we have to bear in mind is that the data is still very new. Cannabis was only legalized in Canada in October of 2018 – less than three years prior to the writing of this article. As data continues to accumulate over time, a picture very different to the one presented here may emerge.

Statistics relating to addiction are particularly difficult to gather and assess, because there is often a delayed effect. Someone may report using a substance today, but only acknowledge being addicted to that substance a year from now. What this means is that someone could enter a rehab program this year for a marijuana addiction that predates cannabis legalization. By the same token, the addictions that have started since legalization may not be reflected in any numbers for months or years.

Could Stigma Impact The Stats?

There is also a very real possibility that the numbers are being underreported. Significant percentages of people would not tell family members, friends, or coworkers about a mental health or addiction problem, and this does suggest that some people may not answer survey questions about these subjects completely honestly. It is important to continue the work of reducing the stigmas surrounding mental health and addictions, not only for the sake of gathering data, but so the proper help can get to the people who need it.

What Are The Next Steps?

What we need to do is continue collecting data. While it seems a little cold to reduce a human problem to stark numbers, it is important to gather the data so we can understand the extent of any issue.

At the same time, the human beings are more important than the numbers, and we need to ensure that people who need help for marijuana addiction are able to get it. At 1000 Islands Rehab Centre, we create addiction rehab programs that are tailored for each individual, and we encourage anyone who is concerned about themselves or a loved one to contact us.

Marijuana Addiction

Is Marijuana Addictive? How and Why You Can Get Hooked

Marijuana is addictive. Unfortunately, mainstream media and the recent legalization of marijuana in Canada are passing the opposite message.

While it seems like marijuana offers you so much at the point of usage, you can get hooked. Controlled substances (or formerly controlled as is the case of marijuana), always have a risk of leading to a use disorder. Hence, if you don’t manage your usage properly, you can have a bigger problem on your hand than the initial one that led to use.

The concept of addiction, and the question of why and how marijuana addiction happens, is complex. With the vast available information, it’s easy to get lost in the whole matrix while searching for answers.

That’s why we’re here. With our years of experience dealing with marijuana abuse cases, we can provide answers to all your questions about the addiction potential of marijuana.

Everything to Know About Marijuana

Marijuana addiction is subject to several factors like age, which we will cover in this section of the article. However, there is a need to first understand Marijuana, its use, and the said addiction.

What is Marijuana?

Since the legalization of cannabis usage in Canada, a lot has changed. As of 2019, about 5.1 million people above the age of 15 now indulge in marijuana usage. This amounts to about 16.8% of the Canadian population. This leaves one to wonder what this substance is about, and why so many people are using it.

Marijuana is otherwise known as cannabis, a reflection of the plant from which it emerges – Cannabis sativa. In more urban parlance, marijuana takes up names such as weed, herb, pot, ganja, Mary Jane, grass, and bud. The names it is known by depends on the region of use.

Marijuana has a composition made of a mixture of different flowers of the same plant. And amongst the various drug substances out there, Marijuana has the most varied means of consumption. These differences in consumption methods influence the rate with which its effects kick in. This, among other reasons, is why users may prefer one method of consumption to another.

Different forms of Consuming Marijuana

The experience from the different use methods somewhat varies. However, they all result in you being high. Whether you’re using marijuana for medical purposes or leisure, the delivery method is an important point of consideration.


This is arguably the most common method of using marijuana. These are the cigarette-like ones you see easily on the streets. For this method of consumption, the user wraps cannabis in tobacco rolling paper. You can also smoke marijuana in a pipe or a bong. (The bong is a filtration device, which makes use of water).

It’s also possible to smoke marijuana using a blunt wrap. A Blunt is a cigar in which you have emptied the tobacco content and replaced it with marijuana. In some cases, you can choose to make it a mixture of tobacco and marijuana. To smoke marijuana, you can also make use of bubblers. These devices have a similar size to pipe.

Marijuana addiction and abuse occur fast with smoking, with a risk for detrimental effects thanks to the smoke’s carcinogenic properties. Scientists continue to research the effect of smoking marijuana. However, as of now, the negative impact it has on physical health cannot be overemphasized.


This is a newer method of smoking marijuana. This process involves vaporization, as the marijuana is heated to just below combustion. This releases vapour that can then be inhaled by the user. This process is less harmful than smoking, as the vapour contains less detrimental substances to smoke.

You should, however, note that this doesn’t mean vaping is without its adverse effects. Vaping is less dangerous than smoking, not non-dangerous.

Other than the relative perceived safety of vaping, there are other reasons people use it. One of these is the claim of a better high while vaping. Vaporizers are also known to produce less marijuana smell than smoking. Also, you can easily conceal the device from sight.


These are marijuana forms you can add to your meals. The common ones are brownies, which have been around for a while now. Nowadays, you can add marijuana to different types of foods.

This is possible through the oil extract from marijuana which you can use to cook. You can also use this oil to bake, or just mix it with any other food you want.

These edibles are also made into capsules you can easily swallow. To this effect, you’ll see recreational marijuana vendors also selling marijuana-infused cookies, gummy bears, and granola bars.


This is most common with medical marijuana use. However, because of the intense high that comes with it, leisure users also abuse it. Taken in this form, marijuana is addictive, to a very high degree.

The process involves the infusion of marijuana plants with alcohol and/or water. Drops of this mix are then applied to under the tongue. This brings the marijuana near the veins and arteries. Hence, there is rapid absorption into the bloodstream.

marijuana tinctures

Factors that Influence Marijuana Addiction

As you’ll recall, earlier in this blog, we established that some factors influence marijuana addiction. Marijuana is addictive but these factors play a role in how quickly addiction sets in. They also form a basis for the questions regarding marijuana dependence and addiction.


Users who start before the age of 18 have a higher tendency of falling into the addiction loop. According to research, about 1 in 6 persons (below 18 years of age) get addicted to the substance.

Adults technically have a higher resistance to marijuana addiction. The rate of addiction is lower, as it is expected only of 1 out of 10 persons.

While age may seem to give reason to the continued use of the substance in adults, it isn’t safe. These figures are also changing. This is because the quality of marijuana products available today is higher. The substances are more powerful and potent, hence, increased susceptibility to addiction.

Over the past few years, the amount of THC in marijuana has increased. This increase reveals an increased effect of marijuana on the brain. Hypotheses have it that this influence directly links to addiction and dependence.

Biological Factors

The biological risk factors for marijuana addiction include genes, gender, and even ethnicity. Some people possess genes that leave them more predisposed to marijuana use.

Though, these genes are activated by environmental factors that will be discussed below. For someone that comes from a family of heavy marijuana users, falling into addiction is more than likely.

Environmental Factors

The environment plays a huge role in addiction. This is why one of the first steps for effective marijuana addiction treatment is a drastic change in the environment. One of the major environmental causes of marijuana addiction is family.

The type of home an individual is exposed to, especially as a child can determine if such a person ends up an addict. If a parent uses the substance, the child may indulge at an early age. This, according to the first factor stated above, is a terrible idea.

Peers at school can also be a determining factor for addiction. The curiosity and pressure that arise amidst friends can lead a teenager to want to try the first time. If such a teen now suffers from abuse, violence, or anxiety, marijuana will soon become a go-to relief. Marijuana is very much addictive in these cases.

Method of usage

There is one other method of usage that was not stated above. This is because it has the highest potential of leading to addiction. And with wrong use, it can be highly detrimental. This is the injection method of using marijuana. If you take it this way, marijuana is highly addictive. This is because it shoots straight to the brain within seconds of administration.

However, the downside of this intensity is that the feeling disappears within minutes. Hence, in the bid to experience the pleasure of injected marijuana more, subsequent use follows. This way, you can get addicted to marijuana before you know it.

Related Article: How to Talk to Your Teenage Children about Marijuana Use

How does Marijuana Addiction Occur?

We have been able to identify the conditions under which marijuana is addictive. However, this information still doesn’t do justice to why and how marijuana addiction happens. We have only been able to tell that ‘yes, marijuana is addictive if those conditions are fulfilled’

As with other substances, addiction occurs after repeated use. The only exception to this rule is opioids. In the case of marijuana, you need to have gotten to an irredeemable level of habit and dependence to be addicted.

Marijuana addiction is not common, but it can and does happen. As with other substances, the presence of marijuana in the body causes a release of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is directly involved with the feeling of pleasure. The body produces it, and the central nervous system transmits it between nerve cells during pleasurable activities.

Beyond pleasure, it also plays a role in our thinking and planning. This is why marijuana users indulge when they feel down and hope to achieve clarity of thoughts.

However, with the continued use, the body gets used to the presence of the substance to achieve such clarity. Hence, you’ll find it difficult to achieve that level of high and ecstasy when you aren’t using the substance. This explains why marijuana is addictive – the continuous quest to attain a level of high.

marijuana cigarettes

Marijuana Addiction in Canada

This issue is worsening in Canada by the day. Since the legalization of the substance, Canada has risen through ranks to become one of the most marijuana-addiction-ridden countries in the world.

A study revealed that 83.2% of Canadians have at one time used the substance. This reality bites harder when you realize the majority of these users are teens and young adults.

Signs of Marijuana Addiction

You should know that the first step towards recovery is to recognize the presence of the problem. Different substances have differing addiction signs. Hence, there are no general signs to look for.

Below is a list of signs that point to a marijuana addiction. Once you notice any or a combination of these, as a marijuana user, seek marijuana addiction treatment immediately.

Increased tolerance for the substance

When one is addicted to a substance, they begin to need more of the substance to achieve highness. This is called tolerance. Your body builds tolerance over time.

At this stage, you begin to use more of the substance than you plan to. You may want to smoke just one wrap, but end up with three. You also feel withdrawal symptoms like loss of appetite, insomnia, irritation, and anxiety.

You spend more time high

What you spend your time on defines you. When you are addicted to marijuana, you’ll notice that you spend a lot of time smoking or using it. You’ll never seem to get enough of it. You are always looking forward to getting high. In most cases, you won’t be able to keep calm if you can’t find marijuana.

As a result of this, you have reduced the amount of time left to spend on things that matter. You’ll notice that your schedule has suffered a huge depletion of recreation and other physical activities. Rather than hanging out with your friends and family, you’ll prefer to stay alone to get high.

Despite the negative effects, you continue to get high

This is as destructive as it sounds. When you experience this sign of marijuana addiction, things are certainly bad. In this situation, you are aware of the negative impacts of the substance, but you continue.

Not only will it cause issues for your health, but it will also open you up to problems at work. When your addiction begins, you begin to care less about other important things. These acts of self-sabotage can be detrimental.

You see marijuana as an escape from problems

Life is generally plagued with issues. When you start seeing marijuana as your escape from such problems, you have a problem. For instance, when you have a bad day at work, if you feel that the only way you can handle it is by smoking, that’s a problem right there.

Searching for creativity and relaxation in highness

As an artist, if you depend on smoking weed to be able to fall in sync with your art, you are addicted. You also look forward to indulging in the substance as it is your best way to relax.

This is detrimental and in the long run more likely to make you violent. Not only will you not be able to get the relaxation you seek, but you’ll also be unable to attend to daily activities.

Negative Effects of Marijuana Abuse and Addiction

An addiction to anything is bad. Now, an addiction to a substance with known health effects is outright terrible. Marijuana has contents like delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These substances result in a paradigm shift over time.

During early use, THC is responsible for you getting high. CBD on the other hand plays no part in highness. But it somewhat has a role to play in ensuring the balance of substance in your brain. You should know that leaving the health and function of your brain to these constituents is unhealthy.

These substances result in short and long-term detrimental effects. These health effects may vary from person to person, and occur at varying intensity.


Short-Term Effects Marijuana addiction

Marijuana is an addictive substance that can cause massive damage even in the short term. Some of these effects include;

Impairment of coordination

When you are high on marijuana, you’ll find it hard to coordinate your body. You wouldn’t be able to concentrate. Hence, you can’t operate machines or anything that needs your focus.

For these reasons, you are warned to not get high when you need to drive. Since coordination is impaired, you are at risk of having an accident.

You can’t learn or remember stuff easily

The presence of marijuana in the brain makes it difficult to concentrate. Your thinking is also impaired. It comes with a significant fall in your decision-making ability. Overall, this will affect your performance at school or work.

Your mental health suffers

Not only will marijuana cause you to get high, but it will also leave you in the valley of panic, anxiety, and ‘almost depression’ when you can’t use the substance. In some rare cases, it can trigger psychotic episodes for you. In the worst cases, it can get to the point of paranoia.

Long-term risks of Marijuana Use and Addiction

Marijuana is addictive and destructive. Not only in the short-term, but marijuana can also cause irreparable damage. Long-term in this case refers to several months and years. Examples of the long-term effects of marijuana addiction are:

Damage to the lung

Like cigarettes, marijuana dependence and addiction can cause damage to the lungs. The smoke from cannabis affects your lungs.

Terrible mental health

Let’s paint a picture for you. The consistent use of cannabis will lead to use disorder. This brings about withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop. Then, you continue with the use, and every other thing in life seems to be crashing.

Work, relationships, friends, family, and even finances start to drop. You continue using the substance at the expense of your family, friends, and money.

This collapse of your other worlds gets you anxious or depressed. Then to get away from this state, you use marijuana again. As such, the cycle continues.

There are many more issues that can arise from the use of cannabis. Each person experiences a different reality from another person. In summary, it’s impossible to provide answers to how marijuana addiction happens without stating the negative impacts. It’s all part of the reality of how marijuana addiction plays out.

Marijuana addiction is real, though it occurs less frequently than addiction from substances like tobacco, opioids, and alcohol. Marijuana addiction may take time to surface, but when it does, it technically takes over.

Before getting to this stage, if you use the substance, it’s best to evaluate yourself and seek help if necessary.

Related Article: Top Reasons Young People Use Marijuana

Final Take

Marijuana is addictive. The addiction does not occur as fast as some other substance. But when it does, it will cause serious damage. Hence, if you use the substance, don’t stop at knowing the signs of marijuana addiction. Get help.

The continuous use of marijuana, and other related substances, takes more away than it offers. Since being on this page, it means you have the will to know about yourself. This is a bold step.

But you should take the next step of checking out marijuana addiction treatment services near you. Speak to a specialist about how you can reclaim your normal life without the substance.

Don’t leave marijuana use to chance or self-control. Addiction can creep in when you least suspect. We at 1000 Islands Rehab Centre can help you cross this bridge. Contact us to speak to an expert today!

Marijuana Addiction

How to Recognize Someone Who Is High On Weed

Learning how to recognize someone high on weed is a life skill in today’s world. Currently, many global nations like Canada and some US states have ended cannabis prohibition. Some other countries worldwide are also embracing marijuana as a medicinal drug and legalizing it.

With these developments, it’s become important to learn how to identify weed or marijuana addiction in someone you love. The first step to doing that? Recognizing someone who is high on weed.

Experienced smokers or marijuana users may find it easy to tell if someone is high. However, inexperienced people may not know how to recognize someone is high on weed.

In this article, you will learn how to recognize the signs that someone is high on weed. We’ll also discuss the key indicators to weed abuse and addiction as well as the necessary measures to curb it. Read on to discover so much more.

What Happens When You Use Weed?

Though marijuana is now legalized in Canada, there are still dangers attached to its abusive use. There is a high potential for the drug to become addictive because of its effects on the body.

When you smoke or ingest marijuana, you will begin to feel its effects within five to thirty minutes. On average, these effects can last for about two hours. The impact you’ll feel from taking weed is due to the way the substance acts on your brain.

Marijuana contains a psychoactive chemical known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. When you ingest weed, your blood carries the THC to your brain. There, it reacts with your brain’s cannabinoid receptors.

Due to this reaction, you’ll experience a relaxing and calming effect. THC also triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that causes pleasurable feelings. This is why the drug becomes so addictive.

What are the Methods for Using Weed?

Before discussing the signs of marijuana use, it’s important to understand how your loved one may be using marijuana. There are various methods through which most people used weed. These include:

  • Smoking it (They May smoke it in a bong or use rollers).
  • Taking it in food as edibles.
  • Taking it in wax or hash form.
  • Taking it in a vaporizer.
  • Taking it in tinctures and tonics.

For those who take marijuana as edibles, it heightens the chances of suffering adverse reactions. This is because the body needs a longer time to absorb the THC present in those edibles.

This differs from what happens when you smoke it, where you feel the effects almost immediately. When you ingest weed via edibles, you may overeat to compensate for the long time it feels to get high. Doing this may lead to dangerous circumstances.

Related Article: Is Marijuana Addictive? How and Why You Can Get Hooked

weed inhale

How to Tell Someone is High on Weed

Weed is very addictive. Due to the euphoric, calming and relaxing feeling it gives, you may find yourself taking it again and again. With continued use of the substance, your body eventually gets used to the effects. When this happens, you’ll start taking even higher doses of the drug.

At this point, you are already addicted to marijuana use. Essentially, you have conditioned your body to the drug’s effects. Hence, when you lack the substance in your body, you will become unstable and unbalanced, seeking the drug like your life depends on it.

The problem with addiction is that a marijuana addict hardly knows they are dependent on the substance. Most of them struggle to come to terms with the fact and continue to delve deeper into abuse and addiction. Hence, their friends and loved ones need to be there for them to help them beat addiction, recover, and live a healthier life.

The first step to doing this is knowing how to recognize weed addiction. For you to do this, you must be adept at telling the indicators that a loved one is constantly high. This is not so easy at first, especially if you’re not used to such things. However, the tips in this article will make things easier for you.

The following signs show how to recognize someone is high on weed:

Withdrawal from others

It is common for someone high to withdraw from others and be alone. If your loved one who is usually socially active suddenly secludes themselves, it may be possible that they are stoned.

The voice tone

Sometimes, people who are high on weed find it hard to gauge the volume of their voices. Hence, they tend to talk louder or lower than they should normally do.

They give off strong scents

One key part of how to recognize someone is high on weed is by the pungent smell the substance leaves on them. While this is one of the signs to look out for, someone who smokes weed may use perfume or cologne to mask the strong scent.

Watch the eyes

The eyes are one of the indicators that tell someone is high. It is natural for your eyes to be constricted when you are in a well-lit room. However, the reverse is the case for someone who is high.

Instead of being constricted, a high person’s pupils become dilated in a lighted room. When in a dark room, such a person’s pupils become smaller.

Another way to recognize someone is high on weed using their eyes is by checking if they have bloodshot eyes. The presence of bloodshot eyes is like the easiest way to determine someone is high. However, bloodshot eyes can also mean someone is stressed or lacks good sleep.

Acting unusually

Another one of the signs a loved one is high on weed is if they begin to act unusually. Some of these unusual actions include delirious laughter, compulsive snacking, excessive eating, or violent behaviours. They may also act slower than normal and maybe unsure or unaware of their environment.

Losing focus during a conversation

If you are high on weed and are in a conversation with another person, it will be hard to maintain a normal conversation. A high person finds it hard to stay focused on a conversation.

One moment they are talking about how good a hockey team’s goalkeeper is. Within the same breath, they may start speaking about how fun skydiving can be.

Lost motivation or lack of energy

Being high can make a person lose motivation or interest in any activity. If you have a loved one who is passionate about a particular activity and they suddenly lose interest in it, it is one of the signs of marijuana use.

Besides the loss of interest, a high person loses motivation in doing anything and just wants to lay in bed all day. Hence, they tend to sleep excessively or display bad sleep habits.

lost motivation

Laughing inappropriately

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone, and they just start laughing at something that is miles away from being funny?

Being high on weed can cause you to laugh uncontrollably, even when it is inappropriate. Hence, if a person displays such behaviour, it is an indicator they are high on weed.

Feeling paranoid

Paranoia is a major way to recognize someone who is high on weed. If you or a loved one suddenly begins to feel paranoid and harbours thoughts that you are in danger, they may be high on marijuana.

Hence, if you are trying to find out if someone is high on weed, you need to watch for such behaviour, thoughts, or feelings.

Financial problems

Most weed addicts are constantly looking for money to buy the substance. Since they have conditioned themselves to use the substance, they continue to buy it.

This eventually leads to financial issues, as they invest so much in weed and forego other necessities of life. Such an individual may start borrowing money and end up owing multiple people.

Constant financial problems are a part of how to recognize marijuana addiction. If your loved one is constantly borrowing money or using important funds to buy weed, it means they are always getting high and are addicted to weed. They also need help because if they continue on that path, it’ll eventually lead to terrible consequences.

Mood Swings

One way to recognize someone is high on weed is if they constantly have mood swings. One minute they are happy and excited, and the next minute they are crestfallen and sad.

If you observe such behaviour in a person, it may be they are high on weed or using the substance. If this goes on for long, you should speak to the persona and seek marijuana addiction treatment for them after confirming they are using the substance.

Legal Problems

If you are constantly high on weed, you may find yourself in trouble due to your actions. You may be involved in street fights, club fights, or arguments.

You may also showcase violent behaviour. If you are arrested for such misdemeanours and find yourself in court, you’ll end up having legal problems and have to spend money on attorneys and settling court bills. If you have a loved one displaying such behaviour, it is wise to get them somewhere safe to prevent them from getting into trouble.

Owning drug paraphernalia

One way to recognize someone is high on weed is to find them in possession of drug paraphernalia. These include rolling papers, bongs, pipes, and other items used in storing or smoking marijuana. If you find these items and have noticed some unusual behaviour in a loved one, then it may be that they’re constantly getting high.

Staggered movements

For a loved one high on weed, they may walk staggeringly or without composure. Some other persons may walk very slowly, as though they are in a world of their own. You may also feel disoriented because weed makes you feel like you are in a dream state, making you unaware of your surroundings.

Check for signs of chronic drug use

If you notice unexplainable injuries on a person, it may indicate weed use. The person may also have open lesions and darkened veins. Such injuries and physical signs point to drug use.

These signs discussed are what to look out for when you suspect a loved one is high. However, you must note that not everyone reacts in the same way to highness.

Each person reacts uniquely to weed, and their reactions depend on several factors. Hence, if anyone is exhibiting these signs, it does not necessarily mean they are high. But the signs enumerated above surely give away a person who is high on weed.

weed in cigarette

Factors Affecting How You React to Weed

Your reaction to using weed may differ from another person’s reaction. These differences depend on the following factors:

The dose, strain, and potency of the weed used

If you smoke a weed strain that is stronger than the one another person smokes, chances are you’ll display more severe signs of highness than the other person. If you and another person smoke a weed strain of similar potency and strain, but you take larger amounts of the substance, your level of highness may be more.

The method of ingesting weed

The time in which you feel the effects of taking weed differs based on the method you use in taking it. Smoking is the fastest way to get THC into your lungs. Hence, you’ll feel the effects almost immediately.

When you chew weed or ingest it via edibles, it takes a longer time for you to feel the effects. However, these effects will be stronger and longer-lasting than other methods.

The number of times you use weed

If you use weed often, your body gets used to the effects and becomes tolerant to the substance. Hence, you may need more doses of the drug to feel the usual high you want to get. However, for a weed newbie, just a little puff of the substance can get you stoned because your body is not used to it yet.

Your age, body type, and gender

An older person may get stoned faster than a younger person. Females may also get high more quickly than men do, even with little doses of weed. If you are massively built, you may also take a longer time to get high than someone who is not. However, these conditions are not confirmed and vary among individuals.

Using weed with other drugs or alcohol

If you use weed with other drugs or alcohol, you may get stoned quickly. However, it can also lead to dangerous circumstances and is ill-advised.

Unpleasant Effects of Weed Use

Constant use of weed may lead to unpleasant effects that may become severe and life-threatening. These severe symptoms are also ways to recognize someone is high on weed:

  • Anxiety
  • Delusions
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Paranoia
  • Racing Heartbeat
  • Panic
  • Hyperactivity
  • Aggressiveness
  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Headache
  • Stroke
  • Chest pain
  • Heart rhythm irregularity
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Seizures.

It is not set in stone that everyone using weed will experience these negative effects. However, becoming addicted to the drug causes different issues for your health and eventually leads to severe consequences.

Besides health consequences, being addicted to weed also strains your relationship with loved ones, makes you less unproductive at work, and causes you to neglect your duties.

After learning how to recognize someone is high on weed (and eventually discovering that they are), you should take steps to get them the help they need. There is no use in finding out about a person’s weed use and not taking measures to help them, especially if they are loved ones.

rehab therpist group

Getting Help for Marijuana Addiction

Knowing how to recognize someone is high on weed or addicted to the substance is a small step in the right direction. If you or your loved one is addicted to weed, you need to take steps to get yourself treated.

However, the first step to finding help is admitting you have a problem. Once you come to that realization, you are well on your way to recovering from marijuana addiction and abuse.


The first phase of addiction treatment begins with detox. At this stage, your body weans itself of every trace of marijuana in your system. Depending on the severity of your addiction, you may experience some withdrawal symptoms.

These include:

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Intense cravings for the substance
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Weight loss and reduced appetite.

Detox can last for a few days up to weeks, months and even a year, depending on the severity of your addiction. After detox, the next stage in marijuana addiction treatment is enrolling in a rehab program. There are two major types of rehab programmes. These are inpatient rehabs and outpatient rehabs.

Inpatient rehab

Inpatient rehabs address all areas of a recovery patient’s addiction. In these programs, there are structured treatments or therapies tailored to each patient’s needs. If you or a loved one joins this program, you’ll live in a substance-free facility and get access to daily therapeutic support and medical care.

Inpatient rehabs are best suited for persons struggling with chronic marijuana addiction. It’s also beneficial for patients with co-occurring mental and behavioural disorders.

Outpatient rehabs

Outpatient rehabs are more flexible than inpatient rehabs. Patients in outpatient rehabs receive similar treatments and therapies that exist in inpatient rehabs. However, they don’t stay in a facility. Instead, they live at home and continue with their everyday activities while attending weekly scheduled treatment sessions.

This treatment is recommended only for those with mild forms of addiction. During outpatient rehab, patients are exposed to everyday activities during treatment and are at risk of experiencing triggers. If managed poorly, these triggers can cause them to relapse. Commitment and discipline are key to making this rehab program a success.

During your marijuana addiction treatment, you’ll take part in several therapies and counselling to make you decondition yourself from drug use. With these therapies, medical professionals trace the root cause of your addiction and help you become independent of weed use. These therapies include:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Biofeedback therapy
  • Holistic therapy
  • Dialectical behavioural therapy
  • Experiential therapy
  • Psychodynamic therapy
  • Motivational enhancement therapy

Support groups

After you are through with rehab, you should join support groups. These support groups are beneficial and are critical in helping you remain on the right path after your recovery from addiction.

In these support groups, you will meet people who have also experienced similar situations. They will share their experiences with you, encourage and ensure you stay on the recovery path.

Some of these support groups include:

  • 12-Step programs like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • SMART Recovery
  • Nar-Anon and Al-Anon.

It is also good to have addiction counsellors who provide recovery patients with unbiased support while receiving treatment. These counsellors create treatment plans and aftercare programmes suited to their patients’ needs.

Related Article: What to Expect During Marijuana Addiction Treatment


Since you are at this point in this article, you should now know how to recognize someone who is high on weed. Firstly, you learned what happens to you when you smoke weed. How your body reacts with continuous intake of the substance, eventually leading to addiction.

You also discovered the methods of taking weed. Afterward, you learned about the many ways you can tell someone is high on weed. You also read that there are factors influencing your reaction to weed use. Furthermore, you found out marijuana’s unpleasant effects.

All the information you know now is useless if you don’t take action through marijuana addiction rehab. If you or your loved one is always getting high on weed or struggling with addiction, you should find the help you need.

If you decide to do just that, look no further than our marijuana addiction treatment services. Here at 1000 Islands Rehab Centre, our addiction treatment experts will help you devise a custom treatment plan designed for long-term sobriety. Contact us today to discuss your options!

Marijuana Addiction

How to Talk to Your Teenage Children about Marijuana Use

Although, it may seem like an uncomfortable prospect, you must talk to teenagers about marijuana use. You aren’t protecting them by keeping them in the dark. In today’s world, it’s impossible to keep teenagers in the dark about topics like this.

They have access to the internet. Or they may have friends or classmates that indulge in marijuana. Hence, the way to protect your teenagers is not by avoiding any mention of it. Instead, you need to get them to understand your position about marijuana use.

Initiating and engaging in this talk is easier said than done. Not only is it difficult to bring up, but it’s also sensitive. If you don’t do a good job, it may backfire.

You shouldn’t feel any pressure, as there is no perfect foolproof way to do it. In the end, it all depends on the kind of relationship you have with your teenager.

To avoid the conversation taking a wrong turn, we’ll provide you with general information that can help you get talking to teens about marijuana. This way, you can come up with a strategy that makes it easy for you to have this talk.

Marijuana Use Among Teenagers

According to an NCBI report, about 28% of the teen population that uses marijuana are Canadians. Since the legalization of marijuana in Canada in 2018, its use has been on the rise.

This is very worrying, as addiction and ultimately fatal issues result from the continuous abuse of marijuana. In light of that, you must talk to teenagers about marijuana use. It can end up being a vital step that stops your ward from falling into addiction.

There are different ways teenagers consume marijuana. The most common mode of consumption is smoking. Marijuana can also be consumed as an edible. As the years roll by, the concentration of marijuana strain per volume has increased astronomically. Hence, the efficacy of today’s marijuana supersedes that of the same strain a few years ago.

Marijuana has medical applications. However, this does not apply to teenagers. If for anything, the use of marijuana is detrimental to the health of teenagers. With teenage marijuana addiction, there is a cause for worry.

What’s more worrying is that the stigma that caused refrain for many persons in the early 2000s is no longer there. With the legalization of the substance, the moral acceptability of marijuana consumption is on the rise.

Before you talk to your teenage children about marijuana, it’s important to understand why they may want to use it in the first place. Two major factors lead to teenage marijuana abuse.

Peer Pressure

When children live in a family where there is a smoker, the risk of picking up the behaviour is high. Friends are also a major influence on whether your teenager smokes weed or not. If they have friends who do, thanks to the curiosity and the exploratory disposition of teens, they may try marijuana out.

Recent trends show that high school students are more likely to do without marijuana use. However, when teens progress towards college, they are more likely to start smoking marijuana. This is one reason why you should talk to teenagers about marijuana use.

teenager use drugs

Self-medication and psychological escape

Depression is a common mental health problem among teenagers. Worse, it can lead to marijuana abuse. According to an NBC News report, about 7% of depression is linked to marijuana use.

As a solace from depression, teens resort to this illicit drug to get ‘high’ and active. The repetition of this activity leads to addiction in no time. This “self-medication”, rather than getting expert help, is dangerous and a leading cause of cannabis addiction.

The issue that causes the use of marijuana doesn’t have to be depression. Sometimes, anxiety, abuse and other mental health problems can also cause it. This is one major reason why you need to master how to talk to teenagers about marijuana abuse.

Related Article: Top Reasons Young People Use Marijuana

Risks of Marijuana Use for Teenagers

If you don’t talk to teenagers about marijuana use, you may soon be getting more than what you bargained for. The risks of consistent marijuana abuse among teenagers are enormous. Unlimited marijuana use can result in terrible mental and behavioural conditions.

Thanks to the legalization movement in Canada, most teenagers now think marijuana is safe. This miscommunication can be damning if care is not taken. It should be said that legal marijuana use in Canada is not for those under 19. However, teens younger than this still use marijuana — without much reproach.

As a guardian or parent, dealing with a child that uses marijuana involves you effectively communicating the risks to them. Helping them understand the following risks is vital.

Reduced retention-ability

Teenage years should be full of active learning. The use of marijuana distorts the learning process for teenagers. With consistent marijuana use, the average teenager will find it difficult to be retentive.

Learning, generally, becomes arduous. You’ll notice this in their grades and results. They’ll fall below their usual standards and may find it hard to recover. This can ultimately go on to negatively impact their life career choices.


Addiction is terrible, especially for teens. Hence, you should do everything possible to talk to teenagers about marijuana use.

After marijuana use, its psychoactive influence kicks in, releasing dopamine in the brain. This gets the user happy, active, and very aware.

This is what lures most users. However, after a while, this effect wanes. To achieve the feeling again, you’ll have to use the substance again.

In no time, addiction comes knocking. Your teenage children begin to need more of the substance to reach the same levels of high.

This is because the brain builds tolerance with constant use. Getting to this level of marijuana addiction may take a while. However, marijuana dependence and addiction occur faster in teens.

Poor life quality

Once addiction kicks in, quality of life takes a persistent nosedive. The plummeting quality of life gets worse as your teen starts to make all the wrong decisions.

This may lead to depression. And in a bid to escape the depression, they may use more of the substance. As such, the vicious cycle continues.

For teens, poor life quality may mean they start to lose good friends. Or, they may start to lose direction in life and exhibit rebellious behaviour. At this point, it’s best to take the bold step of working with marijuana rehab services to reverse this issue.

Mental Illness

This reality is sad, especially for teens. Consistent marijuana abuse has the probability of resulting in panic attacks. It can also come with conditions like hallucinations, disoriented thoughts and paranoia. None of these are good news.


The number of Canadians that suffer auto-crashes due to drugs is skyrocketing. Teens are a larger part of this demographic. For teens, or anybody else for that matter, the influence of marijuana results in a lack of proper judgment. Coordination gets poorer and your alertness douses.

You become incapable of driving safely — an activity that requires you to have swift reactions. Teens are dying on the road under the influence of marijuana. Hence, it is time to talk to teenagers about marijuana use.

Signs Your Teen is Using Marijuana

It’s very easy to dismiss the signs of marijuana use and addiction as teenage tantrums. Many of the signs of addiction bear somewhat of a resemblance to that of puberty. Hence, you need to be extra careful and vigilant. Here are signs to tip you off if your teen smokes or eat weed:

Loss of interest

They begin to lose interest in things they normally hold dear. For instance, they may suddenly lose interest in the family Friday night movies.

It’s easy to mistake this as your teenage children growing up. However, the loss of interest may also be due to marijuana addiction.

cigarette teenagers

Bad grades

Bad grades suddenly begin to surface in their results. When you confront them with this plummet, they’ll probably refuse to talk about it. You’ll probably notice your teen being lackadaisical about the drop in grades.

They change or lose friends

Teenagers are arguably the most social age group. They make friends easily. In the neighbourhood, your teen probably has numerous friends.

When you notice these friendships are changing, you should sit up and take notice. Teenagers who use marijuana will likely crave solitude. They’ll want to be alone as much as possible. This way, they can indulge in peace. As a result, they’ll spend less time with friends and family.

They stink of marijuana

To know what’s up with your teens, you may need to find out what marijuana smells like. Teens addicted to marijuana will surely have the scent hanging around them.

Change in personality

This is the most radical and easily noticeable of changes. Is your teen someone that was always happy and jovial, but is now dull and moody? Something may be wrong. Typically, teenage marijuana users and addicts experience a change in personality, appearance, and mood.

Tips to Talk to a Teenager about Weed (Marijuana)

Teens are arguably the most sensitive age groups to deal with as adults. They can easily snap at you, and storm out of the room. Or they can decide to clam up and venture no useful information. Hence, due to how delicate their age group is, knowing how to properly talk to teenagers about marijuana use is vital.

You should know there is no singular best way to go about this talk. As a parent, guardian, friend, or family member, you must know who you are dealing with. It helps to know and understand the peculiarity of the teen in question.

Most times, teens won’t admit they indulge in marijuana. This is understandable. The fear of getting punished won’t make them admit it. But if you are adequately armed with knowledge of marijuana usage indicators, you’ll know.

Once you cross the stage of knowing, here are tips to talk to a teenager about weed.

Don’t scare them off

A mistake most parents make when looking to converse with their ward is starting with “we need to talk.” This may seem harmless to you as a parent or guardian.

However, no child likes or wants to ‘talk.’ It’s a red flag they run away from. Hence, you need to be adept in the art of getting their attention, without asking for their attention.

Be as subtle as possible

When trying to talk to teenagers about marijuana use, whether they indulge or not, you need to be subtle. Going hard on them will get you nowhere. You need your teenage child to be as vulnerable and as honest as they can be.

Remember, talking to them can either make or mar the situation. For a teen that doesn’t use the substance, they may get curious after your ‘talk’ and try it out. It’s a dicey situation you must handle expertly.

Make sure it’s the right time

There is no rush to talk about marijuana. Even if you’ve confirmed your teens’ addiction, don’t rush things. Recovery is often a long-term journey.

You need to make sure the time is right. If the teen is high, wait till they are sober. If angry, wait till smiles return to their faces. Most of the time, your teenage child’s mood can affect how smoothly your talk about marijuana abuse goes.

Don’t be judgmental

The last thing you want to be during this talk is a judge. No one likes to be judged. Everyone feels insecure about many of their actions. Your teenagers are not excluded from this sentiment.

Once your tone tilts towards passing judgment, you’ll most likely never reach the desired destination. Hence, your talk should be more positive and expository, rather than conclusive and inferential.

Be calm

You may not achieve your aim on the first try, especially if the teen is already used to marijuana. Talking to teens about marijuana requires that you are cool, calm, and collected. They’ll fret, deny, and panic, amidst a million other things. You need to be the calm one. Losing your calm in any of these situations won’t get you anywhere.

Don’t be rigid

Most times, indulging in marijuana is simply an escape for the teen. There are probably bigger issues underlying their action. Hence, you must be willing to hear and respond to them. Once you can get them vulnerable and talking (if they are users), listen and be ready to change your mind about things. Be ready to help.

Be an example

There is no point trying to talk to teenagers about marijuana use if they know you use it too. You can’t tell them to avoid or quit what they see you do. It doesn’t even have to be marijuana.

You shouldn’t be a drug user if you are going to engage in this tough conversation with your teenager. Where substance abuse is concerned, you must be the pristine example of sobriety.

Be prepared

Teens are curious and most times argumentative. They have a knack for rationalizing bad behaviour. To get them to flip to your sphere of thought, you need to convince them beyond reasonable doubts. They’ll ask numerous questions in the bid to support their stance. Hence, you must have done your homework.

That’s why this article starts by exposing you to some facts about marijuana addiction and teens. Don’t talk to teenagers about marijuana use if you don’t have answers to the questions they’ll ask.

Be ready to get help

You never can tell what the result of the conversation may be. Things may prove beyond your control. Hence, getting help for teenagers with marijuana addiction becomes vital. You may hit the jackpot and your tee is on the same page with you. If this is the case, be ready to help them maintain that stance and understanding.

You shouldn’t let things get too late before you step in. This may result in huge marijuana rehab expenses. It’s best to nip things in the bud as soon as possible. Start by speaking to a marijuana addiction expert near you!

Related Article: Common Myths About Marijuana Abuse

Final Take

Getting to talk to teenagers about marijuana use is a delicate move. It’s sensitive, for both you and the teen in the question. Hence, you must reassure them you are on their side.

Furthermore, you must create a condition that’s conducive and allows them to be vulnerable. Achieving this is not a one-day job. The premise is on the trust and understanding between you and them. But it’s not too late to make them know you care.

Teenage years are critical to the overall development of your children. As such, it’s up to you to make sure they navigate these years with zero exposure to drugs.

If your teenage child has a marijuana addiction problem, it’s not the end of the world. Here at 1000 Islands Rehab Centre, our addiction treatment specialists have considerable experience working with teenagers. Let’s help put your kid back on the right path!

Marijuana Addiction

What to Expect During Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Not knowing what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment is why many addicts don’t sign up for rehab. Being an addict to marijuana is not a very pleasurable experience. While the first use of the substance may seem like heaven. The addiction that follows years of severe abuse is more like hell.

Marijuana addiction topples the life of the user, in all aspects. From worsening relationships with friends to losing hold of your finances, the list of side effects that come with a marijuana habit is endless.

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably taken the first step of admitting to yourself that you are an addict. This is great news, an achievement even. For many addicts, getting over the denial stage can be quite an accomplishment.

Now, you need help. But you are having some unresolved doubts. You are unsure of what happens during marijuana addiction treatment. The fear of uncertainty is real.

This is why we’ve come up with this guide. It will help you understand what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment. Through it, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of the different treatment exercises that form a part of marijuana rehab. Let’s get into it.

What is Marijuana Addiction?

Marijuana may not be instantly addictive as opioids, but when it does hook a fellow, it takes time to recover. This is not to scare you but to prepare your mind for the fact that the journey of marijuana addiction recovery is a long one.

As of 2018, Canada became the second country in the world to make marijuana use legal. This has caused the country to see a spike in cannabis usage. According to the CCSA, marijuana is now the second most abused substance in the country.

The cannabis plant is the source of marijuana. When this plant is harvested, it gets dried and ground. This is then made available for you to smoke. Though, smoking is not the only consumption process for marijuana. There are edibles you can chew, and they can also be injected into the body.

marijuana and handmade cigarette

How Marijuana Addiction Happens

Marijuana is very psychoactive because it triggers the release of a substance called dopamine. However, marijuana doesn’t stop at this, it can also alter perception. This is why you and others turn to it when you have issues or feel stress. And since the world we live in can’t be devoid of stress and issues, you turn to the substance more frequently.

In the long run, the brain begins to get used to the substance. Then, your body begins to build a resistance. Such that, to reach the level of high you want, you need to consume more marijuana. In the long run, dependence will lead to addiction.

For the most part, overdosing doesn’t normally occur with marijuana. However, there is an increasing number of people that end up in the ER because of a weed habit. Most times, this is due to accidents that occur when they are high.

Signs of Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana can be very addictive. Since most users equate it as a cure for stress, it’s tempting to keep indulging.

Other causes of marijuana trace back to peer pressure. The company you keep can also be the reason you are addicted. Whatever the cause is, once marijuana addiction occurs, the stories are similar.

At first, you won’t accept you are addicted as most people do. You’ll believe you can stop using the substance whenever you want. Most times, this is a wrong affirmation.

So, before finding answers to what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment, how do you know you or a loved one needs rehab? Some symptoms are a key indicator of a worsening marijuana habit.

Just like other disorders, you may not experience all the symptoms mentioned below. However, if you experience at least two of the following within 12 months, the chances are high that you have an addiction problem.

  • You continue to use marijuana even when it’s causing a strain on your social and romantic relationships. You even continue to use it despite physical harm.
  • You strongly crave the substance frequently
  • You start needing more of the substance to get high
  • When you don’t use the substance for a while, you experience withdrawal symptoms. These include; mood swings, sleep disruption, severe headache, appetite disruption abs irregularities in weight.
  • You stop doing the things you used to enjoy
  • You just feel like using the substance all-day
  • You ignore health conditions and keep smoking or eating it
  • You are always getting high
  • You go out of your way to get marijuana. This may involve you having to use money meant for other things.

So if you are curious about what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment, here is a little prelude to the main answer — it’s not going to be easy. But when you are with the right marijuana addiction rehab service, you can be sure they’ll make the process as easy as possible.

But first, we’ll explore the short and long-term negative effects of marijuana addiction on a person.

Effects of Marijuana Addiction

Understanding how marijuana addiction affects your life will help you become resolute in your decision to get help. Marijuana addiction is robbing you of life, your life.

Short Term Effects of Marijuana Addiction

As stated earlier, the effects of the substance on you may differ from that of your friend. Also, you may not experience all of these. But certainly, you’ll have noticed some.

  • There is the risk of short-term memory loss
  • You may also suffer from severe anxiety. In some cases, you may suffer paranoia.
  • You may also start experiencing strange behaviours like seeing and smelling things that aren’t real. This is a situation known as psychosis.
  • Panic is also a common situation that can occur
  • You may also suffer from hallucinations
  • You may lose your sense of personal identity
  • There is also a reduction in your reaction time to situations and events
  • There is the possibility of an increased heart rate
  • You also have an increased risk of suffering from stroke
  • Males also suffer sexual problems
  • You suffer a loss of coordination

Long Term Effects of Marijuana Addiction

The answer to what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment should spur you to get professional rehab. Without it, you risk the following long-term marijuana addiction issues.

  • The decline in your IQ. This is a situation that gets worse if your addiction started as an adolescent
  • You can also suffer from an impairment of your thinking.
  • You experience a reduction in how much you are satisfied with life
  • The possibility of getting addicted to opioids.
  • You may experience financial difficulties
  • You experience increased antisocial behaviour.

Marijuana addiction, like any other, is as deadly as they come. The effects in the long term and short term aren’t just worth the investment you make into the drug with your hard-earned money. This is why the various marijuana addiction treatment methods are a lifesaver.

Related Article: Treatment for Marijuana Addiction: Why You Need to Stop Smoking

marijuana on table

What Happens During Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Here’s a breakdown of the aggregate journey to marijuana addiction recovery and sobriety.


Accepting that you are addicted to marijuana is the first step towards recovery. However, you shouldn’t just accept that fact by yourself. You need to inform your friends and family. There is just one reason for this.

Taking the remaining steps towards marijuana addiction recovery requires ample support from friends and family. Your will alone won’t get you through the specialist’s door.

Because marijuana is now legal in Canada, you may wonder why you should bother giving it up. Yours is a personal journey. The need for recovery transcends what the law permits or not.

Consultation Session

Post acknowledgment, the next step is to speak with a marijuana rehab expert. You need to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. This consultation session can also help you uncover any underlying condition you didn’t know about.

A marijuana addiction treatment expert will be able to gauge the extent of the addiction. Together with medical personnel, they’ll be able to test you for health-related problems.

The results of these tests and consultation sessions will form the bedrock of your marijuana rehab plan. You’ll be able to make critical decisions like whether to go with inpatient or outpatient rehab. Once the diagnosis is over, the first step that begins everyone’s marijuana recovery is detoxification.

Marijuana Detox

This is a treatment process that involves medical experts administering medication to get the physical elements of marijuana out of your body. This process has to be conducted under the strict supervision of a specialist.

During detoxification, you won’t be taking any more marijuana. This is called withdrawal. Withdrawal from rehab causes the body to react, in the following ways:

  • Increased irritation
  • Increased anxiety
  • You won’t be able to sleep
  • You’ll have a heightened craving for the substance
  • In severe cases, it can lead to depression
  • Insomnia can also result from marijuana withdrawal
  • You won’t be able to experience pleasure without the substance.

Once detox is complete, the doctor will provide you with medications to combat these symptoms as you proceed into the next stage — therapy.

Marijuana addiction treatment methods

Rehabilitation can take different forms for different persons. It all depends on the peculiarities of the patient involved. Hence, it’s not easy to accurately preempt what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment.

The system of treatment an addiction treatment service recommends depends on how severe your addiction is. For persons with very severe marijuana addiction, an expert will most likely recommend inpatient therapy.

However, if your addiction is mild, you may be subject to outpatient therapy. The major difference between these two directions of therapy is admission into the facility. For inpatient treatment, you’ll remain in the addiction treatment center. You’ll be under the supervision of the healthcare professionals, in a controlled environment.

For the outpatient treatment, you’ll still be able to get to work and do other things. Although, you’ll have to see your designated treatment officer frequently during the week. The frequency of your visit to the marijuana rehab centre is based on the discretion of the expert.

Inpatient treatment is more recommended if you want to see fast results. The environment is controlled there. Hence, you will suffer less exposure to triggers and environmental cues that encourage addiction. However, inpatient treatment always costs more. But the use of this procedure for marijuana addiction treatment has a higher chance of success.

Getting Marijuana Addiction Treatment: What to Prepare For

Preparation is at the center of what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment. If you will be going in for inpatient treatment, there are only a few things you’ll need. The first being your clothing, as light as you can pack them.

You should also make sure your family is catered for in your absence. This is important if you are the breadwinner of the family. Notifying your family also brings about support, which you’ll need loads of, once you are admitted into the facility.

There are different grades of treatment facilities. The luxurious ones have more facilities and equipment that makes ‘life away from normal’ easier. However, even if you go for more affordable marijuana rehab services, you’ll still enjoy positive results.

You should also prepare your mind that inpatient treatment lasts between 30 to 90 days. When you are done with inpatient rehab, sober living homes are the next best thing to help you transition to normal life.

Inpatient treatment centers eliminate triggers during your stay. Hence, suddenly transitioning back into an uncontrolled environment can be overwhelming. Sober living homes serve as that transition center. You rent space in these homes, controlled homes, while you go about normal life activities again. The sober living homes are controlled and with caregivers at your arm’s length.

marijuana rehab group

Cost of Marijuana Addiction Treatment

What a marijuana program looks like is dependent on the center you choose, and your treatment needs. These peculiar details will determine the experience you will enjoy during your treatment program. Similarly, it also influences the cost you’ll incur.

Thankfully, you can mitigate expensive bills with insurance or other government-assisted programs like Medicaid.

The breakdown of the cost for marijuana rehab is simple. The first stage of treatment is detox, and this costs between $1000 and $5000. For inpatient rehab, that already contains detox, the cost is about $6000 for 30 days.

Some facilities may however rise to $20000. If your program is going to run for between 60 to 90 days, the cost is about $12000 and $60000.

Outpatient treatments are cheaper and can cost $5000 for a 3-month’ program. Medications during treatment can rise to about $4700.

What to Expect during Marijuana Addiction Treatment

The process of addiction recovery is long and can seem somewhat impossible. You’ll experience both physical and psychological discomfort. Because you are conscious about quitting marijuana, the craving can somewhat become unbearable.

A lot is going to happen once you walk through that door to see a specialist. However, none of these things are worth being scared of. You may not exactly know what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment.

However, you need to be rest assured that it’s all about your recovery. Whatever happens, will lead to your wholeness and ability to live without drugs. These key points will guide your mental image of what marijuana rehab is:


This is the first thing you should know about marijuana addiction recovery.  One thing to have at the back of your mind is that recovery is a lifetime journey. While marijuana rehab programs themselves have a time cap, recovery is a never-ending journey.

From studies and observations, marijuana addiction treatment methods get administered for between 30 to 90 days. On rare occasions, however, it may last up to a year. You won’t know how long the treatment will last from the beginning. Your doctor may decide to extend you beyond the maximum point of this average if there is no improvement. If your condition improves, you may end treatment faster.


Cognitive-behavioral (CBT) therapy is the most common form of therapy administered for marijuana addiction treatment. This may differ for you, as your therapist may employ other forms of therapy based on your condition. CBT therapy is a form of individual therapy.

Depending on the form of marijuana addiction rehab program, you may be put in discussion groups with other marijuana addicts in recovery.

Discussing in these groups gives patients a sense of community. This helps you better focus on your treatment as you’ll understand that you are not alone.

Visit from family and friends

If you are an inpatient, you’ll not see much of your outside family and friends. Since you need to focus more on your recovery, this distinction is important to control your exposure to marijuana.

However, there are visiting hours, which differ from facility to facility. You should find out about visiting hours before committing to a treatment. Regular visits from friends and family will help you with the confidence to go on with the treatment.


Technically, you cannot ascertain the cost of treatment from the beginning. Contingencies may occur and you’ll need to spend more. With the support of family and friends, you’ll scale through this.

One thing you should know is the cost of addiction treatment is always lower than the cost of sticking to addiction. If addiction treatment costs you $20000 in a year, a marijuana habit may cost you about double in that period.


Relapse is a situation where start using marijuana again while you are in recovery. The percentage of relapse during recovery is between 40 to 60%.

This is more common for outpatients than inpatients. As an outpatient, you are still exposed to triggers even as you get treatment. As such, it’s easier for relapse to happen.


Medications are mainly administered during the marijuana detox process. Most of these medications won’t be sold to you over the counter. They are only prescribed by a doctor. And even when your medication runs out, you can only get another prescription from the doctor.

Standard practice will also have the doctor conduct a further examination to determine if you still need the substance. This is to prevent you from replacing your marijuana addiction with an addiction to the prescribed medication.

Your will

Beyond knowing what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment, you need to master how you’ll keep your willpower running. The recovery process can be exhausting, especially as you are cut out from society. In these periods, you need to be strong and maintain your focus. If you lose your willpower, the investment in recovery is a waste.

The 12-step program

This program was created by the founders of Alcoholics anonymous. It contains principles to help you overcome the problem of addiction.

The success of this program in its early days is why it’s being recommended across the world. You’ll get introduced to this program during rehab. It’s best if you follow through even after rehab.

Related Article: How Much Does Marijuana Addiction Rehab Cost?

Marijuana Addiction Rehab is Effective

Knowing what to expect during marijuana addiction treatment is one thing, starting and following through is another. No amount of knowledge will suffice without action. Take the first step towards recovery now by reaching out to any of our world-class marijuana rehab facilities.

Here at 1000 Islands Rehab Centre, our treatment experts have the experience, facilities and specialization to help you recover from marijuana addiction. Get started today!

Marijuana Addiction

How Much Does a Marijuana Addiction Rehab Cost in Canada?

What is the cost of Marijuana Rehab?

The cost of marijuana addiction rehab will always be negligible when compared to the expenses associated with marijuana addiction. From financial issues to loss of work focus and problems with the law, marijuana addiction can be hard on your wallet.

There are varying factors that influence how much marijuana rehab will cost you. The basic premise of these factors is your needs and wants. There are different addiction treatment offerings for persons of different income levels. Hence, you don’t need to worry about not finding a facility that will take you in.

The very first step towards addiction recovery is acknowledging your condition. You also need to be willing to get treatment. Then, you can start looking for a marijuana rehab service near you. Here, the cost of marijuana addiction rehab will help you prune through options.

In this guide, you will find everything to know about the cost of marijuana addiction treatment.

The Cost of Marijuana Addiction Treatment by the Numbers

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to marijuana addiction treatment. The cost of marijuana addiction rehab depends on the exact type and element of treatment you are receiving. However, there is a basic template of marijuana rehab expenses you may incur in the course of recovery.

Detoxification cost

This is the first step in addiction recovery treatment. This stage of treatment for outpatient costs between $1000 and $1500. There is no separate cost for inpatients, as it is included in the cost of being admitted into the facility.

Detoxification is a sensitive process, one that needs proper monitoring. Hence, the high price.

Inpatient rehab cost

Most times, the cost of marijuana addiction rehab for inpatient is about $6000 for a 30-day treatment period. Luxury centers may cost you as high as $20000. The duration of your stay also has a direct influence on the price of marijuana rehab.

Outpatient rehab cost

These treatments are always cheaper than inpatient treatments. For three months, the cost is about $5000. Though some luxury outpatient facilities are in the range of $10000.

Medication cost

Medications are an important aspect of marijuana addiction treatment and may cost you thousands of dollars per year. For a whole year, your medications can cost around $2000.

Factors that influence Marijuana treatment cost

Several factors influence marijuana addiction treatment in Canada. The most common of these include;

Type of treatment programs

You can’t determine this for yourself. The type of treatment you go for determines how much cost you’ll incur. Inpatient treatments are always costlier than outpatient treatments. Remember, the cost of housing, feeding, and care are included in the final bill.

The treatment center cost

The treatment center you consult with also determines how much you’ll incur in the course of treatment. Luxury inpatient centers cost more than those with average facilities. Hence, you should know exactly what you can afford and go for it.

Location influences cost

The location of the treatment center also influences how much it’ll cost you. Marijuana rehab centers in the city generally cost more than those in less urban areas. Make your adequate research to know what you can afford.

Related Article: The Amazing Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

Marijuana rehab is affordable

The cost of marijuana rehab programs can seem somewhat high. However, there are several ways you can finance the treatment. You can rely on nonprofit and state-funded rehabs to get your treatment. If you have health insurance, it will also suffice in lifting a considerable part of the burden off your shoulder.

Before bothering about the cost of therapy for marijuana rehab, ensure you do your due diligence. Researching far and wide will help you know the best program and facility for you. The costliest facility isn’t necessarily the best. The best facility is one that meets your needs adequately.

The cost of Marijuana addiction

If you’ve never taken account of what your marijuana addiction costs you, you’ll think the cost of marijuana addiction rehab is overkill. If, however, you take some time to calculate all the money you spend on the addiction, per year, you’ll stop. And one hard truth is that getting stoned on marijuana costs you more than money.

Treatment stages affect the cost of Marijuana Rehab

Marijuana is one of those addictions that take a long time to develop. However, once it does, breaking the habit can require you to cover a large bill for marijuana addiction rehab.

You should know that the first step towards treating the problem is to acknowledge its existence. Without this acknowledgment, you’ll never be ready to incur the cost of marijuana addiction rehab.

There are different treatment paths for different persons. However, they all start with a particular procedure.

Consultation with the specialist

This is the very first thing you need to do once you’ve come to accept your addiction. It’s the next right move after admitting your addiction. You shouldn’t go around taking medications that were prescribed to your friend or whatnot. Every person differs from the other.

Hence, you need to reach out to a specialist for a proper full diagnosis. The outcome of this consultation will determine what treatment options you’ll be prescribed during the withdrawal and detox stage of addiction rehab.

Individualities like this can affect the cost of marijuana rehab. There’s also the fact that in many addiction treatment centres, you’ll have to pay for a consultation session with a specialist.


The cost of this medication as well as how long detox takes can affect how much you’ll pay for marijuana rehab. The silver lining is that in many cases, this stage only takes a few days.


As mentioned earlier, medication is peculiar to the individual. You shouldn’t take medication for marijuana withdrawal just because a friend of yours takes the same for his addiction.

The first reason is that you have different issues. Also, you may have an underlying condition that can cause complications.

Therapy and Treatment

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the most important form of therapy for addicts. There are different forms of therapy, which can either be personal or in a group.

Treatment for marijuana addicts can either be as an inpatient or an outpatient. The treatment option you go for depends on what the specialist feels is necessary.

However, there is a general rule of thumb. People with mild addiction can be placed on the outpatient treatment procedure. For those with chronic addictions, it’s best to get inpatient treatment.

Each of these treatment options has its pros and cons, while also influencing the pricing for marijuana addiction rehab differently.

Inpatient treatment

This is the form of treatment where you, as a patient, get to stay in the marijuana rehab facility through the length of your recovery. This is an intensive system of rehabilitation and usually lasts between 30 and 90 days.

This form of treatment is more expensive than the outpatient form of marijuana treatment. And within the inpatient treatment system, there is also a price variation depending on what amenities are available with your chosen rehab center.

Inpatient treatment facilities are always very controlled. They do away with any form of trigger or cue that may cause you to return to your marijuana habit. In these facilities, you also have on-demand access to healthcare professionals who will always be there to help you go through the most difficult moments of withdrawal.

This system of treatment also makes it easy to be amongst groups of recovery patients just like you. However, this treatment mode takes you away from everyday life, and to get back after your treatment, you’ll need further help from sober homes.

Sober homes are like the interface between inpatient rehab centers and the real world. They help you get acquainted with the real world again — as slowly as possible.

In these facilities, you’ll go around your daily business, while living in a very controlled rented environment. You’ll stay here till you are ready to integrate back into society with the ability to stay clean.

Outpatient treatment

The cost of marijuana addiction rehab in this case is always lower than inpatient programs. In this system of treatment, you’ll still live in your home and go about your daily work. However, you’ll need to make and attend weekly sessions with the specialist. How many times your consultation will be per week is totally up to the discretion of your specialist.

This is best for mild addictions, as chronic addictions are impossible to treat this way. With a long-term marijuana habit, there is always the tendency of you being exposed to triggers even when you have started therapy.

Your daily routine is maintained, and you go through therapy that’ll help you cope and stay clean. To enjoy a successful outpatient therapy treatment, you may need to dedicate about 10 to 12 hours per week.

Marijuana Addiction in Canada

Canada has the highest rate of cannabis in teens. In a report by DrugFreeKidsCanada, about 23% of the teens, aged 15, across the world, who use cannabis are from Canada. For the girls, the number is at 21%. This is worrisome.

One of the most common causes of marijuana use is peer pressure. The influence of friends as youths enter into high school or college results in this. When you walk for so long with a person who uses the substance, it’s only a matter of time before a moment of vulnerability gets you hooked.

The belief that the substance is harmless is right there on top of the chart of marijuana addiction causes. For most users, there is a belief that they can always stop whenever they want to. This is a form of self-deception, and it makes the cost of marijuana addiction treatment rise if you finally decide to get help.

Marijuana Addiction

The stress factor

In a world full of stress, many people leverage marijuana as an escape. This is arguably the most common cause of marijuana addiction. This is because the stress doesn’t end, hence, the continued use of the substance.

Teens use the substance to douse the troubles of stress, anorexia, lack of concentration, depression, amongst other triggers.

Once the act of using marijuana becomes cued by any of the above issues, the brain grows dependent on the substance as it continually seeks solace. Unlike opioids, it’s possible to not get addicted even after extended use. It’s possible to smoke marijuana and not get addicted. However, beyond the issue of addiction, health complications can accumulate. Hence, it’s best advised to not use the substance.

Since it’s possible to use marijuana and not be addicted, it makes it difficult to tell when you are addicted. And without being able to acknowledge your addiction, getting help is far-fetched. Hence, if you are not sure if you suffer from marijuana addiction, there are some signs you should look out for.

Signs of Marijuana addiction

Marijuana addiction can occur at different rates for people. While someone may get addicted after one month of use, it may be longer for others. Here are some tells that you are addicted to marijuana.

  • You lose interest in the activities you used to love
  • You are having issues with your relationships; lover, friends, family, and colleagues. You begin to put less effort into these relationships
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop slightly.
  • You can now use more than you started with, without blanking out
  • You can’t bring yourself to stop

Remember that you don’t have to exhibit all of these tells before you know you are addicted. Once you are addicted, it becomes almost impossible for you to stop yourself. It is at this point you have to muster the determination to get help.

Start by informing your friends and family, and booking a consultation at a marijuana addiction rehab centre.

There are different types of treatment you can get. However, all these treatments start with the process of detoxification. At the stage of detoxification, you’ll experience the following withdrawal symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood swings
  • You get irritated easily
  • You lose sleep
  • You have frequent headaches
  • You begin to lose focus frequently
  • You experience a somewhat uncontrollable craving for marijuana
  • You experience breakouts of cold sweats
  •  Unusual chills
  • There is an increase in depression potential

Related Article: How to Quit Weed


Marijuana Addiction

How to Recognize Marijuana Addiction

Are you wondering how to recognize marijuana addiction? Are you or a close friend or relative showing symptoms of marijuana addiction? Well, you may never be too sure unless you can recognize the symptoms of addiction. 

Not everyone understands the adverse health effects of abusing marijuana. This is because there are no active studies or education about the side effects of cannabis consumption. However, the one thing we can be sure of is that cannabis usage is widespread.

According to a survey on marijuana and cannabis consumption among adults in the past three months in Canada, 24 percent of Canadians between the ages of 15 to 24 consume cannabis. While Canadians aged 25 to 34 who abuse marijuana amount to a total of 25.6 percent. From this, it’s evident that cannabis usage is prevalent among young adults compared to older adults.

Typically, marijuana possesses a stunning reputation for being somewhat harmless. However, marijuana, like any other drug, can lead to addiction. Medical professionals refer to this addiction as — marijuana use disorder. 

Although, marijuana is medicinal and also useful for recreational purposes. However, continuous usage or consumption of cannabis may lead to addiction. But knowing the symptoms of marijuana abuse is the first step in finding out your addiction status.

Furthermore, the first step towards any addiction recovery is accepting you have a problem with alcohol or drugs. Generally, it’s tough to be fair when judging your personal drug use or someone you love dearly. 

Typically, your close friend or family may exhibit the symptoms of marijuana addiction or abuse. Also, symptoms of weed abuse often relate to behavioural changes, physical and behavioural changes.

In a nutshell, marijuana addiction combines a whole lot of social, physical, behavioural, and psychological symptoms. Aside from being exclusive to every individual, these signs can also vary accordingly. For instance, it can vary based on the frequency at which you consume marijuana. It can as well vary by your consumption method or the strength of the marijuana. 

Ultimately, long-term or consistent use of marijuana can lead to dependence and addiction. Also, it can affect your mental and physical health negatively. Due to this, we at 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab centre have put together tips on how to recognize marijuana addiction and the treatment for marijuana addiction. Before we proceed, let’s take a look at what marijuana addiction is.

What is Marijuana Addiction?

Marijuana Addiction

Typically, marijuana is a psychoactive substance capable of altering your perception. It contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary chemical compound that stimulates its effects. Furthermore, the effects of marijuana may vary from person to person, depending on the mode of consumption.

A medical professional can easily diagnose marijuana addiction in an individual. However, it’s noteworthy to know that its addiction possesses a significant adverse risk on the individual’s life. People can cultivate a mental dependence on cannabis in the same way they do with other addictions.

When a person uses marijuana, cannabinoid receptors present in the brain become active via the neurotransmitter known as Anandamide. Tetrahydrocannabinol then blocks and mimics the actions of natural neurotransmitters like Anandamide. This extends to the point where your body no longer generates enough Anandamide on its own. 

Ultimately, it reprograms your brain to require marijuana to feel normal. When you finally decide to stop giving your body more THC, withdrawal symptoms then kick in. This is a result of a lack of Anandamide in your body. Typically, wanting to quit marijuana usage but not being able to quit is one of the top indicators of marijuana addiction.

Generally, Sativa and Indica are the two (most prevalent types of cannabis plants around. However, the differences between Sativa and Indica cannabis strains vary and are many. Compared to Indica, Sativa strains have different kinds of effects on the mind and body. However, both possess distinct medicinal advantages.

Differences Between Sativa and Indica

Sativa and Indica

Generally, the usual perception is that Cannabis Indica makes the body high, while Cannabis Sativa often causes the brain high and hyperactive. However, the actual difference between Sativa and Indica is in terms of classification. Ultimately, the two are subspecies of the genus cannabis.

No matter what type of high you desire, both strains are capable of being medically beneficial to you. Indeed, marijuana is a complex plant. However, its ability to create feelings of relaxation, sedation, and calm and boost your energy level is why people choose weed.

Furthermore, sativa is endemic to hotter climates and closer to the tropics in places like Eastern Asia. On the other hand, Indica is more endemic to areas with much colder temperatures. Notably, these climatic differences give the strains their apparent appearance

Related article: Clearing the Smoke on Marijuana: Is It Harmless After All?

How To Recognize Marijuana Addiction

Now that you know the different strains of marijuana, the next step is how to recognize marijuana addiction. This addiction is an insatiable desire to use cannabis no matter the negative outcome. This may mean spending unnecessary funds on affordable drugs or getting high at work. In general, most individuals battling marijuana addiction don’t feel normal unless they are high.

Here’s how to know if a loved one is abusing marijuana: 

Consuming Excessive Cannabis

Generally, for every individual who uses cannabis for recreational or medicinal purposes, there’s a preset dosage. Failure to adhere either by wanting to take more or not getting to your satisfactory level shows you’re getting closer to addiction. 

Smoking the whole joint when you intend to take a few hits is a sign of addiction. Contrary to most people’s belief that such an act is a sign of prowess. In fact, in the world of treatment for marijuana addiction in Canada, it means a whole different thing. Cannabis addiction is like a portal that leads to other seemingly dangerous addiction problems.

If you’ve been taking more hits than necessary or than you’d like, then it’s better to seek professional help. At Addiction Rehab centre, we offer professional marijuana addiction treatment in Canada at an affordable price.

Inability to Slow Down or Stop Using Marijuana

Maybe you’re working on a new job or school project. Or perhaps your health status demands cutting down on marijuana usage. Either way, there are several reasons why you may need to cut down on cannabis usage. 

This is normal. Nevertheless, the problem arises when it’s nearly impossible to cut down your cannabis usage. If it’s evident that you can’t do without taking a daily dosage of marijuana, you have an addiction. Also, your situation may require getting an expert addiction treatment in Toronto or its environment.

How do you rate your conduct at work? Poor, Average, or Good? Do you feel your marijuana use is affecting your work life? For instance, maybe you already have a sack-warning because you keep showing up at work super high again  If, in such a situation, you still can’t find a way to cut down your marijuana use. If you continue to consume marijuana against all odds, you’re developing self-sabotage behaviour. Accordingly, this is one of the signs of marijuana addiction.

Spending Too Much Time High

One of the top ways to recognize marijuana addiction is how much time you spend being super high. Typically, how you spend or manage your time is a significant indicator of your marijuana addiction status. If you can stay without weed for days, you may have less to worry about. 

Nevertheless, if you spend most of your time getting high, this is a significant danger alert. Cannabis is not a substance you should depend on, nor is it a substance you can dedicate excess time to. Seek professional support ASAP!

Less Physical Activity

Less Physical Activity

Generally, lack of physical activity is one of the typical ways to recognize marijuana addiction. Therefore, to decide whether or not you’re suffering from addiction, evaluate your daily activity. 

Normally, individuals suffering from addiction to marijuana often replace their recreational and physical activities with getting high. Most times, they tend to stay high all day long, thus having zero room for physical activities like exercise, etc.

Do you feel your daily routine is slowly moving away from all recreational and physical activities to getting high all day? Well, if that’s the case, it means you’re addicted to cannabis.

Facing Relationship and Lifestyle Problems

Another sure way to recognize marijuana addiction is your conduct. Facing issues caused by your mode of conduct is a significant sign of marijuana addiction. If you tend to get high on weed every time, you may lose control of yourself while being with a friend or partner. 

As such, you may begin to lose close friends and family and even your partner with your increased temperament. So, if your obligations and conduct are being altered by weed, then it’s time to quit. 

For example, getting high every single time can make you raise your voice on your sweet loving partner. It’s better to put a stop to everything to avoid sabotaging your relationship. However, if you find it challenging to do so, then it is a sign of a broader problem.

Using Weed as a Coping Technique

Using cannabis as a personal coping mechanism is a complete dangerous step to take. There is no world in which marijuana is ideal as a coping technique. Additionally, the solution to relationships and work issues is never to get high. There are other healthy ways to resolve lifestyles and relationship issues.

Evaluate your behavioural pattern. Some times, a sign of marijuana addiction is craving for a hit or a joint when facing real-life problems. Most individuals often feel the only way of dealing with academic, work, or relationship issues is getting high. If that’s the case with you, then you may be suffering from cannabis addiction.

Dependence on Weed for Creativity and Relaxation

Typically, there is no specific study that convincingly proves that marijuana can trigger creativity in you. In the same vein, weed as your only source of relaxation isn’t ideal even though it possesses medicinal properties that help relaxation. 

One of the symptoms of weed addiction is the inability to relax or sleep without smoking. Furthermore, if marijuana is a significant part of your creativity period, you may have an addiction without knowing. Also, be aware that marijuana doesn’t contribute in anyways to soothing demeanour.

Using Marijuana as a Determining Factor on Your Outings

Generally, casual or recreational smokers can decide to attend events without thinking of getting high. However, the reverse is the case for individuals battling marijuana addiction. 

Most addiction treatment professionals in Toronto agree that addicts often choose events based on whether there’s a chance of getting high or not. If you feel the same way while deciding about your outing, you may be addicted to weed.

Ignoring Your Daily Activities

We all have that one important task we must complete daily, no matter what. However, an addiction to weed may lead you to neglect these crucial responsibilities to get high. In some cases, you may be suffering from a motivational problem. In other cases, you may have an addiction to cannabis without knowing.

So, if you’ve crucial responsibilities daily but unable to see them through like before, you may need to see an addiction expert. Most times, people who experience such issues always have their minds fixed on getting high regardless. However, this issue often occurs when someone experiences psychological addiction to THC or motivation problems.

Marijuana Withdrawal and Tolerance

Marijuana Withdrawal and Tolerance

Typically, the continuous use of cannabis often leads to tolerance, just like any other drug. This means your system requires more and more as much as you keep taking the same drug. Therefore, if you’re already feeling unsatisfied with your current level of marijuana use, it means your system is building tolerance to it. 

As such, if you start experiencing tolerance or withdrawal symptoms, you may have a marijuana addiction. Typically, some common withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, irritability, loss of appetite, etc.

How Long Does Marijuana Remain in the System?

When you consume or introduce weed to your system, there are factors determining how long the weed will remain in the system. An example is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the chemical in marijuana that makes people feel “high.” Although THC’s effects wear off within a few hours of ingesting cannabis, traces of the chemical can remain in the body for weeks.

Smoking weed sparks an exhilarating interaction that leaves a lasting impression in both a literal and figurative sense. Even after consuming marijuana, Cannabinoids and their byproducts remain detectable in the body and often stay well after the sensation wears off.

Although drugs such as alcohol may disappear entirely from the body a few hours after consumption; however, weed lingers much longer. Drug tests can detect Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, urine, blood, and hair for up to 90 days after use. Nevertheless, saliva tests can only detect THC for a few hours. This is because of the way the body metabolizes THC.

When you smoke weed, THC enters your bloodstream through the lungs. It then moves through the bloodstream directly to the heart and thus circulates throughout the body. Hence, it binds with the CB1 receptors located in the brain, specific organs, and central nervous system. It also binds well with the CB2 receptors in the spleen and immune system. This way, THC gets circulated throughout the body system.

What are the Side Effects of Marijuana Addiction?

Just like any other medicinal product or even drugs, side effects are almost inevitable. This is common with perhaps everything. Below are some of the side effects of marijuana;

  • Mood swings
  • Slower reaction time
  • Fatigue
  • Couchlock
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of coordination
  • Cottonmouth
  • Slurred speech
  • Reddish eyes
  • Dizziness
  • Increase in appetite
  • Lack of coordination, etc.

What are the Possible Treatment Options for Marijuana Addiction?

Knowing how to recognize marijuana addiction is the first step to seeking redemption. As marijuana use is growing by the day, either for recreational or medicinal use, the addiction rate in Canada is growing as well. 

On average, adults seeking treatment for cannabis addiction may have used weed for nearly 8 to 10 years. Furthermore, most of them have also tried to quit smoking or consumption of weed more than six (6) times already.

Below are a few treatment options for marijuana addiction:

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

This is a form of psychotherapy session where you learn different behavioural strategies. Most importantly, you’ll learn techniques to recognize and correct your questionable behaviours. This will help boost your self-control, quit drug use, and address several other issues that often co-occur with them.

Contingency Management

This is a therapeutic management pattern based on regular monitoring of a particular trait or behaviour. It also includes the removal (or provision) of concrete, positive rewards when the trait occurs — or does not.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy

This is a systematic approach to addiction treatment intervention. This approach is specifically designed to create swift, internal changes. In most cases, the therapy doesn’t attempt to treat the individual. Instead, it mobilizes internal resources for growth and obligation in treatment.

Generally, the sooner you start your rehab and therapy counselling for marijuana addiction, the better. Getting ahead of your addiction can significantly alleviate the overall treatment and counselling required. Also, it reduces the likelihood of other substance exposure, drug issues, or risky behaviours. This will decrease the adverse effects substance abuse will have on your lifestyle.

What To Do If You Recognize Marijuana Addiction

With this guide, you can now identify different indicators of marijuana addiction. At 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab centre, we have experts with years of knowledge and experience understanding marijuana addiction and its behaviours. If you or your close friends or family is battling with addiction, check out our marijuana addiction treatment services in Canada. 

Related article: Addiction Treatment for Marijuana: Why You Need to Stop Smoking

Marijuana Addiction

Top Reasons Young People Use Marijuana

Why do young people use marijuana? The legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes in various parts of the world has undoubtedly hastened a shift in public perceptions about the drug. Just a few short decades ago, cannabis abuse among youths was strongly discouraged. 

Teens were warned of the inevitability of falling into a life of crime if they smoked cannabis. They were told that they were in danger of frying their brains, or of opening up the gateway to more serious addictions.

Today, the messaging they get is very different. Teenagers scrolling through their social media feeds are exposed to multiple messages that range from “Marijuana is not as bad as cigarettes” to “Marijuana is good for you”. When you consider the challenges that face young people today and add in this kind of feedback about cannabis, it is not difficult to see why teenagers smoke so much weed.

Before we get into specific reasons young people use marijuana, let’s answer the question on many people’s minds. Is marijuana as good as it’s cracked up to be in modern social media, or where the parents and teachers of days gone by the right to be concerned?


Is Marijuana Dangerous?

Medical cannabis aside, there are some reasons to be concerned about the use of marijuana in young people. Some factors to consider are the sheer numbers of marijuana strains that are produced these days. 

Also, there is the fact that some marijuana contains up to 200 times the THC levels of typical weed in days gone by. Furthermore, consider that as the teenage brain develops, it is in a constant state of flux. For some teens, smoking weed can be the equivalent of throwing a match into a chemical soup that is already undergoing complex reactions.

Some of the primary risks of cannabis use include the following:

Increased risk of addiction as an adult

Not only are teens who smoke weed at risk of becoming addicted to the weed, but they are also at higher risk of becoming addicted to other, potentially more harmful substances during adulthood.

Increased risk of respiratory complaints

Most teens who use marijuana ingest it by smoking it. Contrary to what many people believe, marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogens and toxins present in cigarette smoke. This leads to an increased risk of some cancers, as well as bronchitis and other respiratory infections.

Changes to brain function

Some teens who use marijuana even a single time can experience psychiatric problems. These include psychosis (losing touch with reality) and delusions (potentially dangerous false beliefs). Also, cannabis abuse among youths can lead to sensory challenges, impaired cognitive functioning, and loss of coordination.

Changes to brain function

Related article: Clearing the Smoke on Marijuana: Is It Harmless After All?

Potential for high-risk behaviour

To begin with, many teenagers have trouble with impulse control. Worse, smoking weed can exacerbate this problem, particularly if marijuana is used in conjunction with alcohol. This can lead to participation in potentially dangerous activities, such as driving under the influence and having unprotected sex. 

What About Medical Marijuana?

“What about medical cannabis?” is the rallying cry of many people who argue in favour of recreational marijuana use. And this is a valid question. There are people who may derive some benefit from moderate use of marijuana, without necessarily having to get a medical prescription for it. 

But these are adults, whose brains are fully developed. And it should be noted that there are risk factors that they should be aware of as well.

When it comes to the use of medical marijuana, it is important to note the following:

  • There are only a few strains of medical marijuana that have been developed and produced for the treatment of specific conditions and symptoms
  • Medical marijuana is generally not recommended for use in children and teens
  • Medical marijuana is like any other medication: when used in incorrect doses, or when used by someone for whom it is not prescribed, it can be very dangerous.

Top Reasons Why Teens Use Marijuana

As a preventative and educational measure, it is helpful to know about some of the biggest reasons young people use marijuana. Everyone is unique. We all have our reasons for doing the things we do, and every case of teenage marijuana use should be examined on its own merits.

Mental Health

Teenage Anxiety and depression are on the rise. Up to a third of teens show symptoms of depression, and the majority of these do not seek help because they fear the stigma of mental illness. 

What makes teenage mental illness particularly troublesome is that it is often written off as “typical teenage behaviour”. Teens may try to numb their pain by using marijuana. Contrary to what they expect, marijuana actually exacerbates their symptoms. 

Mental Health


Bullying of teenagers is a tragic reality that has been with us for as long as we’ve had teenagers. The nature of the bullying evolves with the times. Recent years have seen a sharp rise in cyberbullying, which has cost lives. Teenage victims of bullying who feel that they don’t have anyone to talk to may resort to smoking weed.


Adolescence is an age of intense curiosity and experimentation, which is fine as long as it is safe. A simple reason teens use marijuana is simply that they want to know what it is like. 

Unfortunately, this does not always stop with marijuana. If left unchecked, some teens will go on to experiment with far more dangerous substances.

Peer Pressure

By the time someone reaches adolescence, their primary influences are peers rather than parents. Time and time again, teenagers explain erratic or dangerous behaviour by saying, “Well, everyone else is doing it…”.

Cannabis use among youths is no exception. A lot of teenagers will smoke weed just because their friends are. There is an element of social acceptance of this. Hence, young people may fear social ostracization if they decline. 


Boredom is a normal part of life, especially for children and teenagers. Some childhood development experts are of the belief that the youth of today are under immense pressure to always be busy. 

As a result, they may not develop the skills to cope when they are not. And a lot of them will start experimenting with marijuana in order to fill their time.

What Can Be Done About It?

Knowing the reasons young people use marijuana is a critical first step in developing plans to counteract this. Some steps we can take to help our teenage community members include the following:

  • Ensure that teens have open lines of communication with parents and guardians. This way, they can talk about things that are troubling them. They can do this without fear of judgment or repercussion
  • Ensure that children and teenagers have access to mental health services
  • Ensure that children and teenagers are educated about the safe use of the Internet. Hence, they have the ability to report incidents of bullying safely, and that such reports are appropriately handled
  • Educate teenagers about the dangers of marijuana and other substances. More importantly, provide them with safe ways to satisfy their curious natures
  • Be aware of the signs of marijuana abuse in your teenage children. Also, be prepared to take action on helping them through addiction recovery if needed

What Can Be Done About It

Marijuana Addiction Treatment

No matter how hard parents and teachers try to steer their children away from drugs and alcohol, the sad reality is that cannabis use among youths will sometimes lead to addiction. The sooner addicted teens get help, the better.

By being put into a marijuana addiction treatment program as early as possible, teens can learn the skills and techniques they will need to cope with the stresses of life and work towards a promising future. 

At 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, we provide a safe place for teens to overcome their addictions and start their adult lives on the right footing. We also provide support for loved ones, and guidance through the process of mending damaged family relationships. To get started, call us at 855-601-0555.

Related article: How to Recognize Marijuana Addiction