Addiction Recovery

What Are The Stages Of Addiction Recovery?

Addiction can be a very dangerous habit to you and your loved ones. When it is not properly tackled, it can lead to self-sabotage. Fortunately, knowledge of the different stages of addiction recovery can help ease the process.

Addiction is a devastating illness that affects millions of persons every year. It is much more difficult than many people realize. Each person suffering from a type of drug abuse has special requirements and may also require unique care.

Yet, for fear of the unexpected, most addicts are reluctant to start therapy. They may ask, what are the stages of addiction rehabilitation? Addiction treatment for many recovered addicts can be a complicated and uncertain phase. However, substance abuse specialists have taken note of patterns that most patients experience on their journey to sobriety.

Addiction recovery is not an easy road. Sobriety can be a lifetime challenge that you have to constantly battle. Nevertheless, understanding the stages of addiction recovery will make it easier to power through.

In this article, you will learn of the main stages involved in addiction recovery. You will also learn about what to expect from addiction recovery. Additionally, you will get valuable tips on making your addiction recovery efficient.

Stages of Addiction Recovery

If you are facing addiction, you certainly know the anguish created by drugs in your life. But do you comprehend the inner workings that have contributed to substance addiction? Are you familiar with the inner chaos or the triggers?

Drug addiction is a condition that psychologically, emotionally, and physically affects a person. We are not observant of what an individual is going through on the inside. Neither do you often know why they make the decisions they make.

Before agreeing it’s time to change, we don’t hear the extensive mental debate so many addicts go through. The inner stages of addiction recovery that users usually progress through before getting treatment at a licensed drug rehab facility are below:

  • Pre Contemplation
  • Contemplation
  • Preparation
  • Action
  • Maintenance
  • Termination

At each of these stages, there is a crucial point that determines whether the addict will recover. It is vital to go along with the addict to successfully overcome any chance of relapse.

Constant encouragement and dedication also help. It is important that they feel the need to curb their addiction from within. Never rush the timeline for addiction recovery. Let it come naturally.

Addiction Recovery

Pre Contemplation

Sometimes, those in the process of pre-contemplation have yet to concede to themselves that they have an issue. Causes may be pressure from legal issues, a loved one, or even a boss. They may be going through the motions, but they are also uncertain of the severity of the case.

Addicts will usually avoid discussions about addiction or avoid those that bring them up at this time. During this stage of addiction recovery, attempting an intervention will undoubtedly be greeted with extreme denial.

In this process, abusers typically blame social factors for their drug abuse.  Examples of such excuses are demanding work or home life and even genetic predispositions. This point is often referred to as a somewhat hopeless time in the life of an addict.

Most times, during rehabilitation, many still remember it as their lowest point. Fortunately, these emotions typically contribute to the next healing point. At this point, addicts are free to step on to the stage of contemplation. That is once they acknowledge that they have a problem.


The transition to contemplation denotes that you are more familiar with the symptoms. You have become aware of the negative impact that addiction has on your life. However, you may not yet be sure of the adverse effects. You may still strongly consider the pleasure of alcohol or substance consumption.

You become a little more open to the possibility of redemption at this stage. Although you or your loved one may not agree to get sober yet. Regardless, it seems redemption may happen at some point in this stage of your addiction recovery.

Those in this stage of rehabilitation may openly admit that they have issues with drug abuse. Nevertheless, they frequently have some kind of excuse or argument when pressed about treatment. They often push off rehabilitation for a later period.

The excuse can also sound true in some situations. For example, if you have a stressful job, you may reassure a loved one falsely. You may maintain that when you leave the job, you will get treatment. Hence, claiming that you may no longer be tempted to self-medicate with alcohol.



Individuals have decided to make a difference at this stage of addiction recovery. Unfortunately, most addicts unconsciously miss this stage and take action directly. Therefore, the care staff must help them at this point. This is to prevent them from planning inadequately to take action.

Throughout this process, counsellors will encourage the client to collect details regarding opportunities for improvement. They do this by looking at therapeutic aids that suit their personal needs. They also prepare a steady and realistic timeline for addiction recovery.

With a structured recovery strategy, the treatment team can help to facilitate the preparation stage properly. Hence, a customized care plan for each addict that matches their individual needs can be developed.



This stage of addiction rehabilitation is fairly self-explanatory. Addicts continue the physical process of healing during the action period. This can mean changing one’s environment or changing their actions.

This means initiating drug therapy at a licensed recovery center in most circumstances. Eventually, making these important improvements to sobriety also builds the confidence of an addict. They start to experience a sense of success.

Typically, this stage takes the most effort, but it is one of the most meaningful as well. The action process is the basis of long-term sobriety. Vulnerability during this process is usually a given. Fortunately, the sensation of fulfillment connected with this stage of addiction recovery makes it worth it.

Related article: Traveling for Addiction Treatment Improves Long-Term Recovery


The client learns to effectively resist triggers and other vices in the maintenance stage. They avoid things that may lead back to regular addiction. People remember their success at this stage of addiction recovery and work to strengthen their recovery.

A professional care team will assist the client thoroughly to ensure continued rehabilitation. This allows the addict to receive vital treatment and assistance before leaving the recovery center.

It may also prove challenging to help our loved ones in recovery. You have to recognize what motivates the addict to improve. This information can even help your loved one’s addiction care providers to yield better results. All these have led to successful addiction treatment in Canada and its surroundings.

With proper maintenance, you can help patients remain on the right track. This helps them to continue to build their confidence. It also helps to distract them from their addiction.


The recovery process is effectively complete at the termination stage. However, staying sober is a lifetime commitment. A person is likely to have recovered their health in the termination process of treatment.

They can maintain strong relationships and have a stable profession. They are also financially independent and feel assured that the addiction is gone. When asked, most people do not incline to return to active addiction at this point. They are happy that they no longer have the same habits as when they were addicted.

The strength of the stages of addiction recovery is in its simplicity. They simplify a complex phase into a sequence of straightforward steps. What makes them relevant, though? How advantageous are the six steps?

Notably, the stages of rehabilitation make it possible for you to be familiar with recovery processes. It doesn’t matter whether you have prior knowledge of addiction recovery. The stages put into context the healing process of an addict over time. This makes it easier to assess the right tools to be used at each level. It helps you know what to expect from addiction recovery.

In brief, the results of the healing processes are important. The phases provide significant clarity. They also give us insight into how therapies and other help can be used.

The Stage Models of Development of Addiction

Each stage of addiction recovery needs crucial attention to be successfully carried out. Lapses are bound to happen at any stage of addiction recovery. However, there are certain stage models of development that can help you understand the process better. Nevertheless, it is important to know that these stage models aren’t perfect.

The Animal Substance Abuse Model

This model was proposed by a variety of psychologists and doctors. It compares the phases of substance abuse to those found in animals. It uses Pavlov dogs as an example.

It theorizes that the brain becomes used to external stimuli that view the hard drugs as a reward. Similar to how the dogs salivate at the sound of a bell in Pavlov’s experiment. This slowly leads to binge drinking and intoxication.

Furthermore, you begin to see the substance you abuse as the only way to have fun. You become so dependent that you constantly use it to avoid the withdrawal symptoms. This is one of the most difficult stages of addiction rehabilitation.

Lastly, you eagerly anticipate the next fix. Your mind becomes preoccupied with getting a taste of the substance. Nothing else matters at that moment until you get the drug or alcohol.

The Valliant Model

This model was invented by Dr. George E. Valliant. He highlighted three phases that serve as the basis of substance abuse. Firstly, he discussed how occasional usage can spiral out of control. At this phase, you may still have strong control over how you use the substance.

Secondly, abuse can easily set in once the occasional usage becomes more frequent. You ignore any red flags that arise from constant drinking or hard drug intake. This is still an easily redeemable stage of addiction recovery.

Lastly, your body may become over-reliant on the drug. You build a tolerance to the drug which makes your body go for higher dosages. You experience severe withdrawal symptoms when you try and quit. This makes you rely more on the substance to avoid the symptoms.

The Jellinek Model

This model based on the works of M. Jellinek breaks substance abuse into four phases. Each phase gets progressively worse as the addiction grows. The phases are namely:

  • Preliminary phase
  • Substitution phase
  • Crucial phase
  • Chronic phase

The preliminary phase deals with basic social drinking. This may seem innocent at first glance but can easily get out of hand. Caution needs to be taken to ensure responsible drinking or stoppage.

The substitution phase stems from the use of the substance as a coping mechanism. At this point, you are depending on the drug to get by in your day. Red flags that indicate this phase are excessive hangovers and blackouts.

The crucial phase is where things start to worsen. You begin to experience a total loss of control of your life as a whole. You also tend to justify your reason for consistently using the substance. Early health problems begin at the phase and the timeline for addiction recovery grows longer.

The chronic phase is often marked as a point of no return. At this phase, you have grown to become over-dependent on the substance. You begin to experience extreme conditions like hallucinations. Physical and mental problems are at their heights.

The most common stage models of abuse remain focused on the development of physical dependency. It is also seen as a biological change in the central nervous system of the person. Such changes result in a person being unable to make reasonable decisions.

Constant drug abuse can indeed contribute to severe brain changes. However, people still maintain a manner of choice unless they experience severe brain damage.

All these different stage models aim to describe the development of an addiction. Nevertheless, there are several flaws in these theories. However, the points about drug addiction made in any of the stage models are still relevant.

How to Prepare for Addiction Recovery

Prepare for Addiction Recovery

Addiction doesn’t start in a day. It usually builds over time while the user is oblivious to it. If you suspect any signs of addiction in you, here are actions you can take. A good start is deciding to seek aid for your addiction. Next, training your body for recovery should be your immediate priority.

When you have developed alcohol or druggy dependency, withdrawal will be the first stage of recovery. You’ll abstain from substance use in detox to allow any signs of the drug to leave the body. It will cut the emotional reliance on alcohol or narcotics.

Detox is considered by many to be the most difficult stage of addiction rehabilitation. It is the part where the least work is done. Symptoms of withdrawal will range from moderate to extreme and may likely involve strong cravings.

Medications can be given to help minimize the severity of signs of withdrawal. This eases the stress in the weeks or days leading up to recovery. Additionally, you will reduce the level of pain by taking proper care of your health.

Before going for rehab, one of the toughest things you can do is go on a binge. People do this in expectation of quitting. Although it can be enticing, there may be devastating implications of over-using before treatment.

These may involve an accidental overdose or court issues resulting from the misuse of substances. Overuse can also make detox more drawn-out and painful. You need to ensure to sleep well and on time. This is an often-ignored part of the stages of addiction recovery. The body heals faster when subject to adequate sleep.

Exercising also helps the body fight off withdrawal symptoms easily. Your blood will pump more effectively, flushing away any toxins faster.

Furthermore, you will have to cut ties to any potential triggers. This can be a person or a location. If you have friends that still actively abuse drugs, it’s best to avoid them for a while. The same goes for a pub or bar that you frequent before. Hanging around such people and places make it easier for you to suffer a relapse.

Having a mentor or confidant is beneficial for you on your road to recovery. Such a person will be able to constantly encourage you during the toughest period of recovery. They will be essential in speeding up your timeline for addiction recovery.

Tips on Making Addiction Recovery Efficient

It is tough enough to get sober. However, getting a new start in life can be challenging in several respects. You have to get over the withdrawal effects first and overcome the cravings you feel.

Compared to coming out of a cave, recovering and reentering society is not a piece of cake. It is a transition phase that needs many steps, adjustments, and commitments to pull off.

If you have recently been sober, you want to be sure that you maintain it. Hence, here are some tips you can take to increase your odds of success.

Take Your Time

You may have recently emerged from addiction and believe yourself to be invincible. You may be eager to charge back into the world and take life by the reins. Yet, you can fail at any of the stages of addiction recovery if care isn’t taken.

It happens very frequently. You may feel fantastic and recharged, and ready to live life to the fullest. However, don’t take on more than you can do yet. Life is going to be very different, and it is worth taking some time to readjust.

Reconcile with Loved Ones

Reconcile with Loved Ones

There is a chance that you hurt your loved ones when you were an addict. You may have done things to other persons. Such acts can create a certain degree of frustration or animosity.

Your loved ones may be glad to get you back sober and safe. However, you may continue to see the effects of old wounds in their interactions with you. Find a way to fix the harm you might have done. Do it as quickly as possible, and go beyond and above to make it right.

Locate Sober Mates

You can’t afford to spend time with people with whom you used to abuse drugs. The irony is that they most certainly may not help you in your sobriety. No matter how much they might think they may help, it won’t work.

Those that think it’s a positive idea that you’ve become clean don’t endorse it. This is because they’re heading in the opposite path from the one you are taking now.

Additionally, even if the time spent with these individuals doesn’t involve drugs, you have to avoid them. There is a risk that being around them can begin to tempt you and bring back cravings. In the years ahead, no amount of sentimentality is worth your sobriety and your wellbeing

Find New Activities

Your world most likely revolved around alcohol or being high because you were an addict. Whenever you were not using, you were thinking about how to find the next fix. You likely had something planned to make it easier for you to do so.

What are you going to do now for your time? Addiction has left a void in your life. Now is the time to seek something positive and entertaining to fill that void. Several addiction treatment centers in Canada can provide you with ideas on new hobbies to engage in.

Find a new passion. You can start volunteering or start a degree that will help you advance your career. Do something else that will set the best course for your new life.


The stages of addiction recovery can be extremely difficult. However, you are not alone in that struggle. Follow the stages listed above to begin your road to rehabilitation today.

Take note of the different stage models of development. Utilize the tips to prepare you for addiction recovery and make sure you stick by them. Finally, your mind to overcome any temptations by avoiding triggers. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: 8 Exercises That Can Help With Addiction Recovery

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine Addiction: The Signs and Symptoms

There are many signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction. If you abuse the drug, there are chances that you will experience one or more of these symptoms. Sometimes you may not even notice you have these symptoms. And the longer it takes to identify them, the worse it becomes. 

However, if you detect these signs early enough, you reduce the risks they pose to your health and wellbeing. This article includes vital information about the various signs and symptoms associated with cocaine addiction. You will also learn more about cocaine addiction and know where to find help if you are struggling with it. There is so much to know, so let’s get started.

What is Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine is a very popular recreational substance. It is a white powder, usually snorted, injected, or smoked. Some of its effects include mood changes, increased concentration, lowered shyness, etc. 

Cocaine also has some adverse effects that users may experience when the drug starts leaving their system. This includes agitation, confusion, irritability, anxiety, etc. Being a potent stimulant, it is very easy for people to get addicted to cocaine. 

The drug creates a short but intense high, leaving its users in a state of euphoria. Cocaine users love the drug because of the effect it has on them. Hence, they begin to abuse it, leading to several signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction. 

The reason why cocaine users get addicted is that the feeling they get from taking it lasts only a short while. Hence, they take it more often to satisfy their cravings for the drug. However, the more you use cocaine, the more your system tolerates it. 

With your body tolerating it and managing its effects, you find yourself taking in more doses of the drug. You do this because you want to feel those effects you want. This only leads to more and more increase in your cocaine dosage. Before you know it, you become addicted to the drug and can do nothing without it. 

The fact that you can’t do anything without the drugs is one of the cocaine abuse signs. However, that is not the only problem that comes with cocaine addiction and abuse. Cocaine addiction and abuse lead to many more symptoms, as you will find out in this article. Before then, here are some reasons why the drug can be so addictive. 

Why Am I Prone to Getting Addicted to Cocaine? 

Cocaine Addiction

If you take cocaine, you must know how to recognize cocaine addiction. Most users love taking the drug because of the effects the drug has on them. Hence, they are likely to get hooked on it before even realizing it. One of these effects is the drug’s ability to make you exhibit behaviours different from your normal lifestyle. 

For one, you may find yourself doing unusual things you never imagined. Also, the urge to have another dose of the drug will become so strong that you may sell your property for it. You will be driven by the drug and not be in control of yourself. That is how terrible cocaine addiction can be. 

Hence, it is important for you to be well aware of these danger signs and know when they begin to manifest. Knowing the dangers that lie ahead with using cocaine may prevent you from indulging in its use. 

Factors that Increase The Risk of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine addiction comes about as a result of several factors. These include genetic background and some environmental risk factors, 

If you are from a family or environment with a history of cocaine addiction, you are at risk of developing an addiction issue. However, the fact that you are from such a background or live in a high-risk environment is not a certainty that you will become addicted to the drug. 

If you are repeatedly exposed to cocaine, the chances that you will begin to take the drug becomes increased. Other things that may cause you to take cocaine include lack of education, easy access to the drug, and peer pressure. You are also prone to the drug if you reside in an area with a high crime rate. 

Some family risk factors for cocaine addiction include poor indiscipline, family conflicts, and relationship problems. Others include poor parental supervision, low income, and poor communication in the family. 

You are also at risk of cocaine abuse if you have mental problems like depression. Victims of several forms of abuse may also seek solace in cocaine or other hard drugs. 

Early Signs I May Be Abusing Cocaine

Some of the early warning cocaine abuse signs include a change in your mood, functionality or behaviour. If your mood changes rapidly from that of excitement to that of depression, it is an indicator of cocaine abuse. If you suddenly begin to have suicidal or homicidal thoughts or think about doing crazy things, you may have abused cocaine.

Cocaine abusers also show excessive anger. This is especially the case when they are confronted about their use of the drug. They suddenly exhibit a change in their behaviour and change their friends within a short period. Other warning signs include a tendency to steal or manipulate those around them. 

Other warning signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction also include a drastic change in one’s physical appearance. This happens due to a drop in personal hygiene. If you abuse cocaine, an early sign of impending trouble is a drop in your functionality. You will have low or no motivation, miss deadlines, and stay away from your friends or loved ones.  

These are only early warning signs of cocaine use. If, after noticing these signs, you continue to use the drug, it can lead to more severe signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction. Find out about these signs in the next section. 

The Cocaine Addiction Symptoms To Know

The Cocaine Addiction Symptoms To Know

The signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction are divided according to the three parts of the body it affects. When you use cocaine, it affects your brain, central nervous system, and other parts of your body. These effects are not the same for everybody. Similarly, several factors affect the way people react to the drug. 

These factors include how you take the drug, the amount you take, the effects of the added ingredients in the drug, and its purity. Another factor affecting the impact you will feel from cocaine use is the emotional state you are in while taking it.  

Other factors include your physical condition, as well as the regularity in which you use the drug. Let’s now take a look at the effects of cocaine on your whole body, starting with the brain.

Related article: Why You Should Not Attempt Cocaine Withdrawal On Your Own

Effects on the Brain

Effects on the Brain

When your brain’s response to various chemicals is altered, it is one of the signs of cocaine use. Your brain responds to certain chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid. These chemicals are collectively called neurotransmitters. Most of the complications people face from using cocaine are due to these neurotransmitters. 

Cocaine abuse induces these neurotransmitters to work at heightened levels. This leads to common signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction such as the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Psychosis
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea. 

Effects on the Central Nervous System

Effects on the Central Nervous System

When you take cocaine, you experience pleasurable effects. These include a burst of energy, excitement, varying levels of euphoria, and increased sociability. You also feel less hungry or tired, have increased strength and mental alertness, and may even feel no pain. It makes you feel superhuman like you are on top of the world. 

Other signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction where the nervous system is concerned include:

  • Talking too much
  • Laughing
  • Dilated pupils. 
  • You may also experience nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Vertigo
  • Headache. 

These symptoms may progress to emotional instability, lightheadedness, irritability, and restlessness. 

Other cocaine abuse signs in the central nervous system include apprehension and tremors. Most cocaine addicts are unable to sit in one place. Mostly, they also have to deal with twitchy muscles. There can also be cold sweats and muscle jerks. Cocaine addicts also experience grinding of teeth, hallucinations, feelings of paranoia, or cocaine psychosis. 

There are more serious signs of cocaine use, such as severe headaches, loss of consciousness and seizures. It’s possible to also experience brain bleeding, hyperthermia, stroke, loss of body functionality, and coma. 

Once these happen, the person must be taken to an emergency department. Afterward, such a person must begin cocaine addiction treatment immediately. There are many centres for cocaine addiction treatment in Canada. However, you must make sure to choose one that suits your specific needs.

Cocaine Abuse Effects on the Ear, Nose, and Throat

Most cocaine users consume the drug by sniffing or snorting it through the nose. This often leads to them having varying degrees of sinus or nasal symptoms of drug use. These include nasal crusting, frequent nosebleeds, nasal irritation and stuffiness. 

Cocaine addiction can cause damage to the mucous membrane of both sides of the cartilage separating your nostrils. This results from the reduced blood supply to the septum, nose picking, crusting, and drying. It eventually leads to a hole in the septum, causing bleeding in the nose. 

The nose begins to make foul secretions. A whistling sound can also be heard when breathing, which is known as coke noise. 

Effects of Cocaine Use On the Lungs

Effects of Cocaine Use On the Lungs

If you smoke cocaine, you are prone to lung and breathing problems. A brain stimulation known as the head rush results from smoking cocaine due to the lung’s blood supply and large surface area. 

If you smoke cocaine in its freebase, crack, or paste forms, you will probably use water pipes, glass pipes, or cigarettes. You do so by heating the pipes with matches or butane lighters. 

These pipes, matches and additives you add to the cocaine you smoke, such as marijuana, often leave residues. These residues can cause some severe signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction. Some of these cocaine abuse signs include chronic coughing or chronic bronchitis. 

You may also cough up black and bloodless phlegm. This excessive coughing will cause you to experience shortness in your breaths. You may also have chest pain and other breathing difficulties. 

Some people smoke cocaine using several smoking techniques. One of these techniques involves them inhaling deeply and holding their breath. They do this to maximize the amount of cocaine they inhale and absorb. However, this is a very dangerous thing to do. 

It can lead to lung collapse, causing a sharp pain in the chest. Other symptoms include neck pain, difficulty swallowing food, shortness of breath, respiratory failure, and death. 

Problems with the Sympathetic Nervous System 

Your flight or fight response is the sole function of the sympathetic nervous system. This is the system responsible for controlling adrenaline in your body. You may experience severe signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction in this system if you continually abuse the drug. 

Some of the abuse signs you may have are high blood pressure, a high heartbeat rate, and narrowing of blood vessels. You are also likely to experience a heart attack and chest pain with excessive use of cocaine. 

With excessive cocaine abuse, the sympathetic nervous system gets overstimulated. This leads to high blood pressure and rapid heart rates. Cocaine addicts also experience vasospasm, which can lead to death. 

More Cardiovascular Problems

More Cardiovascular Problems

If you abuse cocaine, you may experience some other signs of cocaine use in your cardiovascular system. Some of the cardiovascular problems you can face include a fast rise in your heart rate. You may also have an abnormality in your heart rhythms. There is also a risk of having a condition called cardiomyopathy. 

This is a disease of the heart muscle. It can also be a result of rupturing or dissection of the aorta, causing its walls to weaken. Using cocaine excessively also leads to the narrowing of the arteries leading to the heart. It eventually causes a reduction in the amount of blood the heart receives. 

When this happens, a condition known as angina arises, leading to a heart attack. Excessive cocaine users also experience hardening and narrowing of their coronary arteries. These signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction are sometimes fatal and should be avoided. 

Risk of Infections

Persons who use cocaine through injections risk having infections. These infections can lead to a slew of signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction, such as cellulitis, abscesses, and tetanus. Cellulitis and abscesses occur at the sites of injection. Other symptoms include abscesses of the brain and heart valve infections. 

These infections occur mainly when the injections used are not sterilized. Cocaine addicts that use this non-sterile form of injecting themselves are also prone to contagious viruses. These include hepatitis B and C, HIV, which they usually incur when they share needles. 

Other signs and symptoms include swelling, pain, and redness of the injection site. There can also be nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, jaundice, etc. 

Cocaine Addiction Effects on Pregnant Women

It is not good for pregnant women to engage in cocaine use during pregnancy. There are many dangers attached to doing such. Besides the usual signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction, the baby in the womb is also at risk. It can also lead to complications in pregnancy. 

Some cocaine addicts use the drug in conjunction with other drugs, nicotine, or alcohol. These practices are dangerous and affect pregnancy adversely. These effects may lead to miscarriage, stillbirths, birth defects, and death. 

Risks to Cocaine Smugglers

Risks to Cocaine Smugglers

People who smuggle cocaine also experience signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction. Known as body packers or stuffers, these persons swallow packets of cocaine. They also stuff these packets into some of their body openings. They do this to avoid being detected by security agents at airports or borders. 

However, sometimes, these packets can break or leak inside the body. When this happens, the body quickly absorbs the cocaine. The carrier begins to exhibit cocaine abuse signs such as seizures, excess intoxication, and death. 

Signs I May Be Addicted to Cocaine

Some of the signs of cocaine addiction revolve around the adverse effects the drug use causes. For instance, excessive use of cocaine leads to a drop in academic or job performance. You will also begin to withdraw from social places and isolate yourself from others. 

An addict will also crave the drug more than ever before. This craving can lead to many mental problems and lead to poor decision-making. The craving comes from the need to have the amazing effects of cocaine use. 

One way to recognize cocaine addiction is through the withdrawal symptoms you experience. As the drug’s effects begin to wear off, you feel the need to have more of it. There is difficulty in abstaining from the drug, which leads to other problems. 

It is already mentioned that cocaine addiction leads to self-isolation. However, it is even more problematic that addicts, despite knowing the adverse effects they face, continue to use it. That is the height of cocaine addiction, despite the numerous psychological problems. At that point, you must find help and do so quickly. 

Finding Help

If you notice you are having some of the signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction, you must act quickly to stop it. First, you must realize you have a problem and that you are addicted to the drug. Without that realization, nothing else will happen. Once you accept you have a problem, you begin to take the necessary steps to solve it. 

The next step is to find treatment for cocaine addiction in Canada. Research about your addiction and identify some of the cocaine abuse signs you are experiencing. Seek professional help immediately. Based on the level of your addiction, some medications and therapies will help in treating your addiction. 

One thing you must note, however, is that cocaine addiction is difficult to overcome. You will experience a lot of challenges along the way. It is not a quick process. Your addiction to the drug did not happen in a day. Hence, your treatment will not be a day’s journey too. 

You also need to understand that not every person reacts to treatment in the same way. While some people may overcome their addiction in a month, it may take others years to do so. The timeline of withdrawal and addiction treatment varies according to factors. 

These factors include the duration of addiction, the dosage used, and the environment. Other factors include the environment, polysubstance dependence, and presence of other health or mental issues. 

Due to the severe nature of cocaine abuse symptoms, it is best to treat it in a facility. Cocaine addiction treatment facilities offer both in-patient and out-patient treatments. In in-patient facilities, the patients reside in the treatment center during treatment. However, out-patient facilities don’t require patients to live in the facility. 

These treatment centers help patients to recover from their addiction via several behavioural therapies. These therapies seek to address the root cause of the addiction. They are very effective and eliminate a patient’s dependence on the drug. 

Some of these therapies include Contingency Management, CM, which rewards addicts for abstaining from cocaine. It also encourages social interactions and positive thinking. 

Another type of treatment is cognitive behavioural therapy, CBT, which focuses on why you are abusing cocaine. It also alters the dangerous ways addicts think that causes them to use cocaine. 

We are Here For You

Now, you know the signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction. You are also aware of the dangers that lie ahead if you continue to abuse the drug. You have to take action to stop your addiction.

Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: Common Signs of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline, Effects

Generally, cocaine withdrawal can be a difficult process. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms can be of two (2) different classes — psychological and physical symptoms. During a cocaine detox, you may experience different psychological signs and physical effects.

Nevertheless, you must find the right professionals to support your detox in a standard facility. This way, you can easily get through cocaine withdrawal symptoms and plan for real rehabilitation.

Usually, cocaine withdrawal may not be physically painful. However, it often comes with preset challenges. Addiction to any drug, including cocaine, will get your system addicted to the drug’s effects. As your body tries to adjust to the absence of these effects, you’ll experience several different mental and physical effects.

At this period, your body learns to work with the drug in your system. However, this often leads to total dependence on the drug. If you stop drug abuse abruptly, it may cause shock, and hence you’ll find it difficult to adapt without the prescription. Also, you may experience several side effects, ranging from low to high and possibly deadly. 

The process where your body decides to adapt to proper functioning without the substance is known as withdrawal. Usually, your body begins the withdrawal process once there is no more intake of the substance.

After reading this article, you’ll understand the different symptoms of cocaine withdrawal. Also, you’ll understand more about what to expect during cocaine withdrawal. Before we dive deep, let’s take a look at what cocaine withdrawal is.

What is Cocaine Withdrawal?

Generally, withdrawal from drugs is a condition that starts the moment your drug-dependence ends or reduces drastically. Also, physical dependence increases as your body adapts more to the cocaine in your system. Through this adaptation, your brain will start asking for cocaine to function well and feel normal again. The moment it doesn’t get the substance at the desired level, withdrawal symptoms will start.

Be aware that a substance like cocaine is very addictive. However, there is a difference between dependence and addiction. Dependence is a cognitive evolution of the body to cocaine. Notably, this evolution of dependence often foretells the origin of physical withdrawal.

In contrast, addiction reveals a failure to quit using a drug despite the personal distress it brings. It’s a lifelong dysfunction of a person’s mental well-being that involves memory, motivation, and reward. Also, addiction is about how your body craves a behaviour or substance most particularly if it prompts an obsessive or compulsive lack of concern over results.

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms: What To Expect

Ultimately, most people will have different experiences with drug withdrawal, including cocaine. It’s no rocket science. It’s a function of how our systems respond to the situation or process. However, some general symptoms are common with the withdrawal experience.

Here are some of the common cocaine withdrawal symptoms:

Mood Swings

symptoms of cocaine withdrawal

One of the most common symptoms of cocaine withdrawal is mood swings. This moment you’re feeling happy, but the next moment, you’re sad and feeling angry unnecessarily. Also, some common symptoms of mood changes include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sensitivity, etc.

Even though these feelings are usually intense during withdrawal, they often stop once you pass the withdrawal stage.


Most individuals withdrawing from cocaine often experience a strong urge to take more cocaine. If you feel this way, it means you’re experiencing cocaine cravings. It’s common with people withdrawing from addictive substances, including cocaine. 

Also, cravings are stimulated by the desire to subdue cocaine withdrawal symptoms. Besides that, it’s also driven by the urge to experience the cocaine’s high pleasure again.


Tiredness or feeling very weak is another common symptom of cocaine withdrawal. Generally, you may feel exhausted naturally after the intoxicating effects of cocaine. However, you may have worsened the effects due to a lack of sleep. Another factor is your activities during the time you’re high on cocaine.

Additionally, cocaine can disguise the discomfort you often feel during hyperactive moments. Tho will worsen the feelings of fatigue as the cocaine effects wear off.

Problems With Sleep

One of the difficulties you experience during the cocaine withdrawal process is sleeping problems. Despite the fatigue, cocaine withdrawal usually causes sleep problems. Some of the issues you may experience with difficult sleep include: 

  • Unpleasant and vivid dreams
  • Insomnia, i.e. having difficulty staying asleep or sleeping at all.
  • Hypersomnia, i.e. having too much sleep.

Appetite Increment

Appetite increment is a distinguished phase of cocaine withdrawal. In some cases, it can be intensified by poor eating habits while you are high on cocaine. However, it’s essential to boost your addiction recovery by feeding well and having a healthy diet. For example, eating small but satisfying amounts of food, rather than bingeing.

Physical Agitation or Sluggishness

Another cocaine withdrawal symptom people undergo is sluggishness. Cocaine withdrawal often causes some physical slowing down. This is often known as conversely, or psychomotor retardation. It makes you feel physically agitated.

Related article: Why You Should Not Attempt Cocaine Withdrawal On Your Own

Effects of Cocaine Withdrawal

Generally speaking, withdrawal from cocaine isn’t as critical as alcohol or other drugs. Compared to cocaine, substances cause perhaps more deadly effects during the detox stage. Be aware that cocaine withdrawal symptoms aren’t life-threatening. Despite this fact, pursuing detox with a professional cocaine addiction treatment center in Canada is the best option.

Additionally, physical health difficulties happen when you abuse cocaine with alcohol. Withdrawal after such a lifestyle may pose a risk to your heart well-being, thus causing a heart attack. In some cases, people tend to experience seizures in cocaine withdrawal.

Generally, you may develop some depression symptoms like low motivation, energy, or mood during withdrawal. In rare cases, people may suffer from suicidal ideations. These are the reasons why addicts going through cocaine withdrawal require support and monitoring during detox. Nearly half of the people who use cocaine suffer from depression. Thus the symptoms become intense during withdrawal.

Other effects of cocaine withdrawal include: 

  • Aggression
  • Paranoia
  • Violence

These symptoms make detox dangerous for the person going through withdrawal and those caring for that person. This is one of the reasons why detox programs play an essential role in drug dependence recovery.

Notably, the severity of the withdrawal effects will depend on the following factors:

  • Consumption amount
  • Cross abuse of alcohol with cocaine
  • Duration of cocaine use
  • Underlying medical conditions

How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Take?

How long cocaine withdrawal takes vary depending on the individual and some factors. 

  • The body chemistry
  • Tolerance level 
  • The severity
  • The duration of the addiction. 
  • Average Dose Period
  • Polysubstance Dependence
  • Environment
  • Co-occurring medical or mental issues

Body Chemistry

Not everyone reacts to changes in the same way. Hence the way one person reacts to cocaine withdrawal will be entirely different from how another person does. For some persons, it could take a longer time for their body to get used to the changes.  Other persons may need a more extended time to adjust.

Tolerance Level

Every person has a different level of tolerance compared to another person. Therefore, the timeline for cocaine withdrawal for one person will differ from one person to another. For some people, it will be easier to tolerate the symptoms that come with it. However, for others, it will be difficult to tolerate, and they will need close monitoring. 

The Severity

The severity of the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal you experience will determine the timeline of withdrawal. If you experience very severe symptoms, you will need a longer time to navigate through these symptoms. However, if your symptoms are not so intense, it will take less time to overcome them. 

The Duration of the Addiction

The effects of cocaine withdrawal are more challenging for persons who have been addicted for longer periods. Hence, if you have been hooked on cocaine for many years, it will take longer for you to recover from withdrawal symptoms. The same cannot be said about a person with only a few months of addiction. 

Average Dose Used

For persons who use large doses of cocaine, the duration of cocaine withdrawal symptoms will be longer than those with mild doses. They will also experience intense withdrawal symptoms compared to those with smaller doses.

Dependence on Polysubstance

If you are physiologically dependent on two or more drugs, you may experience withdrawal symptoms related to those drugs. This will increase your timeline for cocaine withdrawal. It can also lead you to have more complicated symptoms, worsening your detox experience. 


The nature of your environment plays a role in your cocaine withdrawal. If you are in an environment that will cause you to experience stress or fatigue, you may begin to crave cocaine to deal with such things. 

The more you find yourself in such environments, the higher your chances of having a relapse. Hence, you may complicate your withdrawal process, making it last longer than necessary. 

Co-Occurring Medical or Mental Issues

Medical or Mental Issues

You will experience more complicated and extensive withdrawal symptoms if you are dealing with other medical conditions. Your cocaine withdrawal duration is extended if you have cardiovascular disease, mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Eating and personality disorders also complicate your recovery. 

You may have to treat these issues along with your withdrawal symptoms. This leads to a longer recovery timeline. It’s essential to recognize that the effects of withdrawal aren’t permanent. The primary phase, i.e. crash of cocaine withdrawal, can differ in intensity and time. Also, it can last from 24 hours to a few days.

However, like other drugs, cocaine cravings may persist for longer periods. Also, it can happen again years after attaining soberness. Notably, cocaine possesses nearly a short half-life, and cocaine withdrawal symptoms can start as early as 90 minutes after the last dose. 

What to Expect During Cocaine Withdrawal

When you get high on cocaine, you’ll experience a feeling of euphoria and a sealed boost in your mood. These feelings are created by norepinephrine and neurotransmitters dopamine. 

At this point, the cocaine will make the brain produce the chemicals in abundance. As addiction goes on, your body adapts to the new development and awaits cocaine to have these effects every time. So, once you quit, your body will experience low energy, motivation, well-being, and low moods. This is known as a crash.

Since the brain is not receiving the cocaine as usual again, it tends to cause havoc. Hence, you may experience the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Intense cravings
  • Sleepiness
  • Irritability
  • Anhedonia etc.

Sometimes, you may become paranoid or suspicious during a crash. You may even suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts. All these are common cocaine withdrawal symptoms during this phase of cocaine withdrawal. However, long-term cocaine users are often at a higher risk of experiencing more severe symptoms.

Cocaine Withdrawal Timeline

Based on the experiences of many who have experienced the effects of cocaine withdrawal, there are three phases of withdrawal symptoms. These are: 

Cocaine Withdrawal

First Phase

This phase, which is also known as the crash phase, lasts between one day and several days. In this stage of cocaine withdrawal, you may experience depression and anxiety. You may also struggle with feeling pleasure. 

During this phase, you may appear sleepy and also experience fatigue and hunger. Your cravings for cocaine will also be heightened at this stage. Some persons also experience cognitive problems such as being unable to concentrate and having short-term loss of memory. 

Persons with long term cocaine addiction may experience life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms include dehydration, seizures, trembling, heart attack, arrhythmia, tachycardia, etc. However, these symptoms are rare and can be managed in addiction treatment centers.  

Second Phase

In this phase of cocaine withdrawal, the symptoms may last up to ten weeks. You will continually crave cocaine in this period. You will also be easily irritated, experience fatigue, lethargy, loss of concentration, and memory loss. During this period, your mood swings and physical symptoms will begin to subside. 

Third Phase

This phase of cocaine withdrawal is known as the extinction phase. In this phase, your cravings for cocaine are still present. Your chances of having a relapse in this period is also increased especially when you are exposed to triggers. 

You may also experience long term issues with mood swings, apathy, and irritability. Many people experience these symptoms for extended periods even after a long time of using cocaine. 

One of the things that will help you deal better with this phase is continuous support. It is important for people with more severe withdrawal symptoms to undergo their withdrawal in a rehab facility. This ensures they are always under the care of professionals who will help them manage these symptoms. 

How to Cope With Cocaine Withdrawal

When you are undergoing cocaine withdrawal, it is important to use certain self-care strategies. You must also seek professional medical help. The first step in easing the effects of cocaine withdrawal is detoxifying from the drug itself. As you have seen, this process varies in length due to several factors. 

Also ensure you are supported by close friends and family members who understand all you are going through. When seeking medical and professional help, be sure the cocaine addiction treatment service you choose is one that meets your needs. 

During your withdrawal process ensure you take care of yourself. Your physical and mental wellbeing is very critical at this point and should be priority. Practice healthy living habits, exercise regularly, eat well, and sleep well too. When you do these, you give yourself a better chance of coping better with cocaine withdrawal symptoms. 

After detoxing from cocaine, you have to undergo a treatment plan at a cocaine addiction treatment center or rehab. Some of the effective therapeutic treatments available include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This helps patients recognize the situations that led them to cocaine addiction. It also helps them avoid and cope better with these situations.

Multidimensional Family Therapy

This is developed for adolescents with addiction problems. It helps in addressing things that influence their cravings for drugs and the patterns leading to it. It also helps to improve the overall functionality of the family.

Motivational Interviewing

This increases the readiness of people to change their behaviors and start treatment.

Contingency Management

It encourages abstinence from cocaine by reinforcing positivity.

Can Medication Help With Cocaine Withdrawal

There is presently no medication used for easing withdrawal or easing your crave for cocaine. There are some drugs such as Modafinil and some antidepressants which help to alleviate the discomforting symptoms you may experience from withdrawals. 

Other symptom-specific drugs include Benadryl and trazodone, which help you deal with insomnia. However, before you use any drug, ensure a doctor prescribes it to you. Never take a drug without a doctor’s prescription. 

FAQs About Cocaine Withdrawal 

Here are some answers to some common questions about cocaine withdrawal.

How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?

If you are withdrawing from cocaine, one question that will go through your mind is “How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?” You must understand that the duration of cocaine withdrawal symptoms depends on the individual. 

However, the cocaine withdrawal timeline usually starts almost immediately following the last dose of cocaine used. It can persist between 8 days to 7 or 8 months. Nevertheless, mental health signs can persist much longer than physical symptoms.

Is Cocaine Withdrawal Safe? 

Another question people ask about cocaine withdrawal is “Is Cocaine Withdrawal Safe?” You must understand it is safe to withdraw from cocaine. Being addicted to the drug is not good for your health and deciding to be sober is one of the best decisions you can take. 

However, due to the effects of the drug on your system, you will experience various degrees of withdrawal symptoms. Hence, you will need supervision and support in these times to deal with your symptoms. With that, you will navigate through the withdrawal process easier than going it alone. 

Can I do cocaine withdrawal at home?

cocaine withdrawal

Cocaine is one of the few drugs anyone can quit anytime because of its short half-life. However, doing it alone without support may not be the best and safest option. During cocaine withdrawal, you need full support and care from friends and family and addiction treatment professionals.


Cocaine withdrawal can be challenging, but attaining sobriety is possible. Unfortunately, people tend to have problems quitting cocaine because of the severity of cocaine withdrawal symptoms. 

Most people tend to suffer from intense cravings during cocaine detox. However, the intensity of the cravings depends on the duration of cocaine usage and consumption amount.

Furthermore, cravings can promptly hijack the addiction recovery process, thus resulting in a relapse. This is why having a support system that includes medical professionals, family, and friends can help overcome the challenges. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: Common Signs of Cocaine Abuse

Alcohol Addiction

How Long Does Alcohol Withdrawal Take?

The timeline for alcohol withdrawal varies from one individual to another. It also depends on certain factors. For a person addicted to alcohol, stopping drinking should be a welcome idea. However, such a person must do it in a medically advisable manner.

Seeking medical advice is critical because abrupt withdrawal from alcohol can be life-threatening. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms range in severity. While some are mild, others are very severe. The latter category can become so intense and cause a long-term damage, illness, or death. 

In this article, you will gain more knowledge about how long alcohol withdrawal takes. You will also learn about the symptoms of withdrawing from alcohol and how to treat them. 

What is the Timeline for Alcohol Withdrawal? 

The duration of alcohol withdrawal varies for each person. It also depends on factors such as how long you drink and the average quantity of alcohol consumed. The presence of physical or mental health issues is also a factor. Generally speaking, a timeline for alcohol withdrawal looks like this: 

Stage 1

This starts six to twelve hours after your last drink. The symptoms you will experience at this stage include nausea, anxiety, and headaches. You will also experience low appetite, insomnia, and stomach pains. 

Stage 2

This usually takes place 12 to 24 hours after the last period of alcohol consumption. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may increase to include hallucinations.

Stage 3

From 24 hours to 72 hours, the symptoms will begin to wear off. However, protracted symptoms can stay for more extended periods, running into weeks. Between 24-48 hours after drinking, you will be prone to seizures. 

From 48-72 hours, you may also experience fever, sweating, high blood pressure, and confusion. At this stage, you may also have delirium tremens accompanied by auditory hallucinations. This can sometimes lead to death. 

The symptoms of withdrawal begin to decrease in intensity after 5-7 days. Some side effects, especially psychological side effects, may continue after the first week. 

Protracted Alcohol Withdrawal

This is a condition that one may experience after severe withdrawal from drinking. It usually lasts for about a year. Symptoms include anxiety, tremors, high blood pressure, insomnia, increased heart rate, and respiratory issues. 

Some persons may experience other symptoms like decreased energy and metabolism. They may also experience fatigue and mental weariness. 

What are the Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal?

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

Based on the timeline, you now have an idea of what to expect from alcohol withdrawal. However, you must note that these symptoms are not the same for every person. 

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms usually change in intensity within a short time. Hence, there’s a need to remain careful all the time. 

You can classify alcohol symptoms into mild, moderate, and severe symptoms. Mild symptoms include: 

  • Mild headaches
  • Gloominess
  • Mild tremors
  • Mild Itching
  • Nausea
  • Light and sound intensity 

Moderate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:

  • Frequent itching and nausea
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety and sweating
  • Burning sensation or numb feeling
  • Poor mental alertness
  • Being uncomfortable around bright lights
  • Visible tremor when you stretch your hands out

Severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms include: 

  • Hallucinations
  • Severe tremor
  • Constant nausea and vomiting
  • Profuse sweating
  • Acute Confusion

Withdrawal delirium or Delirium tremens (DTs) is an extreme symptom of alcohol withdrawal. It can cause death. One of the signs of this condition is a change in your consciousness level. It is more common in older persons with a history of heavy alcohol consumption. If your liver functions poorly and you experience severe withdrawal symptoms, you may be prone to DTs. 

Since it is a Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant, an abrupt stop to alcohol consumption is dangerous. This is because when you consume alcohol regularly, your CNS gets used to the feeling. Quitting abruptly will lead to CNS excitability, causing seizures, a DTs symptom. With that in mind, it is essential to seek professional help when withdrawing from alcohol. 

Related article: Why You Should Not Attempt Alcohol Withdrawal At Home

What is the Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal?

Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal

Most of the symptoms that come with alcohol withdrawal usually fade off after five days. However, some of these symptoms remain for more extended periods. It is best to treat these kinds of symptoms with the help of professional alcohol addiction treatment services. 

Treatment at such centers is much safer. Also, it helps you manage potentially harmful symptoms you may experience. A good alcohol addiction treatment centre will monitor you at each stage of the withdrawal process. Also, they will ensure you remain in great condition with supportive therapy. 

This therapy gets you set to return to everyday life. It also trains you on how to manage drinking urges. A doctor will tell you the treatment best for you and guide you through it. However, treatment doesn’t reduce the duration of your withdrawal timeline.

Detoxification is the first step to alcohol withdrawal treatment. It ensures you do not have severe symptoms. Alcohol addiction treatment aims to ease the patient’s withdrawal symptoms. It also gives patients the support they need to navigate the phase.

Some typical alcohol withdrawal treatments include: 

  • Observing the patients to know the degree of their symptoms
  • Use of anti-anxiety drugs. Benzodiazepine is an example of such medication. It helps you reduce the anxiety you may experience during withdrawal.
  • Use of anti-seizure drugs like Depakote to prevent seizures. 
  • Use of Beta-blockers, which help to slow the heart rate. These blockers also reduce the tremors you may experience. Sometimes, beta-blockers help patients to curb their urge for alcohol. 

Detoxifying and withdrawing from alcohol can be a strenuous exercise. It exhausts you physically, mentally, and emotionally. This is why you are best in the hands of alcohol addiction treatment centers. 

Should You Do Alcohol Withdrawal at Home?

Alcohol Withdrawal at Home

Many people wonder if they can perform alcohol withdrawal from the comfort of their homes. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you can do it home. However, you must do it with the supervision of a medical professional. Never practice alcohol withdrawal without the supervision of a professional. 

However, when you have to manage mild withdrawal symptoms from home, ensure you keep to the appropriate medications. Always check-in with your supervising physician when you need to. Don’t leave anything to chance.

The case is different when you show the risk of severe symptoms or have such symptoms. Then, it is always best to manage your treatment at an alcohol addiction treatment center. For those wondering how long does alcohol withdrawal take, they should also know they are prone to severe health consequences. Hence, staying within the walls of a facility to manage your recovery process is key to your safety. 

Generally speaking, it is always best to undergo your alcohol withdrawal at a treatment center. Most times, early recovery patients undergo their detoxification at treatment services. After the detoxification process, they continue with the rest of their treatment from home. On the other hand, patients with protracted withdrawal symptoms undergo the full process at treatment facilities.

Other Potential Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

We have been able to highlight the symptoms and timeline for alcohol withdrawal. However, there are other potential dangers associated with alcohol withdrawal. These often-overlooked dangers can do more damage over time.

The first one is the potential addiction to treatment pills. We have discussed some of the medicines used to treat alcohol withdrawal. Regardless, it is important to note that said pills can open ways to new addictions.

We will discuss these pills in detail and you will learn of their potential addictive properties. Ensure to always get prescribed pills from certified pharmacists. Also, learn about the potential addictive properties of any alcohol treatment pills before using them.

Potential Addictive Treatment Pills

Here’s what you need to know:


These drugs are known for their calming effects. They are popular sedatives that are used for alcohol withdrawal treatment. They help to reduce the probability of seizures during alcohol withdrawal.

However, excessive use of this drug can lead to serious health problems. Due to its suppressive nature, you may become dependent on it. Here are some of the side effects of using benzodiazepines.

  • Blurred Vision
  • Feebleness
  • Dizziness
  • Poor decision making
  • Random mood shifts
  • Risk-taking habits, such as driving under the influence

Neuroleptic medications

These drugs help in depressing nervous system activity in the body. This is especially beneficial for alcohol withdrawal as it relaxes the nervous system and minimizes stress.

However, care must be taken while you use this drug. Abuse of these medications can lead to metabolic imbalance and severe weight gain. Other side effects may include

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Dizziness
  • Epilepsy


beta-blockers abuse

These are known to be one of the safest options for combating alcohol withdrawal. They prepare you for what to expect during alcohol withdrawal like high blood pressure. This beta-blockers help regulate the heart by blocking adrenaline from flooding the heart.

However, regular and medicated intake must be considered. Excessive use of these beta-blockers can lead to a very slow and irregular heartbeat. Other potential symptoms of beta-blockers abuse are

  • Tiredness
  • Cold feet and hands
  • Migraines
  • Lightheadedness
  • Depression
  • Breath shortages
  • Constipation

In the end, you are responsible for the number of drugs you take in. Treatment pills are great for mitigating alcohol withdrawal. But you need to bear in mind not to switch one addiction for the other.

Ensure to consult a medical professional before using any treatment pills. Determine how long the alcohol withdrawal takes on your first consultation with a licensed addiction treatment expert. This will help you navigate any potential pitfalls of drug abuse.

Relapse in Alcohol Withdrawal

Relapse in Alcohol Withdrawal

Picture this scenario. You have not tasted alcohol in weeks. You have been taking your prescribed medicines. Your withdrawal symptoms are reducing. Then it happens, you decide to have a sip of alcohol and throw your recovery out the window.

This is called a relapse and it is just as damaging as alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It is important to note that a relapse is not a death sentence. However, it is important to understand and know how to manage it.

Relapse is when a person who for some time has abstained from drinking, starts to drink again. Even if it is just one drink, it is called a relapse.

Especially, if the person is sober and has been abstaining from drinking for any amount of time. To define other habits and health problems, the word may also be used.

Relapse is considered a part of the rehabilitation process for alcohol withdrawal. While preventing relapse is a recovery objective, it is not rare to undergo such incidents. For the sake of remaining sober, but also for wellbeing, it is important to prevent relapsing. As it can lead to a binge or even life-threatening overdose, relapsing can be risky.

Factors that can Cause Relapse in Alcohol Withdrawal

For a variety of reasons that may differ by person, relapse may occur. However, certain general factors make it more probable. These are some of what to expect during alcohol withdrawal.

For example, without health intervention or even assistance from family and friends, you can easily relapse. Wanting to get sober on your own is a long uphill struggle.

Hence, you are far more likely to suffer relapses following multiple times of remission. Here are several other factors that induce or lead to relapses in drinking:

Quitting Cold Turkey

When it comes to alcohol withdrawal, stopping suddenly is not the best way. This can give a shock to your system that is already used to the substance.

Uncomfortable symptoms are likely to arise immediately. This can make you return to drinking to curb the discomfort.

Anxiety and Stress

Withdrawal-related anxiety and stress have been studied in persons seeking to abstain from alcohol. Changes to the brain caused by intense and sustained drinking can cause an elevated stress response. This is a factor in relapse, making alcohol withdrawal treatment difficult.

Untreated Mental Health Issues

Experiencing difficult circumstances in life or experiencing mental disease symptoms may cause a relapse. Ensure that any other mental health issues you may have are also treated along with your alcohol withdrawal.

Personal Triggers

Person triggers also function as signs that contribute to relapse. This could involve a specific colleague or a certain pub. Your feeling or mood also factors in and can return you to drinking actively. Make sure to know your triggers and avoid them frequently.

Going Through a Cycle of Relapses

While determining how long alcohol withdrawal takes, ensure you are not caught in a cycle. Passing through several periods of remission and relapse makes a person more likely to relapse. 

Exposure to Alcohol

Alcohol exposure is a significant contributor to relapse. To use alcohol as a cue to drink more, addiction conditions the brain. For this cause, hearing, smelling, or tasting a tiny amount will lead to a relapse.

Hence, you need to ensure that you keep your home alcohol proof. Do well to let your friends know about your situation. This will make them create an alcohol-free environment for you even when you visit them.

Preventing a Relapse During Alcohol Withdrawal

Relapse prevention is a procedure and a part of the treatment for alcohol withdrawal. Knowing the truth about relapse and how frequent it comes is important. You need to also implore practical techniques to consciously attempt to avoid it.

For long-term success, enroll in an alcohol withdrawal treatment center. In relapse prevention, these are some major methods used:

  • Identifying reasons for drinking by a person
  • Planning how best to prevent triggers
  • Learning to understand the signs that a relapse can occur and implementing strategies to avoid it
  • Learning effective coping skills when a trigger is experienced or when a high-risk scenario is inevitable
  • Setting a proper timeline for alcohol withdrawal to prepare the body for symptoms.
  • Having a clear strategy on what to do if there is a relapse
  • When required, bringing the relapse strategy into effect
  • Treatment and service preparation after placement in a residential treatment center
  • Improving the mindset and confidence of a person in his or her abilities to avoid a relapse
  • Developing a balanced overall lifestyle with adaptations that lower the likelihood of relapsing
  • Learning and using strategies for anxiety control to cope with difficult circumstances and negative feelings
  • Employing techniques of studying and exercising to control the temptation to drink
  • Developing and developing safe new hobbies and alcohol substitution behaviours

By implementing any of these preventive methods, you will be minimizing your alcohol withdrawal. You will also be reducing your chances of a relapse.

FAQs about Alcohol Withdrawal 

Alcohol Withdrawal 

Below are answers to some commonly asked questions about alcohol withdrawal.

What Happens When You Quit Alcohol? 

When you decide to stop consuming alcohol abruptly, it leads to alcohol withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be severe and lead to complications if you don’t manage them properly.

How Long Does Alcohol Withdrawal Take?

The duration of alcohol withdrawal depends on an individual. It also depends on the quantity of alcohol you consume and how long you consume it. 

The recovery process usually takes three stages, depending on the symptoms you exhibit. These stages may last between 6-72 hours. For persons showing protracted symptoms, recovery will take days, weeks, months, and even years.

How Best Do I Manage My Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment? 

It is best to treat withdrawal symptoms in alcohol addiction treatment centers. Even if you want to undergo your recovery process at home, do so under a professional’s supervision. Whether you recover at home or a center is dependent on the severity of your symptoms. 

Should I Avoid All Treatment Pills When in Alcohol Withdrawal?

No, there are some very effective treatment pills to use. The important thing is to use them under supervision to prevent new addictions.

Are There Any Non-Addictive Treatment Pills?

Beta-blockers have been known to be typical non-addictive. Regardless, caution needs to be taken when using them

Is Relapse Inevitable?

It may not be inevitable, but it can be managed greatly once you notice it on time

Is There a Treatment For Relapse At All?

There is no miracle cure for relapse. However, you can condition your body to resist alcohol for so long. This can lead to your body adapting to the alcohol withdrawal.

Are There Any Centers For Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment in Canada?

Yes. There are a great number of treatment facilities in Canada that can help with alcohol withdrawal.


You now have better information about alcohol withdrawal. You also have a better understanding of the symptoms and treatment. When withdrawing from alcohol, ensure that you have the supervision of professionals. It is always best to undergo your withdrawal process at alcohol addiction treatment centers. 

If you want the best treatment tailored to your needs, then look no further. Try our addiction treatment services for the best treatment experience you can get. 

By now, you are also familiar with other means of easing your alcohol withdrawal. Ensure that you don’t self medicate with treatment pills. Always consult a professional at any reputable alcohol withdrawal center.

Relapse is not the end. There are many ways to manage it and keep your body on the road to recovery. Make sure to go over the various methods of relapse prevention.

Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: How Alcohol Abuse Affects Family Relationships And Friendships

Addiction Treatment

What Are The Stages of Addiction Treatment Progression?

Overcoming addiction is rarely a straightforward nor enjoyable process. Indeed, it may be more accurate to describe it as a journey through uncharted terrains. However, there are some milestones that you can use to keep track of your recovery. These milestones refer to the stages of addiction recovery, and we’ll tell you all about it.

Many people find that knowing what obstacles to expect helps them prepare better for any activity. This same logic accurately transfers to addiction treatment and recovery. Understanding the stages of addiction recovery can go a long way in helping you prepare mentally for rehab. Moreover, it also comes in handy when trying to convince a loved one to seek addiction treatment

If you are considering addiction treatment for yourself or your loved one, you will undoubtedly wonder what to expect during the process. While we cannot tell you exactly all that will happen during rehab, we can show some hurdles you have to overcome. This way, you can keep track of your progression through addiction treatment.

In this article, we will share some valuable insight into the stages of addiction recovery. This will help you gather up the necessary motivation to seek help for your substance abuse. Furthermore, we will also shed some light on the possible timeline for addiction treatment in Canada. This way, you know what to expect during rehab and how long it takes.

But first, what exactly does addiction treatment mean?

What does Addiction Treatment Mean?

Addiction treatment refers to medical or psychotherapeutic treatment for people who are dependent on psychoactive substances. Such substances include prescription medication, alcohol and street drugs, including heroin, cannabis, etc. In other words, addiction treatment in Canada seeks to help patients confront their substance dependence and stop further use.

Addiction rehabilitation aims to help individuals addicted to a substance stop their compulsive drug use. However, the process is not as straightforward as it seems. Most people face numerous obstacles and even relapse before they finally break free from substance abuse. We will shed more light on this when we talk about the stages of addiction recovery.

There are several evidence-based approaches to treating addiction. However, the specific type or combinations of treatment you receive will address your unique needs. But you must know – recovering from substance addiction is never easy. At the very least, it will take significant willpower and self-discipline on your part.

This is why many prefer to take time and research before they attempt rehab. This way, they have any idea of what to expect during addiction treatment. Irrespective of the extent or duration of your addiction, and the type of treatment, the six stages of addiction recovery are still relevant. In the next few paragraphs, we will tell you all about them.

Read further to find out more.

Addiction Recovery: The Stages of Treatment Progression

There is no doubt that addiction treatment and recovery is a long journey without a precise ending time. However, it is possible to keep track of your progress on your way to eventual recovery. Experts have broken it down to a series of six distinct phases to help you understand the rehabilitation process. Here are the six stages of addiction recovery.

Precontemplation stage

This is the very first step towards addiction recovery. You see, the longer an addiction goes, the more severe its consequences. Eventually, the addict will become aware of the implications of their actions, both on themselves and their loved ones. However, they will try to justify their drug use or even downplay the consequences of their addiction.

During the pre-contemplative stage, drug users are not considering the need to stop their habits. As a result, they become defensive and will even rationalize their addictive habits. This is not to say they are not aware of the adverse effects of their drug and substance. Instead, their perception is that the benefits of continuing in their addiction outweigh the repercussions.

Therefore, an individual in the precontemplation stage will prefer to remain in active addiction rather than seek help.

Contemplation Stage

Here, the drug user has begun to realize that the consequences of their habits are more severe than they thought. Furthermore, the addict is becoming increasingly aware of the adverse effects that their addiction is causing. Now, these effects may be on their health, work, family or even their loved ones. Irrespective, the addict now knows that substance abuse is wreaking havoc in their life.

During this contemplation stage, the addict now becomes more open to the option of addiction treatment. Bearing in mind that they don’t necessarily have to decide to get sober in that instant. But, they have begun to entertain the possibility that addiction recovery is their future. Therefore, you should not push them.

It is not uncommon for people in the contemplation stage to publicly accept that they have an addiction. But, if you press them to consider professional help, they often have some form of excuse or rationalization. However, you should not force it. After all, the contemplation phase is as delicate as any of the other stages of addiction recovery.

Related article: 8 Signs Of Addiction Relapse

Preparation Stage

Preparation Stage

The mark of the transition from contemplation to preparation is that the addict now realizes that addiction’s consequences outweigh any perceived benefits. Furthermore, they realize that they will need to make specific behavioural changes to get sober. In other words, they now know that something must give to get the change that they desire.

At this point, the addict accepts that they need help to overcome their substance abuse problems. The individual will also begin to accept help and support from family and loved ones. Therefore, you may start to look into addiction treatment services in Canada that offer the help that they need. In some cases, you may not have to.

The individual may become very proactive in ending their drug use. This means they may research various avenues of getting professional substance addiction treatment. Whichever the case may be, during this time, your loved one needs you. Together, you can create a plan to get them into rehab and start their journey to addiction recovery.

Action Stage

Action Stage

During this stage, the addict will put all their efforts into addiction treatment and getting better. This phase is not only about getting sober. The individual must commit to making strategic lifestyle changes, which will ensure a healthier living in the future. During this time, they will also try to repair and reestablish critical relationships.

If you’re wondering what to expect during addiction treatment, it may include anything from medications to therapy to support groups and more. Addiction treatment also equips the patient with coping strategies and communication skills that will aid recovery. The action stage only ends when the individual completes the rehabilitation program.

Maintenance Stage

The end of an addiction treatment program does not signal the end of the stages of addiction recovery. On the contrary, this stage is very critical. The individual must maintain the sobriety they worked to acquire during the action phase. This is the stage where the resources and skills they gained during rehab comes into play.

People in this stage may build communities of like-minded people to help reinforce their recovery. The ultimate goal is to prevent a relapse into active addiction.

Most people who suffer an addiction relapse were likely careless during the maintenance stage. It is essential to practice living life in recovery without taking unnecessary risks. Get rid of paraphernalia from addictive days and boycott places or people from the old days. All these are strategies that will help you or your loved one during the maintenance stage.

Besides, many other resources can help people during this stage. These include aftercare services and support groups. You may even reach out to us if you’re struggling to maintain your sobriety.

Termination Stage

This is the final point of the stages of addiction recovery. At this stage, the transition into addiction recovery is all but complete.  Here, the individual has regained their health and has also stabilized vital relationships in their life. They may even already have a stable job and have become financially independent.

A person in the termination stage has got their life back together and is already living fine. They have no desire to go back to the addictive ways and are relieved they kick the habits. However, you must remember that recovery is a lifetime commitment that one has to keep.  

Therefore, it is best not to get careless or overconfident with your newfound addiction-free life.

Wrap Up

Supporting our loved ones in addiction rehab can be overwhelming, especially when we can’t relate to their condition. Thankfully, these six stages of addiction recovery help to simplify an otherwise complicated process. Hopefully, we have been able to show you that. More importantly, we hope that you now have a full understanding of what happens during addiction rehab. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: What Are The Signs Of Prescription Drug Addiction?

Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery: Tips to Take Control of Your Recovery

Recovering from addiction is not an easy process. There are many struggles you must overcome to stay on the recovery path. Even after treating your addiction, you may find yourself slipping up again. In light of that, this article comes packed with tips to take control of addiction recovery. 

These tips include things you must do before, during, and after addiction treatment. When you practice them, you give yourself a better chance of having a successful recovery. With these tips, you will know how to manage and cope with addiction rehab. If you are ready to quit your addiction, then the information you are about to explore will help you greatly. 

You Must Decide to Quit

stopping addictive behaviour

The main factor in stopping addictive behaviour is your decision to quit. It doesn’t matter the number of people trying to get you to stop. If you do not decide to stop, changes will never occur. The decision to quit the abuse of drugs, alcohol, etc. is yours to make. 

When you decide to quit your addiction, you must be clear about what you want to achieve. Having a clear goal makes it easier for you to practice the measures needed to achieve that goal. Ensure you set a goal that is easy to achieve. It is always best to start with more manageable goals before going over to more challenging targets. 

Achieving the more manageable goals leads you to attain your main objective, which is quitting your addiction in its entirety. It will also make your path to addiction rehab less stressful. 

Get Ready to Quit

After deciding to quit your addiction, you must take the necessary steps to do so. You shouldn’t just decide and take no actions. For example, if you are an alcoholic and you want to stop, taking away the things that will cause you to drink is one way to go. Your social behaviour may be significantly affected by some of these steps. Hence, it is important to build relationships with those who will support you in these times. 

You can tell them about your goals so that they can support you and be there for you. It is also essential to speak to a professional. Such a person can give you expert tips to take control of addiction recovery. Overcoming addiction can get tricky, so you will need all the help you can get. 

When you quit your addiction, you are likely to suffer some withdrawal symptoms. Enrolling with addiction recovery services make it easier to cope with these symptoms. It also helps you cope with your recovery effectively. Hence, if you speak to a professional, they will give you the best advice on what to do depending on your addiction level. 

Get Treatments to Overcome Your Addiction

There are several addiction treatment options available. If you decide to quit, you may need one or more of these treatments to cope with addiction rehab. These treatments include: 

  • Detoxification, which means getting substance or drugs out of your system. 
  • Behavioural Counselling
  • Medication
  • Long-term Follow-up
  • In-Patient (Residential) Treatment
  • Outpatient Treatment
  • Sober Living Communities

One of the tips to take control of addiction recovery is finding a treatment that suits your needs. Besides treating your addiction, the treatment should set you on your path to staying free of addiction. 

Do Not Go It Alone

You need to remain positive and have support during your addiction treatment. It is one of the essential tips to take control of addiction recovery. When you have the support of your close friends and family in this period, it goes a long way to help you. You must also build new relationships with sober people who will support your recovery. 

Other steps you can take in ensuring you have the best support during addiction recovery include: 

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Enrolling for therapy sessions such as cognitive behavioural therapy will help you while on your recovery path. During treatments such as these, you will understand yourself better and know why you behave in specific ways. Hence, you will learn how to control your emotions better and reduce your dependency on alcohol or drugs. 

Go For Regular Check-ups

You can effectively manage addiction rehab by having regular check-ups with a medical professional or addiction treatment services. This way, you get to track your progress and see your improvements. It also ensures you are healthy, which is a right way of maintaining your addiction rehab.

Join Support Programs

Self-Management Recovery Training

During and after your treatment, it is right for you to join support programs or their alternatives. An example of 12-Step Programs is Alcoholics Anonymous. An alternative program you can join is the Self-Management Recovery Training (SMART). SMART teaches you how to control your addiction using methods proven by research. 

Build a Fresh Social Life

During addiction rehab, you will learn so many things, including those you never thought were possible. As someone recovering from addiction, you must understand the things you will learn will affect your life socially. Therefore, it is good to prepare for these new changes and new activities you will learn during recovery. 

You have to engage in new social activities to replace those activities that led you to addiction. Some of these activities include video games, music lessons, volunteering, dance lessons, etc. These activities ensure you do not get bored and contemplate going back to your old habits. 

One of the essential tips to take control of addiction recovery linked to your social life is having new friendships. If your old relationships cause you to indulge in activities that led you to addiction, it is crucial to stop them. Keep friends with sober people who have fun the right way. If you do these, you reduce the chances of having a relapse. 

Do Not Replace Addictive Behaviors With New Addictions

Sometimes, when people quit their addictive behaviours, they tend to replace them with new addictions. For example, a person who recovers from drug addiction may start overeating. Hence, they become overweight, leading to health problems. This replacement behaviour comes as a result of the reward feelings, and sensations addiction creates. 

To avoid replacement behaviours, you must tackle any mental health issues you may have. Your addiction masks these problems, so when you quit, they show themselves in other forms. Going for psychological and neurological therapies can uncover these underlying problems and make addiction rehab effective. 

Learn to Control Your Behavior After an Addiction

You can want to indulge in some activities that can lead to addiction even after your recovery. For example, if you recover from alcohol addiction, you may want to drink occasionally without doing it excessively. While this is possible, you must be clear about what you want to do. 

If you plan to drink with your friends, you must have one drink and nothing more. Do not forget all the things you learned during addiction rehab now. Have self-control. If you doubt yourself, then you shouldn’t put yourself in that situation.

Try to Avoid Relapse

Avoid Relapse

One of the essential tips to take control of addiction recovery is avoiding a relapse. The road to addiction recovery is a tough road to travel. You may face many ups and downs. However, when you fall at any point, it doesn’t mean you have failed. 

If you experience a relapse, you must try to figure out the cause instead of feeling beat down. One of the most common reasons for relapse is cravings. You suddenly find yourself wanting a drink or a puff many months after your recovery treatment. 

It is essential to learn how to cope with these cravings, no matter how intense they may be. They will definitely come at one point or the other. However, if you experience a relapse and understand the cause, you must also know your triggers and weaknesses. When you do these, put structures in place to avoid relapsing again. 


In this article, you have become familiar with the important tips to take control of addiction recovery. Practicing these tips will help you on your road to addiction recovery. However, you must understand it will not be a quick and easy process. You must stay committed to living a sober life. 

Have you decided to quit your addiction? Are you ready to start an addiction treatment? If your answer to these questions is positive, you may want to know how you can remain sober after treatment. Do not worry. You have all the help you need. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: How To Build Positive Relationships During Recovery

Inhalants Addiction

What is Inhalant Addiction: Causes, Signs, Dangers, Treatment

In the current age, drug abuse is rampant among teenagers. Typically, we try to curb the abuse of harmful substances like cocaine. However, the more common danger lies in inhalant addiction.

These involve the use of everyday household items like nail polish and paint. Due to their ease of access, they can be easily abused. Most of the time, you may be focused on hard drugs. This can lead to you missing the signs of inhalant abuse.

Additionally, there aren’t any direct laws that label them as illegal. Hard drugs like heroin and MDMA have laws that render them illegal. However, in the case of inhalant addiction, such laws don’t apply.

Furthermore, the early symptoms of inhalant addiction are brief. This can lead you to shrug off the possible potential danger. In this article, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of inhalant addiction.

You will learn how to identify the addiction early in both yourself and your friends and family. Make sure to seek professional help if you know anyone showing early signs.

What is Inhalant Addiction?

Let’s start with the basics. What is inhalant addiction? This is the misuse of household aerosols and gas propellants etc. to induce intoxication.

What is Inhalant Addiction

The fumes from these inhalants numb the brain and motor functions. This gives a false sense of calm to the user. The effects may seem relaxing, but they aren’t as safe as you think.

Inhalant addiction is constantly growing, particularly in teenagers. They try out these inhalants because they are a cheaper option of getting high. 

Some teenagers can be corrected by early inhalant addiction treatment. However, you have to be observant of the misuse of these inhalants on time. Pay attention to the domestic products you buy and use.

Most often, these inhalants have a sweet-smelling odour that can attract you. Paint thinners and acetone give off a very strong and inviting scent. This can be hugely misleading, as the fumes are hazardous for you. You need to make sure that domestic home products are correctly stored at all times. Never leave them out in the open. Try and recognize inhalant abuse once you start getting attracted to these products.

Here is a broad example of different types of potential inhalants.

  • Glue
  • White Out Fluid
  • Propane Tanks
  • Paint Removers
  • Spray Paint
  • Deodorants
  • Chloroform
  • Whipped Cream Dispensers
  • Nail Polish
  • Acetone
  • Room Deodorizers

All the above examples and more are possible triggers for inhalant addiction. Get familiar with them now so you can be cautious in the usage of these items.

Causes of Inhalant Addiction

We have discussed the definition of inhalant addiction. Next, we are going to talk about the causes of this addiction.


Causes of Inhalant Addiction

One of the prime causes of inhalation is the availability of materials. A lot of common household items like glue and paint are a must-have. These items are necessary for the home. However, their presence can be risky for you and your family.


Not only are these items available, but they are also cheap to get. Due to their necessity, you can easily buy a bottle of bleach or whipped cream without questioning. Compared to the expensive nature of hard drugs, these items can be purchased with ease.

Peer Pressure

Teenagers often strive to look cool to their mates. Therefore, a lot of them succumb to the latest trends among their peers. Once a couple of “cool” kids partake in inhalant addiction, others may join as well. Seek inhalant addiction treatment urgently for any teenager you suspect.

Escape from reality

Similar to the reason people take hard drugs. Inhalants can offer you with a false sense of release and reward. The fumes can dull your senses and give you a form of relief. However, such relief comes with heavy consequences.

Signs of Inhalant addiction

Signs of Inhalant addiction

Unlike hard drugs or alcohol, inhalants can disappear shortly after use while their effects happen internally. Your teenager may hide their spray cans or paint cans. Regardless these are a few signs to help you note signs of inhalant abuse.

Some of the early signs of inhalant addiction are:

  • Anxiety
  • Runny nose
  • Paint odour on body
  • Mouth sores
  • Redness of eyes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unusual breath smell
  • Paint stains on fingers
  • Daze and confused appearance
  • Slurring of speech
  • Hoarding of aerosol cans
  • Staggering while walking
  • Unexplained mood swings

Some of these symptoms may originally seem more associated with alcoholism. But you need to keep a keen eye for the symptoms of inhalant addiction as well. Some of these are hallucinations, apathy, impaired judgment, depression etc.

Related article: Quitting Inhalant Addiction Safely

How Inhalants Are Used

You also need to know how these inhalants are used. This will help you identify the addiction faster once you begin to suspect.

  • It can be sprayed directly from the container onto the face
  • It can be soaked in a rag and placed on the face
  • It can be rubbed on fingernails and sniffed

As noted above, the method of usage is straightforward. You will need to pay attention to the clothes and accessories of your teenager. Once you smell any of these substances regularly, seek professional help for inhalant addiction.

Dangers of Inhalant Addiction

Dangers of Inhalant Addiction

We have talked about the signs of inhalant abuse. Now we will discuss the dangers and consequences of inhalant addiction. Currently, inhalants are almost as harmful as many hard substances and more harmful in many situations. Inhalants may cause heart attacks and respiratory arrest. This may even lead to a lethal overdose even on your first try.

Heavy, long-term abuse generally can lead to serious physiological side effects. Excessive misuse of substances like toluene can cause neurological effects. Other chemicals can cause multiple sclerosis, a brain and spinal cord disorder or even paralysis.

Lung and liver damage are also signs that you need inhalant addiction treatment. The toxic fumes from these substances can alter your body chemistry severely. This can lead to permanent damage like stroke or epilepsy.

Here are some of the damaging effects of inhalant addiction. The case worsens, especially with continued and prolonged usage.

  • Brain damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Memory loss
  • Learning disabilities
  • Impaired vision
  • Poor motor functions
  • Hearing loss
  • Poor balance
  • Muscle weakness

What You and Your Teenager Should Know

Inhalation addiction is best avoided than resolved. It is better to prevent addiction in the first place than curing it. There is useful information you that you can enlighten yourself and family with. This can go a long way in preventing it.

Whenever you buy any aerosols or volatile compounds, alert your family about it. Let them understand its exclusive purpose and educate them on its potential poisonous nature.

Enlighten them on how their bodies work and react in the presence of these substances. For example, teach them to immediately leave a room after spraying insecticides. You can also teach them to use aerosols and nail polish sparingly.

Teach them to recognize inhalant abuse within themselves. Label the potential substances as poisons, so they are careful in using them. Make sure you do not linger around in a room where such materials are used.

Expose them to the harsh realities of using these products to get “high.” Follow them to buy any of the potential inhalants that they may need domestically.

Treatment for Inhalant Addiction

Treatment for Inhalant Addiction

What do you do if you or your teen have fallen victim to inhalant addiction? Physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms can come with this addiction. These symptoms may last for up to five days.

Discomfort and restlessness are primary examples of psychological withdrawal. Conversely, physical withdrawal symptoms normally consist of headaches and exhaustion.

You may consult professional help with inhalant abuse. They will provide you with the necessary help to kill the habit. Here are examples of other ways to combat the addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

  • Limit the use of inhalants
  • Eat and exercise often
  • Get a friend to motivate you
  • Dispose of cans
  • Lock up essential aerosols and use sparingly for some time
  • Join support groups

The road to recovery will not be easy. Inhalants are very rampant and tempting. Follow the above steps, and you will be able to kick the habit away.


Inhalant addiction in Canada is on the rise. People indulge in it now more than ever to relieve stress. However, they slowly fall into the pit of inhalant addiction. Learn about the addiction to these inhalants and their causes. Be wary of early onset of signs and symptoms of inhalant abuse. Read on the dangers of getting addicted to inhalants.

Thankfully, we at 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, offer assistance to kill the nasty habit. Our inhalation addiction treatment program is run by health professionals who have studied its effects.

We offer behavioural therapy to wean you off the addiction. We also have strong support groups where you can share with other addicts. This can go a long way to hasten the healing process.

Our rehabilitation programs are tailored to ease you onto the road to recovery. It consists of twelve-step programs and consultation services. We will guide you through your trying time to the point of zero inhalant addiction. Get the help you need today!

Related article: What To Expect During Inhalant Withdrawal And Detox

Alcohol Addiction

Teenager Underage Drinking – Causes, Effects, Help

Talking to a teenager about their underage is a delicate yet necessary step. However, many people are at a loss for what to say and how to do it. If you need help with underage drinking in your teenager, go through this article.

Do you think your teen is too young to discuss alcohol underage? 

As early as puberty, certain kids decide to start drinking alcohol. There is no doubt that this is not good decision-making. But, how do you communicate that to them?

Alcohol addiction at an early age will likely lead to significant long-term health consequences for the teenager. Moreover, it raises the risk of other patterns of drug abuse and addiction. This can lead to brain growth disorders, and affect vital internal organs.

Aa such, it is crucial that you speak to him or her about the consequences of alcohol abuse. But the bigger question remains ’how do you motivate the teen to quit drinking?’ In this article, you will discover tips to manage teenage alcohol use.

Before talking to a teen about alcohol, it is best to first identify the symptoms and seek suitable recovery services. That is, figure out why they are drinking in the first place. Here are some pointers to help you.

Why Do Teenagers Drink?

Why Do Teenagers Drink

This section will help answer the question; why is my teenager drinking? Generally, teens are more susceptible to the use of alcohol. This is because they are in a more adventuristic phase. So, they will take risks and search out new and exciting experiences to feel more independent. Often, this may involve alcohol consumption.

Also, some teenagers tend to become more self-conscious and seek clues on how they match up to their peers. To appease mates, those who feel left out may experiment with alcohol. To help with their underage drinking, you’ll need to interact with them to figure out the problem.

Finally, teens may resort to drinking to deal with school pressures. They may also drink to alleviate the stress of transitions like from high school to college. 

More Causes of Underage Drinking

Teenagers may attempt to claim their individuality and develop their identity as they grow up. Sometimes, they seek to do this in ways that are questionable – alcohol use. As a concerned adult, you will, no doubt, want to help with overcoming underage drinking. Here is some insight into the common causes of underage drinking.

  • Sometimes teenagers feel a need to confront figures of authority that they look up to, including parents and teachers. One way they challenge this control is to use alcohol. Unfortunately, most youths do not completely realize the dangers to their health and actions.
  • According to a study, most youths who start drinking early get it free of charge. They either get it from friends, family members or find it in the home. In other words, continuous access to liquor increases the potential for its consumption and addiction in teens.
  • A major reason many underage people consume alcohol is due to social or peer pressure. If a teenager has a circle of friends, they are likely to start drinking themselves.
  • Also, many youths use alcohol because they see others doing it. They experience alcohol consumption by their friends, families, and other adults. They see them use it to feel comfortable and then try to drink for the same reasons.

Now, there are several ways to tackle underage drinking. But first, you must identify why the teen is drinking. Hopefully, you now know some of the various causes.

Related article: Can I Drink Alcohol While on Birth Control?

How to Know If your Teenager is Drinking

How to Know If your Teenager is Drinking

Abuse of alcohol has noticeable effects on the body. Early detection of these symptoms can help with underage drinking management. If your child shows strong signs of liquor abuse, you may need to secure alcohol addiction treatment services.

Some of the physical symptoms of substance addiction by a teenager are:

  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Changes in patterns of appetite or sleep
  • Appearance degradation
  • Smaller pupils
  • Getting sick or tired often
  • Smelling like liquor
  • Staggered walking
  • Empty bottles in the room of the teenager or the trash  
  • Falling school performance
  • Reduced participation in once-enjoyed events or interests, such as sports, etc
  • Alterations of social groups
  • Becoming disconnected or isolated
  • Suspicious behaviour
  • Cash Theft
  • Lying about alleged substance misuse, or being defensive,
  • Other shifts in character, actions, and behaviours
  • Sudden changes in mood

Once you notice any of these signs, carefully engage your teenager on why they are drinking. Remember, it is never late to start talking to a teen about alcohol abuse.

Effects of Underage Drinking

Underage drinking leads to all kinds of unhealthy behaviours in your teen. Unfortunately, its effects can be long-lasting and severely damaging. However, the right intervention and help with underage drinking can halt these destructive effects.

Alcohol-related fatalities

A major cause of teen car accidents is alcohol-related driving. Teen drowning, overdoses and homicides have all been associated with the consumption of alcohol.

Dangerous Sexual activity

Drinking teens may become sexually active faster and have sex more than non-drinking teenagers. Furthermore, teens that drink are much more likely to have unprotected intercourse. This may lead to teenage pregnancy.

Problems with education

Problems with education

Over the years, teens who drink seem to have more issues with academics than teens who don’t drink. While they may not necessarily be failing, their grades usually drop. It takes help with underage drinking to help them get back on track.


People who start drinking as teenagers are more likely to experience alcohol dependency. Indeed, underage binge drinking increases the risk of alcohol abuse later in life. Showing them non-alcoholic alternatives is one of the effective tips to manage teenage alcohol use.

Criminal crime

Often, teenagers who drink turn to crime. Sometimes, it is a bid to get money for booze. Other times, they use crime to fulfill their alcohol-induced fantasy. Theft, rape, robbery etc are all crimes that go hand-in-glove with underage drinking.

Criminal crime

How to Help with Underage Drinking

You may be uncertain about what to say, that is perfectly understandable. Also, it is likely that your teen will want to stop the discussion the first few times, that’s fine. To help with underage drinking, continue the conversation, at a more comfortable time. You will have a better effect on your teen if you speak regularly than if you speak just once.

Be realistic with them

Sometimes, teenagers feel that alcohol makes them cool or happy. Explain that it is possible that a person feels “elevated” by drinking alcohol. But, be sure to mention that it is a depressant that can induce depression and rage as well.

Discuss the basis for not drinking

Explain the dangers of teen drinking and be frank if you have a personal history of alcoholism. Tell your child why they could be more prone to excessive consumption of alcohol and accompanying health issues.

Discuss the basis for not drinking

Project scenarios and reactions to alcohol offers

You need to prepare your child for when someone offers them alcohol. Brainstorm with your teenager and decide how to react to alcohol offers. It may be as straightforward as saying no or asking for soda instead.

Be prepared for questions

Your teen may be wondering if when you were a minor, you drank alcohol. Accept if you did, and connect traumatic moments to your drinking as a lesson. This makes talking to a teen about alcohol more comfortable.

Having a relationship of confidence will help with underage drinking discouragement for your teen. You should also spend time together as this will make communication feel more natural for your teen.

Know the habits of your teens  

Take notice of the plans and whereabouts of your teenager. Also, encourage engagement in after-school and weekend events under supervision. This will make it easier to detect and limit alcohol use.

Set up rules and ramifications

Rules might involve avoiding gatherings where alcohol is consumed. Whichever rules you create, commit to and execute the consequences of violation.

Set an example

When you drink, do it with moderation. Also, describe how you obey rules, such as not drinking and driving. This will suggest to your teenager that they can imitate you.

Foster positive connections

Your teen is more likely to drink if their friends drink, too. Get to meet the peers of your teens and their kin. Track what your children are doing to keep them safe, cooperate with other parents. By doing this, you ensure that your teen hangs out with a positive circle of friends.


Alcohol is readily available today and sold widely in society. Indeed, some people consider the consumption of alcohol as a natural part of growing up. To help with underage drinking, we need to tackle this narrative.

There are many dangers of underage drinking. This includes car accidents, fatalities, robberies, etc. Sadly, oftentimes, the user not only puts himself at risk but other members of the society – such as in motor accidents.

Moreover, people who start drinking early tend to have major alcohol issues later in life, like alcoholism. They also have an increased risk of several negative outcomes. Examples include unsafe sexual behaviour and low academic success.

In light of this, it is best to quickly identify teenagers who drink alcohol and take action to help them. Our groundbreaking and systematic treatment methods at 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre have proven effective in this regard.

Do you want help for your teenager who is drinking alcohol? We deliver premium alcohol addiction treatment in Canada to help kick bad drinking habits. Furthermore, we help minimize substance experimentation as well as the challenges that surround substance use in young people.

Related article: How to Help a Loved One With a Drinking Problem?


Drug Addiction

Warning Signs Of Drug Abuse And Addiction In Adults

According to the World Health Organization, around 31 million people worldwide suffer from substance use disorders. Sadly, because it is so easy to miss the signs of drug abuse and addiction in adults, many of these people do not get help soon enough. Alcohol alone is, directly and indirectly, responsible for over three million deaths a year worldwide. More than half of those who die from overdoses are younger than 50.

One of the things friends and family members fear the most is that their addicted loved one will become “part of a statistic”. By understanding the effects of drug abuse, and by recognizing the red flags of addiction, tragedy can be avoided.

What Is Substance Abuse?

What Is Substance Abuse

In order to understand the signs of addiction, it is important to first know what substance abuse is. In general terms, substance abuse is a pattern of behaviour in which someone uses any substance in a manner that is harmful. The substances included in this definition range from tobacco and prescription drugs to hallucinogens such as LSD. Even everyday substances like paint thinner and cleaning solutions can be subjected to substance abuse.

The 5th edition of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) lays out 11 criteria for substance use disorder. The more criteria that are present, the more severe the substance abuse is.

  • You take the substance in higher quantities, or for longer than intended
  • You have tried unsuccessfully to stop using the substance
  • You spend a lot of time obtaining or using the substance, or recovering from use
  • You experience cravings to use the substance
  • You renege on work, home or school commitments because of your substance use
  • You continue to use the substance in spite of it causing conflicts with loved ones
  • You lose interest in activities that were previously important to you
  • You continue to use the substance in spite of the potential dangers
  • You continue to use the substance in spite of negative effects on your physical or mental health
  • You need to use higher doses of the substance in order to achieve the desired effects
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms after not using the substance for a while

How Can I Tell If I Have A Substance Use Disorder?

The signs of drug abuse and addiction in adults can be easy to miss, especially early on. If you are using any substance, such as alcohol or prescription drugs, you should familiarize yourself with the signs and effects of drug abuse.

Addiction Affects Everyone Differently

It is important to remember this. We are not robots, we are human beings. Each of us comes with our own genetic makeup, circumstances, pre-existing conditions, needs, and challenges. What this means is that substance abuse can look and feel different depending on a wide range of factors, including:

  • Age, weight and biological sex
  • Physical and mental health conditions
  • Family history
  • Personal history, including abuse or trauma
  • How long the addiction has been going on
  • What substances are involved
  • How often substances are used, and in what doses
  • The presence or absence of a support network
  • Prior history of substance abuse disorders

While it is important to bear these differences in mind, there are some common signs of drug abuse that you can look out for.

Related article: Signs Of Alcohol Abuse, Dependence And Addiction

What Physical Signs Of Drug Abuse Should I Look Out For?

Signs Of Drug Abuse

The physical symptoms depend not only on the substance but on how it is ingested and how frequently it is used. Physical effects of drug abuse can be apparent after the first use, or they can build up over time.

Common physical effects include:

  • A marked increase or decrease in appetite
  • Weight gain or weight loss that cannot be attributed to other causes
  • Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia and night sweats
  • Collapsed veins and track marks on the body resulting from intravenous use
  • Sores and blisters around the nose and mouth from snorting substances
  • Respiratory complaints resulting from smoking substances
  • Digestive complaints, such as nausea, vomiting diarrhea and abdominal cramps
  • Trembling or shaking

What Are The Psychological Signs Of Drug Abuse?

Psychological Signs Of Drug Abuse

The biggest factors affecting the psychological effects of addiction include the substance, whether the addicted individual has a history of trauma or abuse, and whether there are coexisting mental illnesses.

The psychological signs of addiction include the following. These also mean you need professional addiction rehab:

  • You are unable to stop or reduce substance use in spite of having attempted to do so
  • You are aware that substance use is affecting your physical or mental health, but you continue to use anyway
  • Your initial response to a stressful situation, such as an argument or a bad day at work, is to take drugs in order to cope
  • You feel uneasy or anxious when you do not have access to the substance
  • You experience mood swings
  • Symptoms of existing mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, are exacerbated
  • You feel agitated and irritable, and you cannot avoid lashing out at the people around you

How Can Substance Abuse Change My Behaviour?

How Can Substance Abuse Change

When you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, behavioural changes are inevitable. The substance itself can cause you to behave in ways that you ordinarily wouldn’t, and you alter your behaviour to support the addiction.

Some behaviour changes that are signs of drug addiction include the following:

  • You engage in high-risk behaviour during or after substance use, such as driving a vehicle or stealing
  • You start to forego activities and interests that used to be important to you because you would rather use drugs or alcohol
  • You continue your substance use in spite of loved ones asking you to stop
  • In the case of alcohol, you purchase from several stores in rotation to avoid arousing the suspicion of any one of them
  • In the case of prescription drugs, you take more than the prescribed dose, or you use the medication for non-medical purposes
  • You visit multiple doctors hoping to score additional prescriptions
  • You decline social invitations if you find out that alcohol will not be served
  • You hide your substance use from other people
  • You start spending large amounts of time alone
  • You call in sick to work in order to use the substance

What Should I Do If I Show Warning Signs Of Substance Abuse?

Warning Signs Of Substance Abuse

There is a common misconception that people with addictions have to hit rock bottom before they can get help. This line of thinking can be dangerous: for some people, rock bottom means death.  And when the addiction involves certain substances, any delay in seeking help can result in permanent damage to the brain and central nervous system.

If you are showing signs that you need professional addiction treatment services, you should make those arrangements right away. Inpatient addiction treatment is not only for those with late-stage addictions. By getting help early, you can avoid some of the long-term damage and dangerous withdrawal symptoms that can accompany an established addiction.

At 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre, we believe that it is never too soon or too late for people with addictions to get the help they need. When you come to our facility, we will conduct a thorough assessment of your challenges, goals, and needs. Based on that, we will develop an addiction treatment program that is customized for you. 

Using a variety of treatment modalities ranging from traditional talk therapy to mindfulness coaching and life skills training, we will guide you through the process of overcoming your addiction and reclaiming your life. 

The effects of drug abuse can extend to all areas of your life, including your family, your job, and your health. But if you call us today, you can instead enjoy a positive, productive life that is free from addiction. Call us at 855-601-0555 to get started or to find out more.

Related article: Common Signs of Cocaine Abuse

Addiction Treatment Tips

Should I Go To an Addiction Treatment Centre during the Pandemic

Understandably, with the coronavirus wreaking havoc worldwide, it may not seem like the best time to seek addiction treatment. However, according to experts, there is no better time than now. Indeed, if you are struggling with substance abuse, we recommend you go to an addiction treatment center, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, there are measures in place to keep you safe.

The decision to go to rehab has always been difficult for people who have a substance addiction. However, in times of crisis, such as the one we live in now, making that decision is even more challenging. Granted, due to how fast the coronavirus spreads, staying at home can seem like a safe decision to make. But, it may quickly become quite the opposite.

You see, pandemic or not, addiction will not go on break, nor will the constant threat of overdose reduce. Therefore, your best move is to take advantage of the fact that addiction treatment centers are open.

However, if you have fears due to the pandemic, you’re not alone. Many other people have questions like ‘can I go to inpatient rehab during COVID-19?’ or ‘is addiction rehab safe in these times? These are perfect relatable questions, and we’ll help you reach the right conclusion. This article will help you understand why seeking an addiction treatment center during the pandemic is the smart move.

Should I Seek Addiction Treatment during the Pandemic

There is no other way to say this than to give a resounding ‘Yes.’ If you have a problem with any substance use, it is crucial that you check-in at an addiction treatment center, especially during the pandemic. You see, the pandemic has generally changed life as we know it. Unfortunately, these drastic changes caused a ripple effect of decline for many people.

We are not saying the coronavirus is not real. Indeed, we have put specific strict measures in place to control the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, we are saying the pandemic should not stop your breaking free from alcohol and drug addiction. After all, there is a reason essential services, including our addiction treatment center, stayed open during the pandemic.

The reason is simple – to ensure that you get help when you need it. So if your question is ‘Can I go inpatient rehab during COVID-19’, you now know you can. Moreover, with various government offices and private employers suspending work, this is the optimal time to address your substance dependency.

Addiction treatment centers are open and remain committed to giving you the help you need. However, if you’re still wondering, ‘Should I go to an addiction treatment centre during the pandemic,’ we understand. In the next few paragraphs, we will help you understand why the best time to seek addiction treatment services is now.

Related article: Helpful Addiction Treatment Tips for the Pandemic

Addiction Treatment despite the Pandemic

Why You Should Seek Addiction Treatment despite the Pandemic

The oddities of life which the coronavirus pandemic initiated have a worrying impact on those who have an active substance addiction. Even more, factors such as isolation and accompanying boredom have put many others at risk of developing an addiction. Therefore, if you have a substance abuse problem, you should seek an addiction treatment center during the pandemic. Here are some reasons you should enlist addiction treatment rehab.

Your addiction may get worse during the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has ensured the enforcement of protocols such as self-isolation, social distancing and more. This may lead to boredom, not to mention mental and emotional stress in people who don’t live such a lifestyle. Unfortunately, to avoid these negative feelings, many may turn to alcohol and drugs.

Furthermore, the absence of regular daily routines compounds the problem. For most people, day-to-day schedules such as work, school, or even family responsibilities help slow addiction progression. For instance, someone may hold back on alcohol because they don’t want a hangover at work.

However, since many adults have lost their jobs and most schools are on break, many people have more free time to indulge in substance use without immediate repercussions. Instead of allowing your addiction to get worse, it may be best to seek professional help.

Substance abusers have a greater risk of contracting the virus.

According to experts, patients with a compromised immune system are a greater risk of contracting the coronavirus. That is not all. Immune-compromised patients also have a higher fatality rate. Now, how do these facts relate to you? People with addictions to drugs and alcohol have considerably weaker immune systems. In other words, the coronavirus is a more significant threat to such people.

Now, except you produce your drugs or alcohol (which is rather unlikely), at some point, you’ll run out of supplies. This means that you’d want to go out and get more, thereby exposing yourself unduly to the virus. While you may take precautions such as wearing a face mask, unsanitized packages and money can as quickly transmit the virus.

Instead of risking your life during the times, you may also decide to kick your substance-use habits now. Seek out an addiction treatment centre during the pandemic.

You are at a greater risk of an overdose

risk of an overdose

In the months following March 2020, the sales of alcohol rose by 55% as the isolation laws became effective. This proves that many had the general desire to stock up on their substance of choice. Considering this, it is a safe bet to assume that drug sales also went up during this time. In other words, substance users are trying to limit their contact with the outside world.

While this seems like a safe and smart thing to do, there is a downside. One of the elements of addictive use of substances is the tendency to increase dosage ever so often. Since the chemicals are now more readily available in bulk at home, the chances of an overdose have drastically increased. In light of this, you should reach out to addiction treatment services instead of risking an OD, or worse.

Inpatient addiction treatment qualifies as staying ‘indoors’

Another reason you should seek out an addiction treatment centre during the pandemic is that it is reasonably safer. Unlike the outside world, an addiction rehab facility is more controlled in terms of people traffic. Moreover, there are various medical personnel on-site to attend to your various health needs. So, you can rest assured that you’d be reasonably safe from the pandemic while you give yourself time off to get better. 

Inpatient addiction treatment

Measures We Are Taking To Ensure All Our Inpatients Are Safe During Addiction Treatment

Now that you know you should seek an addiction treatment center, you may be worried about your safety during the pandemic. We understand your fears, and we’ve put stringent measures in place to prevent the spread of the virus. So if you’re wondering, ‘Is addiction rehab safe during COVID-19?’ Here are some of the steps we took to ensure the safety of our clients during treatment.

  • We have enforced pre-admission protocols, which include screening for any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • We have suspended external contact with our residents, including family visits and outside group meetings. This is to protect our patients, staff and their loves ones.
  • We follow strict guidelines on the washing of hands and clothes frequently.
  • We continuously remain vigilant for any flu-like symptoms amongst our patients and even staff.
  • We have enforced social distancing protocols amongst our patients and staff, even during group sessions.
  • Finally, we are keeping our facility clean and decontaminated at all times.

Wrap Up

Postponing addiction treatment may feel like a natural response given the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. However, it is not the best decision. Indeed, the pandemic is the exact reason you should commit your health into professional hands within a safe facility. In other words, you should get treatment at an addiction centre, especially during the pandemic. This way, you can stay safely away from the pandemic while getting the help you need.

Are you looking to kick your substance use habit?  You can use our addiction treatment centre in Canada. We follow all government-stipulated precautions and regulations against the spread of the coronavirus. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.


Related article: Benefits of Group Therapy During Addiction Treatment