Addiction Treatment Tips

Should I Go To an Addiction Treatment Centre during the Pandemic

Understandably, with the coronavirus wreaking havoc worldwide, it may not seem like the best time to seek addiction treatment. However, according to experts, there is no better time than now. Indeed, if you are struggling with substance abuse, we recommend you go to an addiction treatment center, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, there are measures in place to keep you safe.

The decision to go to rehab has always been difficult for people who have a substance addiction. However, in times of crisis, such as the one we live in now, making that decision is even more challenging. Granted, due to how fast the coronavirus spreads, staying at home can seem like a safe decision to make. But, it may quickly become quite the opposite.

You see, pandemic or not, addiction will not go on break, nor will the constant threat of overdose reduce. Therefore, your best move is to take advantage of the fact that addiction treatment centers are open.

However, if you have fears due to the pandemic, you’re not alone. Many other people have questions like ‘can I go to inpatient rehab during COVID-19?’ or ‘is addiction rehab safe in these times? These are perfect relatable questions, and we’ll help you reach the right conclusion. This article will help you understand why seeking an addiction treatment center during the pandemic is the smart move.

Should I Seek Addiction Treatment during the Pandemic

There is no other way to say this than to give a resounding ‘Yes.’ If you have a problem with any substance use, it is crucial that you check-in at an addiction treatment center, especially during the pandemic. You see, the pandemic has generally changed life as we know it. Unfortunately, these drastic changes caused a ripple effect of decline for many people.

We are not saying the coronavirus is not real. Indeed, we have put specific strict measures in place to control the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, we are saying the pandemic should not stop your breaking free from alcohol and drug addiction. After all, there is a reason essential services, including our addiction treatment center, stayed open during the pandemic.

The reason is simple – to ensure that you get help when you need it. So if your question is ‘Can I go inpatient rehab during COVID-19’, you now know you can. Moreover, with various government offices and private employers suspending work, this is the optimal time to address your substance dependency.

Addiction treatment centers are open and remain committed to giving you the help you need. However, if you’re still wondering, ‘Should I go to an addiction treatment centre during the pandemic,’ we understand. In the next few paragraphs, we will help you understand why the best time to seek addiction treatment services is now.

Related article: Helpful Addiction Treatment Tips for the Pandemic

Addiction Treatment despite the Pandemic

Why You Should Seek Addiction Treatment despite the Pandemic

The oddities of life which the coronavirus pandemic initiated have a worrying impact on those who have an active substance addiction. Even more, factors such as isolation and accompanying boredom have put many others at risk of developing an addiction. Therefore, if you have a substance abuse problem, you should seek an addiction treatment center during the pandemic. Here are some reasons you should enlist addiction treatment rehab.

Your addiction may get worse during the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has ensured the enforcement of protocols such as self-isolation, social distancing and more. This may lead to boredom, not to mention mental and emotional stress in people who don’t live such a lifestyle. Unfortunately, to avoid these negative feelings, many may turn to alcohol and drugs.

Furthermore, the absence of regular daily routines compounds the problem. For most people, day-to-day schedules such as work, school, or even family responsibilities help slow addiction progression. For instance, someone may hold back on alcohol because they don’t want a hangover at work.

However, since many adults have lost their jobs and most schools are on break, many people have more free time to indulge in substance use without immediate repercussions. Instead of allowing your addiction to get worse, it may be best to seek professional help.

Substance abusers have a greater risk of contracting the virus.

According to experts, patients with a compromised immune system are a greater risk of contracting the coronavirus. That is not all. Immune-compromised patients also have a higher fatality rate. Now, how do these facts relate to you? People with addictions to drugs and alcohol have considerably weaker immune systems. In other words, the coronavirus is a more significant threat to such people.

Now, except you produce your drugs or alcohol (which is rather unlikely), at some point, you’ll run out of supplies. This means that you’d want to go out and get more, thereby exposing yourself unduly to the virus. While you may take precautions such as wearing a face mask, unsanitized packages and money can as quickly transmit the virus.

Instead of risking your life during the times, you may also decide to kick your substance-use habits now. Seek out an addiction treatment centre during the pandemic.

You are at a greater risk of an overdose

risk of an overdose

In the months following March 2020, the sales of alcohol rose by 55% as the isolation laws became effective. This proves that many had the general desire to stock up on their substance of choice. Considering this, it is a safe bet to assume that drug sales also went up during this time. In other words, substance users are trying to limit their contact with the outside world.

While this seems like a safe and smart thing to do, there is a downside. One of the elements of addictive use of substances is the tendency to increase dosage ever so often. Since the chemicals are now more readily available in bulk at home, the chances of an overdose have drastically increased. In light of this, you should reach out to addiction treatment services instead of risking an OD, or worse.

Inpatient addiction treatment qualifies as staying ‘indoors’

Another reason you should seek out an addiction treatment centre during the pandemic is that it is reasonably safer. Unlike the outside world, an addiction rehab facility is more controlled in terms of people traffic. Moreover, there are various medical personnel on-site to attend to your various health needs. So, you can rest assured that you’d be reasonably safe from the pandemic while you give yourself time off to get better. 

Inpatient addiction treatment

Measures We Are Taking To Ensure All Our Inpatients Are Safe During Addiction Treatment

Now that you know you should seek an addiction treatment center, you may be worried about your safety during the pandemic. We understand your fears, and we’ve put stringent measures in place to prevent the spread of the virus. So if you’re wondering, ‘Is addiction rehab safe during COVID-19?’ Here are some of the steps we took to ensure the safety of our clients during treatment.

  • We have enforced pre-admission protocols, which include screening for any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • We have suspended external contact with our residents, including family visits and outside group meetings. This is to protect our patients, staff and their loves ones.
  • We follow strict guidelines on the washing of hands and clothes frequently.
  • We continuously remain vigilant for any flu-like symptoms amongst our patients and even staff.
  • We have enforced social distancing protocols amongst our patients and staff, even during group sessions.
  • Finally, we are keeping our facility clean and decontaminated at all times.

Wrap Up

Postponing addiction treatment may feel like a natural response given the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. However, it is not the best decision. Indeed, the pandemic is the exact reason you should commit your health into professional hands within a safe facility. In other words, you should get treatment at an addiction centre, especially during the pandemic. This way, you can stay safely away from the pandemic while getting the help you need.

Are you looking to kick your substance use habit?  You can use our addiction treatment centre in Canada. We follow all government-stipulated precautions and regulations against the spread of the coronavirus. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.


Related article: Benefits of Group Therapy During Addiction Treatment

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