Marijuana Addiction

The Amazing Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant that is often smoked by its users. More often than not, the sole reason people do it is to get that “high” feeling, entirely unbothered by the potential benefits of quitting marijuana. Now, you probably already knew all of that, but, we just had to get the formalities out of the way.

benefits of quitting marijuanaFor most people, consuming marijuana is just a recreational activity. However, to some users, nothing compares to that heavenly buzz that comes with smoking it. Unfortunately, that all-so-pleasant buzz isn’t the best thing for you. 

Like many other drugs, a heavy to light marijuana use can lead to several health problems. As such, you must quit using it. In this article, we’ll be looking at the benefits to gain from looking the other way when next someone passes you the blunt.

6 Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

The “joy” of marijuana is in that otherworldly realm that it transports you to every time you take a drag. Besides this, many users believe that it’s great if you’re looking for a bit more focus on your work or you need to relax. 

But, are we sure that marijuana doesn’t take more than it gives? Are there any real advantages to quitting marijuana? Well, let’s take a look.

Improved lung health

Naturally, many people believe that there’s absolutely nothing that can go wrong when you’re using marijuana. So much so that a lesson on how to get rid of marijuana addiction is at the bottom of their priorities. Sadly, this belief has the same footing as the one that says that the earth is flat. In other words, it isn’t true.

Marijuana comes from nature, and there aren’t exactly a ton of ways you can go wrong with mother nature. But, a lot of people smoke the drug, and that is where the problem lies. Your lungs are built for sweet, clean oxygen and an occasional dose of your loved one’s hair at sunset. Among the top things that shouldn’t get into your lungs are water and smoke.

smoke marijuana

When you smoke marijuana over extended periods, you open yourself up to the risk of a number of lung problems. You might not notice them immediately you take your first drag of weed, and you probably won’t notice after the third time either. 

But, it will come. Among other things, you’ll notice that you’re coughing more often and really can’t run that far without pausing for breath.

One of the major benefits of quitting marijuana is that you’ll give your lungs a chance to heal. You’ll be able to breathe easier and you’ll have better lung health.

Improved mental health

After reading that first point, you might belong to the percentage of people who’ll breathe a sigh of relief. After all, you don’t smoke your weed. Perhaps, you cook it into your brownies like the classy stoner that you are.

The truth is that whether you’re eating it or breathing it in, you’re still posing some sort of risk to yourself. Among other things, regular intake of weed can lead to a number of mental health problems. To mention a few, there’s anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts if you’re a teenager, etc.

These might seem easy to cope with. In fact, for some people, anxiety is pretty normalized. But, the more you use marijuana, the worse it gets. You’ll keep taking more and more, and it keeps taking its toll on your brain till there isn’t much of a toll to take anymore.

However, if you quit, you’re less likely to go through these problems. Depending on how far gone you are, you might experience a few withdrawal symptoms ranging from irritability to depression. But, as soon as you get past that stage, it’s all sunshine, rainbows, and clean air.

Related article: Top Reasons Young People Use Marijuana

Focused thinking and clearer thoughts

Focused thinking and clearer thoughts

Usually, when stoners get high, they have this idea in their heads that they’re producing the highest quality of ideas. They go on about how brilliant their new dating app will be or how their spaceship can run infinitely on water.

At the moment, and to them, it sounds pretty great. But, to someone who isn’t tripping on multiple joints, it doesn’t exactly make much sense. 

As such, one of the major reasons to quit weed is that you’ll be able to think better. Without weed, your thoughts will become more coordinated, focused and coherent.

Improves your finances

Admittedly, this isn’t one of the health benefits of quitting marijuana, but it is still a pretty good reason to quit weed nonetheless. In fact, it shouldn’t take much of an explanation, but because we care about you so much, we’ll do it anyway.

Now, the price of weed varies largely from one place to another throughout Canada. This is due to several different factors from blunt quality to sales location, among other things. But, as a regular smoker, we estimate that you’ll have to spend somewhere around $1200 to $2400 if you want to get the “good stuff”.

However, even if you don’t blow through several pounds of weed per month, we still estimate that you’ll spend around $1000 every year. Now, outside these two categories, some enjoy sharing their weed with friends. If you’re this kind of person, we’re willing to wager that you’ll be putting in a lot more than those numbers.

But, another one of the benefits of quitting marijuana is that it saves you from these costs. When you finally make the decision to quit marijuana, you can divert money into better things. With marijuana addiction treatment rehab, you can make things better for your health and your wallet. Increase in motivation levels

Increase in motivation levels

Before we started this relatively lengthy talk on the benefits of quitting marijuana, we mentioned something. It went along the lines of people taking marijuana to relax. Well, if you were in doubt before, it’s true.

Usually, after a stressful day at work, school, or even at home, marijuana addicts smoke. Admittedly, it can be a bit calming. You might not feel that nagging at the back of your mind to go insane with stress. But, this isn’t good because all you’re getting is a false sense of peace.

Your essay isn’t done; you just feel a little better about not doing it. You didn’t meet deadlines at work. Instead, you just feel less stressed out about them. Eventually, you’ll become overly relaxed, miss the deadline, and face the consequences when the weed wears out.

When you eventually learn how to stop smoking weed, this becomes less of a problem for you. You’ll be motivated enough to do what you need to do at the right time. If you’re wondering what will happen to the stress, there are tons of healthier ways to deal with stress.

Improved social life with friends and family

The chances of getting dangerously addicted to weed aren’t ridiculously high. However, they are still there, and they are very real. As such, if you get close to that point, you’ll easily notice a couple of changes in your social life.

For starters, you’ll feel a lot more comfortable when you’re high than when you’re sober. As such, under circumstances that require you to be sober, like a date or an interview, you might find yourself being incredibly anxious. We’re not dating experts, but we’ll say that that’s not exactly the best impression to give your partner.

The Amazing Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

Alongside that, many marijuana users will rather their family members didn’t know they use the drug. Even if your older relations’ opinion doesn’t stress you, you’re not likely to feel the same way about your kids picking up the habit from you. 

As such, you might constantly have to hide it from them or avoid hanging with them so that you can get the next puff. This will affect your relationship with your family on varying degrees.

But, when you quit, you do not have to worry about these problems. You’ll be able to function optimally without marijuana. As an offshoot, you can build solid relationships with those who matter the most to you.

In Conclusion

Some might tell you that weed is a pretty great drug, it enhances you, and there are really no substantial benefits of quitting marijuana. Unfortunately, this isn’t accurate. Marijuana doesn’t always make you the best version of yourself. More often than not, it can serve as an impediment to your improvement as an individual. As such, you have to quit.

However, this isn’t always the easiest thing to do, especially if you’re addicted. But, if you’re truly determined to quit, you can get professional help. In that regard, check out our marijuana treatment services. We offer comprehensive holistic addiction treatment services for residents in Canada and the US. Contact us today! We’re here to help you through your journey. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: How to Recognize Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana Addiction

Treatment for Marijuana Addiction: Why You Need to Stop Smoking

Most people who are in support of marijuana consumption have a number of arguments to “back up” this stance. However, there are facts that point to why you need to stop smoking marijuana. Granted, weed is found in nature. Also, it may have some relaxing properties. However, weed also contains many natural products that are toxic to the body.

The smoke that is produced with marijuana consumption is dangerous to the body. Furthermore, the addictive properties of marijuana can interfere with your social, personal and work life. Over the course of this blog, we discuss the importance of marijuana addiction treatment. Essentially, we explore why you need to stop smoking marijuana, sooner, rather than later.

The Reasons Why You Need Marijuana Addiction Treatment

In this section, we define each of the side effects of smoking marijuana. Furthermore, we break them down in a bid to show you why you should stop smoking.

Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens

A high percentage of marijuana enthusiasts consume the product by smoking. It’s not the only way you can consume marijuana, however, it’s the most common. The clincher is whether you’re using bongs, joints or blunts to consume weed, the number of carcinogens released does not change. 

Carcinogens are chemical substances that have been linked to cancer. With cancer, prevention is far better than cure. Therefore, to ensure your health, get marijuana addiction treatment ASAP.

Marijuana can lead to lung damage

One of the effects of smoking marijuana is lung damage — plain and simple. Regular weed smokers are at a higher risk of getting lung damage compared to non-smokers. This has been proven by a scientific study.

Also, a New Zealand study has shown that lung damage due to cannabis is equal to the damage caused by five cigarettes. The risk to your health is not worth it, at all. 

It is possible to develop a dependency

Granted, marijuana is not as addictive as drugs like cocaine, heroin and methadone. However, it is still possible to get addicted to marijuana. In fact, one from every six smokers ends up addicted to marijuana. Over time, this addiction may blossom into a dependence which is just as worse. 

If you are dependent on weed, you’ll need it for everyday functions. In fact, most addicts do not even know when they start getting dependent on marijuana. It starts with only a few drags in the evening. Then, you start to do it before work. Furthermore, when you get back, it’s your go-to for unwinding after a stressful day. In a few months, you’ll find it impossible to go a day without smoking weed. That’s why you need to stop smoking weed as soon as possible. 

With weed dependence comes a high level of tolerance. You’ll find yourself having to smoke more weed to achieve the same effects. In doing so, you inhale more carcinogens, doing more damage to your lungs and other body systems. 

Related article: The Amazing Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

Weed can make you lose focus on your goals

For a productive existence, marijuana addiction treatment may be necessary, especially if you smoke on a daily basis. When you consume cannabis, it leaves you with a feeling that most people call “baked”. Furthermore, getting baked is a relaxant, rather than a stimulant.

Therefore, if you smoke weed daily, you’ll end up feeling relaxed for too long. Consequently, there won’t be any time left for more productive pursuits. If you’re a student, this usually transmits to a slump in grades. If you have to go to work, you may start to experience reduced performance levels at work.

It depletes nutrients in your body

Your body needs magnesium to stay relaxed. With plenty of dietary mineral magnesium in your body, you’ll feel less on the edge and more relaxed. However, smoking marijuana can counteract this feeling. 

Cannabis has the effect of depleting the body’s natural marijuana reserves. As a result, when the high fades, you are going to start to feel less relaxed and anxious. This can be a double-edged sword. It may mean that you have to turn back to marijuana to feel relaxed again, a scenario that can lead to dependence.  

Marijuana is expensive

If you are wondering why you should stop smoking, your bank balance can give you the answers. According to a United Nations report, marijuana costs about $300 per ounce. Depending on the quality and how much you smoke, you may end up spending three times that figure on a monthly basis. 

In addition to the immediate cost implications, the effects of poor job performance due to weed can also affect your bank balance. You may miss a promotion or worse, get fired. Over one year, these factors can add up to thousands of dollars.

It can affect mental development

People who consume marijuana heavily, especially during their teenage years reach adulthood with lower IQ levels compared to non-smokers. This has to do with the fact that the brain doesn’t stop maturing until the mid-20s. As a result, the use of a mind-altering substance can affect the growth and development of your brain.  

Cannabis can affect your personality

As we discussed earlier, the consumption of weed can deplete your body’s store of nutrients designed to help you feel relaxed. That alone is enough reason why you should stop smoking marijuana. 

However, there’s more to it. Depleted body nutrients can lead to increased anxiety and paranoia. Some of it is justified due to the criminal standing of weed in most states across the country. However, physiologically, the effects of marijuana can start to affect the brain. Combine this with the fuzzy feelings and lack of stimulation to do anything. Then, you have a recipe that can alter your personality — and not for the better.

The Long Term Effects of Weed

Compared to the short-term effects, the long term impact of weed can be more severe. It’s why you should stop smoking as soon as possible. Some of the long-term effects of smoking marijuana include the following:

  • Abnormalities in the brain 
  • Chronic medical depression 
  • The possibility of testicular cancer 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Heart attacks and possible strokes 

How To Stop Smoking Weed: Get Expert Help 

Trying to stop smoking marijuana without expert help can be extremely difficult. The addiction, possible dependence and withdrawal symptoms may make the process an effort in futility. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: How to Stop Smoking Weed

Marijuana Addiction

Common Myths About Marijuana Abuse

Addiction in general is difficult to combat, largely because it often takes a long time for the addicted person to understand and acknowledge that they need help. In many cases, even the loved ones may not realize that there is a problem because the addict hides it so well. In the case of marijuana addiction, these challenges are compounded by some common misconceptions about marijuana, such as the belief that using it is beneficial.

The same can be said for many substances. Prescription opioids can help in the management of chronic pain, and sedatives can help you sleep. But when either of those substances is used improperly or to excess, the consequences can be devastating. The same goes for marijuana. In this blog, we address five marijuana addiction myths. That way, you have the information you need to make important decisions concerning marijuana addiction treatment.

Myth #1: Marijuana Is Good For You

This myth has come about largely because of its increasing use for medical purposes. Although cannabis did not become fully legal in Canada until 2018, government-run medical marijuana programs were implemented as far back as 2001. In the United States, 33 states have legalized medical marijuana, and 57 countries globally allow some form of medical marijuana use. This list is growing all the time.

There is an increasing body of evidence pointing to the efficacy of cannabis in the management of certain medical conditions and symptoms, but it needs to be regarded in the same way as any other medicine: as something to be used as prescribed by a doctor, for a specific medical purpose. 

The fact that some strains of marijuana are used medically does not mean that marijuana as a whole is healthy for consumption.

Myth #2: Marijuana Is Not As Bad As Cigarettes

Marijuana Is Not As Bad As Cigarettes

The dangers of cigarette smoking are well-established, and many people forego cigarettes in favour of marijuana, under the belief that the latter is not as bad.

This is a myth. Marijuana and cigarette smoke contain many of the same carcinogens. Both are associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, as well as some respiratory ailments. Furthermore, as new strains of marijuana are developed with ever-increasing levels of THC, we may see an increase in long-term mental health concerns resulting from the use of these products.

Related article: Top Reasons Young People Use Marijuana

Myth #3: Marijuana Is Not Addictive

One of the main active ingredients of marijuana is THC; it is this substance that produces the psychoactive effects that users experience when they smoke a joint, pipe or bong. And it is this substance to which users become psychologically dependent. With some modern marijuana strains containing up to 200 times more THC than the weed that was smoked during the “hippie” era, this dependence can develop very quickly.

As with most drugs, abrupt withdrawal from marijuana can lead to withdrawal symptoms. The good news is that marijuana withdrawal is generally benign from a medical perspective: there has never been a recorded case of someone dying from marijuana withdrawal. But the symptoms are still very real, and they can be both uncomfortable and frightening. Marijuana withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, nausea and vomiting, cramps, irritation, agitation, and sweating.

Myth #4: Marijuana Is Harmless

There is an entire generation of people now entering their senior years, who claim to have used marijuana frequently during their youth without suffering any ill effects. This, of course, suggests to young people of today that marijuana is harmless. However, this is not true, rather it’s a myth. 

There is a rapidly growing body of research suggesting that regular long-term use of marijuana may, in fact, have some far-reaching implications with regard to cognitive function and mental health. Regular marijuana users are more likely to show a cognitive decline that does not always reverse even after marijuana use stops.

In addition, over a dozen studies have found a strong correlation between regular marijuana use and symptoms of psychosis and/or schizophrenia.

Myth #5: Marijuana Is Not A Gateway Drug

Marijuana Is Not A Gateway Drug

The idea of marijuana being a gateway drug has been widely debated for decades. While not everyone who uses marijuana will go on to use other substances, the risk is definitely higher. People who start using marijuana during their adolescent years are more likely to later abuse other substances than those who do not. 

There is some debate as to why this is. Some speculation exists that marijuana itself causes some changes in the brain that make addiction to other substances more likely, but no studies have verified this. Many people believe that marijuana itself is harmless and that the connection lies in the personalities of the users. In other words, if you are likely to use marijuana, you are equally likely to use other substances.

However, research involving twins shows that this may not be the case. Two separate twin studies showed that a twin who uses marijuana during adolescence is significantly more likely to become addicted to at least one other substance later in life than the twin who does not.

Final Words

It is important to remember that addiction to marijuana often has its roots in stress, depression or anxiety, or trauma. Physical considerations such as chronic pain can also lead to someone becoming addicted.

No matter what leads to the addiction, or how long the addiction has been going on, there is help available. The dangers of marijuana should not be ignored just because it is legal in some places, including Canada. After all, many legally obtainable substances can have devastating impacts. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.


Related article: Addiction Treatment for Marijuana: Why You Need to Stop Smoking

Marijuana Addiction

Addiction Treatment for Marijuana: Why You Need to Stop Smoking

Most people who are in support of marijuana consumption have a number of arguments to “back up” this stance. However, there are facts that point to why you need to stop smoking marijuana. Granted, weed is found in nature. Also, it may have some relaxing properties. However, weed also contains many natural products that are toxic to the body.

The smoke that is produced with marijuana consumption is dangerous to the body. Furthermore, the addictive properties of marijuana can interfere with your social, personal and work life. Over the course of this blog, we discuss the importance of marijuana addiction treatment. Essentially, we explore why you need to stop smoking marijuana, sooner, rather than later.

The Reasons Why You Need Marijuana Addiction Treatment

In this section, we define each of the side effects of smoking marijuana. Furthermore, we break them down in a bid to show you why you should stop smoking.

Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens

Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens

A high percentage of marijuana enthusiasts consume the product by smoking. It’s not the only way you can consume marijuana, however, it’s the most common. The clincher is whether you’re using bongs, joints or blunts to consume weed, the number of carcinogens released does not change. 

Carcinogens are chemical substances that have been linked to cancer. With cancer, prevention is far better than cure. Therefore, to ensure your health, get marijuana addiction treatment ASAP.

Marijuana can lead to lung damage

One of the effects of smoking marijuana is lung damage — plain and simple. Regular weed smokers are at a higher risk of getting lung damage compared to non-smokers. This has been proven by a scientific study.

Also, a New Zealand study has shown that lung damage due to cannabis is equal to the damage caused by five cigarettes. The risk to your health is not worth it, at all. 

It is possible to develop a dependency

Granted, marijuana is not as addictive as drugs like cocaine, heroin and methadone. However, it is still possible to get addicted to marijuana. In fact, one from every six smokers ends up addicted to marijuana. Over time, this addiction may blossom into a dependence which is just as worse. 

If you are dependent on weed, you’ll need it for everyday functions. In fact, most addicts do not even know when they start getting dependent on marijuana. It starts with only a few drags in the evening. Then, you start to do it before work. Furthermore, when you get back, it’s your go-to for unwinding after a stressful day. In a few months, you’ll find it impossible to go a day without smoking weed. That’s why you need to stop smoking weed as soon as possible. 

With weed dependence comes a high level of tolerance. You’ll find yourself having to smoke more weed to achieve the same effects. In doing so, you inhale more carcinogens, doing more damage to your lungs and other body systems. 

Weed can make you lose focus on your goals

For a productive existence, marijuana addiction treatment may be necessary, especially if you smoke on a daily basis. When you consume cannabis, it leaves you with a feeling that most people call “baked”. Furthermore, getting baked is a relaxant, rather than a stimulant.

Therefore, if you smoke weed daily, you’ll end up feeling relaxed for too long. Consequently, there won’t be any time left for more productive pursuits. If you’re a student, this usually transmits to a slump in grades. If you have to go to work, you may start to experience reduced performance levels at work.

Related article: How to Stop Smoking Weed

It depletes nutrients in your body

Your body needs magnesium to stay relaxed. With plenty of dietary mineral magnesium in your body, you’ll feel less on the edge and more relaxed. However, smoking marijuana can counteract this feeling. 

Cannabis has the effect of depleting the body’s natural marijuana reserves. As a result, when the high fades, you are going to start to feel less relaxed and anxious. This can be a double-edged sword. It may mean that you have to turn back to marijuana to feel relaxed again, a scenario that can lead to dependence.  

Marijuana is expensive

If you are wondering why you should stop smoking, your bank balance can give you the answers. According to a United Nations report, marijuana costs about $300 per ounce. Depending on the quality and how much you smoke, you may end up spending three times that figure on a monthly basis. 

In addition to the immediate cost implications, the effects of poor job performance due to weed can also affect your bank balance. You may miss a promotion or worse, get fired. Over one year, these factors can add up to thousands of dollars.

It can affect mental development

People who consume marijuana heavily, especially during their teenage years reach adulthood with lower IQ levels compared to non-smokers. This has to do with the fact that the brain doesn’t stop maturing until the mid-20s. As a result, the use of a mind-altering substance can affect the growth and development of your brain.  

Cannabis can affect your personality

Cannabis can affect your personality

As we discussed earlier, the consumption of weed can deplete your body’s store of nutrients designed to help you feel relaxed. That alone is enough reason why you should stop smoking marijuana. 

However, there’s more to it. Depleted body nutrients can lead to increased anxiety and paranoia. Some of it is justified due to the criminal standing of weed in most states across the country. However, physiologically, the effects of marijuana can start to affect the brain. Combine this with the fuzzy feelings and lack of stimulation to do anything. Then, you have a recipe that can alter your personality — and not for the better.

The Long Term Effects of Weed

Compared to the short-term effects, the long term impact of weed can be more severe. It’s why you should stop smoking as soon as possible. Some of the long-term effects of smoking marijuana include the following:

  • Abnormalities in the brain 
  • Chronic medical depression 
  • The possibility of testicular cancer 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Heart attacks and possible strokes 

How To Stop Smoking Weed: Get Expert Help 

Trying to stop smoking marijuana without expert help can be extremely difficult. The addiction, possible dependence and withdrawal symptoms may make the process an effort in futility.

Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.


Related article: The Amazing Benefits of Quitting Marijuana


Marijuana Addiction

Clearing the Smoke on Marijuana: Is It Harmless After All?

Marijuana use has split people into two camps: those firmly against it and all of its uses, including medical ones and those who are backing up its potential and harmlessness for both therapeutic reasons as well as recreational ones. This situation is particularly more alive than ever in North America. The use of cannabis as a medical treatment has been legal since 2001, while the sale, possession, and use of recreational cannabis will be legalized as of October 17, 2018.

Even before that, Canada ranked at the very top of countries with highest rates of cannabis use in the world. While a spliff won’t automatically push someone into addiction, people can become addicted easily with continued, frequent and heavy use. There is a huge knowledge gap here, especially among Canadian teenagers who view marijuana as a harmless herb and as they put it, helps them to be more relax, focus and drive better, be less violent and think more creatively. What they are not aware of is that using marijuana at such an early age when the brain is still developing can lead to cognitive impairment and paired up with mental issues predisposition is nothing short than a recipe for disaster.

It is true that regardless of age however, some people are more likely to becoming addicted than their peers. Numbers estimate thatone in three individuals who use cannabis will develop a substance problem. If a person uses the drug on a daily basis, the risk skyrockets to up to 50%. In reality, using cannabis can cause quite the opposite effects than what many believe: it compromises concentration and motor skills as well as the ability to think and make decisions rationally. It has also been shown to induce anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia.

Related article: Addiction Treatment for Marijuana: Why You Need to Stop Smoking

As with all drugs, no one can guarantee the effects considering they very much depend on personal circumstances. With cannabis it will depend on the amount used, the time and frequency of use, the method of taking the drug (smoked, vaped, eaten), the person’s mood, expectations and environment, pre-existing conditions and genetic factors and if it is being taken alongside alcohol or other drugs. All of these factors will also have an impact on how long the effects will last and their intensity.

The good news is that the risk of addiction is lower than the ones for alcohol or opioids for example and an overdose cannot be fatal. Nevertheless, this does not eliminate the risks it poses to a person’s health and well-being. Cognitive behavioural therapy is the most popular treatment program for marijuana rehab. The therapy works by educating the recovering user of healthy and effective ways to perceive their lives and their addiction while also offering the necessary coping mechanisms and alternatives to avoid continued use. Contact 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab & Treatment Centre for addiction treatment programs.

Related article: The Amazing Benefits of Quitting Marijuana